For Immediate Release: 
July 27, 2012

Katie GrantDaniel Reilly, 202-225-3130

Democrats Urge Republicans to Pass Tax Cut Extension and Jobs Bills, Help American Families


This week, the Senate has passed a bill extending middle class tax cuts for those making up to $250,000, which would prevent a tax increase on 98% of Americans and 97% of small businesses. On Monday, I will join with the House Democratic Leadership and Democrats on the Ways and Means Committee to introduce identical legislation in the HouseWe could pass this bill immediately and the President would sign it into law, giving middle class families and small businesses certainty that their taxes won’t go up in January. I urge my Republican colleagues to stop holding middle class taxes hostage to tax cuts for the wealthy, and instead join with us to pass this tax cut immediately.

Unfortunately Republicans have repeatedly refused to take up legislation that has successfully passed the Senate with bipartisan support.  So far, House Republicans have refused to take up several crucial bills, including a reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act, the Postal Reform bill, and the Farm Bill.  Time and again House Republicans have shown their priority is not to govern for the middle class as they stall these bills.  In the last week before the August district work period, I encourage House Republicans to pass serious job-creation legislation and extend tax cuts for middle class Americans.

Sincerely yours,


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