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Equipment Standardization

Photo: Mask Prototyping EquipmentFor several years, ECBC has tested and evaluated the performance of new equipment designed to protect against, detect or decontaminate chemical and biological agents for government agencies and private companies. Since Sept. 11, 2001, ECBC has been called upon to assist in the development of the very standards by which this equipment is appraised. A world leader in providing reliable science, technology and engineering solutions to chemical and biological related problems, ECBC is heading a national effort to standardize and validate various chemical and biological defense equipment earmarked for military deployment or civilian use. For more information on these and other services please contact engineering.directorate@apgea.army.mil.

Recent News

Recently, ECBC signed an interagency agreement with the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health and the National Institute for Standards and Technology for the development of chemical biological respiratory protection guidelines. In support of this work, ECBC is recommending standards commercial producers of this equipment should meet and crafting test procedures to validate standard certification.









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