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Utilities Infrastructure Modernization (UIM)


The Project

The Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (Jefferson Lab) is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Science with strong support from the City of Newport News and the Commonwealth of Virginia. As a user facility for scientists worldwide, its primary mission is to conduct basic research of the atom's nucleus at the quark level. Jefferson Lab maintains a large-scale use facility with advanced instrumentation to support four core competencies in support of the Office of Science's mission: nuclear physics, accelerator science, and applied nuclear science and technology.

The current cryogenic, power distribution, cooling water, and communication utility system gaps at TJNAF jeopardize its capability to provide the unique competencies to deliver its mission and customer focus within the DOE laboratory system. This infrastructure is essential to operation of TJNAF.

This project includes replacement and upgrading of the accelerator site electrical distribution feeders, replacement of cooling towers serving accelerator operations, providing additional cooling and uninterruptable power for the computer center, upgrading of the cryogenics test facility to support cryomodule development and testing, and improving site communications infrastructure. This project will extend the life of existing utilities infrastructure and provide additional capacity to meet the Lab’s science mission. The design will emphasize more open, collaborative, and flexible environments to respond to future mission needs.

The Science

The Utilities Infrastructure Modernization project will provide and upgrade several critical utility systems and provide additional needed capacity to support research in the areas of nuclear physics, accelerator science, applied nuclear science and technology, and advanced instrumentation. Research programs affected by this acquisition include the following:

Nuclear Physics-
Experimental hall programs
CEBAF nuclear physics
Facility For Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB)
Electron - Ion collider development and physics support

High Energy Physics
Project X - proton driver
International Linear Collider-
Muon collider

Basic Energy Sciences-
SNS upgrade
21st Century light sources - large scale
Compact light sources

The Schedule

Milestone Description Date (Actual A)
CD-0 Approve Mission Need 18 Sept 2009 (A)
CD-1 Approve Alternative Selective and Cost Range 4th Qtr FY10
CD-2 Approve Performance baseline 3rd Qtr FY11
CD-3 Construction Phase 4th Qtr FY11
CD-4B Project Closeout 4th Qtr FY14