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Online Geospatial Metadata Resources

The following online metadata resources are maintained by NSDI stakeholders:

General Geospatial Metadata Resources

Geospatial Metadata Education

 Sample Metadata

Search for samples of metadata by data type at:


Metadata Tool Reviews


Geospatial Metadata Listserver

Metadata Publishing and Clearinghouses

Keyword Thesauri and Attribute Label Definition Sources

Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata Resources

CSDGM Publications


CSDGM Metadata Creation Software

Freeware/Shareware tools

  • tkme - USGS CSDGM metadata editor (Windows)
  • xtme - USGS CSDGM metadata editor (Unix)
  • MERMAid - NOAA online CSDGM editor with validation, storage and export
  • Metavist 2005 - USDA Forest Service desktop CSDGM metadata editor (Windows)
  • EPA Metadata Editor (EME) - EPA extension to ESRI ArcCatalog CSDGM metadata editor

Commercial tools

CSDGM Metadata Validation Software and Services

Freeware/Shareware tools

North American Profile (NAP) of ISO 19115 Geographic Information – Metadata Resources

Documents and Presentations

Transforms and Other Applications

Last Updated: Dec 20, 2011 04:30 PM
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