Category Archives: BBG

International Broadcasters Call for End of Satellite Jamming


Geneva, Switzerland — Five of the largest international broadcasters have called upon delegates now convening in Geneva for an international treaty-making conference to address the problem of intentional interference with satellite transmissions. The practice, known as “satellite uplink jamming,” seeks to disrupt international broadcast coverage. Read more »

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VOA Steps up TV Coverage in Burma

VOA Burmese Service Chief Than Lwin Htun and co-anchor Nyo Nyo Lwin.

Washington, D.C. — VOA is adding more news to its Burmese language TV news magazine.  Starting Tuesday morning at 7:00 am local time, the half-hour show begins with a new fast-paced daily summary of the latest developments from the region and around the world. The Read more »

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VOA Pays Tribute to Reporter Slain in Pakistan


Washington, D.C. —  Friends and colleagues of slain VOA reporter Mukarram Khan Aatif paid tribute Friday to a “courageous man” who refused to be intimidated by the Pakistani militants who took responsibility for his murder. VOA Director David Ensor noted that Mr. Aatif, “had been Read more »

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Richard Lobo joins RIAS Berlin Commission


Washington, D.C. — Richard Lobo has been appointed by the U.S. ambassador to Germany, Philip Murphy, to the RIAS Berlin Commission, a bi-national organization that promotes German-American understanding in the field of broadcasting.  With historic roots tied to “Radio in the American Sector” of Berlin Read more »

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BBG Calls for Agency Restructuring

Washington, D.C. — The Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) announced its intention to restructure U.S. international broadcasting. It will seek legislation that would include establishing a Chief Executive Officer to manage the enterprise. In addition, the Board called for a plan to consolidate the agency’s Read more »

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BBG Condemns Signal Interference as Rights Threat

Washington, D.C. — The Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) condemned the purposeful interference with broadcast transmissions to Iran as a threat to human rights and cited new evidence that jamming signals are now emanating from Syria. “Recent interference with the Eutelsat satellite originates from near Read more »

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