Contact Us: FAQ




If I enlist, can I become an officer later?

General Statement: We have four programs that are available for enlisted personnel to apply for a commission/become an officer. They are as follows:

  1. One-Year Professional Officer Course-Early Release Program (1-Year POC-ERP). Our newest initiative…if you are within a year of graduation…we have a deal for you!
  2. Airman Scholarship and Commissioning Program (ASCP). Go to college with a $15,000 scholarship!
  3. Scholarships for Outstanding Airmen to ROTC (SOAR). SOAR is the commander's program to select outstanding airmen to earn a commission with a $15,000 college scholarship.
  4. Professional Officer Course-Early Release Program (POC-ERP). Within two years of a bachelor's degree? Already have a bachelor's degree and want to earn your master's degree? Too old for ASCP or SOAR? POC-ERP may be your ticket! This is a fast program...find out if you're selected in about two weeks!

For more information on this subject, you can chat with one of our online advisers or click here to contact us and get in touch with your local recruiter.

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What is Air Force Officer Training School (OTS)?

OTS is a small and highly specialized school that prepares college graduates for leadership roles in the Air Force. The school's motto, "Always with Honor," reflects the ethical and professional standards expected of Air Force officers. The school is located at Maxwell Air Force Base near Montgomery, AL and is 12 weeks long.

For more information on this subject, you can chat with one of our online advisers or click here to contact us and get in touch with your local recruiter.

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What are the vision requirements to become a pilot?

If someone is applying to be a pilot, the minimum vision requirement is distant visual acuity no worse than 20/70 — each eye correctable to 20/20; near vision to be 20/20 — each eye without correction.

For more information on this subject, you can chat with one of our online advisers or click here to contact us and get in touch with your local recruiter.

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What do I need to do to prepare for OTS?

While in college, work for the best grades. Physical fitness is essential. Take part in a vigorous team sports and in strenuous individual sports such as jogging, racquetball and swimming. Develop leadership abilities. Participate in student council or the debate team — both provide valuable experience.

For more information on this subject, you can chat with one of our online advisers or click here to contact us and get in touch with your local recruiter.

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Where can I find more information about the AFQT?

For more information on this subject, you can chat with one of our online advisers or click here to contact us and get in touch with your local recruiter.

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