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Iraq Theater & Other Conflicts

On Dec.1, 2011, the responsibility to account for missing U.S. personnel in Iraq transferred from the U.S. Central Command to DPMO. In accordance with the Missing Service Personnel Act, the current number of personnel missing from operations in Iraq is six — two service members from Desert Storm; and one service member and three DoD contractors from Iraqi Freedom.

DPMO is not only responsible for accounting for service members missing from past conflicts, it also provides policy and oversight of efforts to account for and recover personnel, such as Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who have become separated from their units during more recent actions. This includes the rescue, recovery, and reintegration of captured or missing personnel through diplomatic and military means. DPMO works to ensure that personnel accounting policies address the challenges of accounting in modern conflicts, including properly training and accounting for the increasing numbers of DoD contractors and civilians who accompany the military force.

Much of the emphasis for current personnel recovery focuses on preventing or preparing service members, civilians and contractors for isolation, and training to provide proper response in the event that they are captured. Improvements in technology, comprehensive planning, training and education, and improved command and control have all combined to form a rapid, well organized response to isolating events. DPMO continues to ensure lessons learned during current conflicts are incorporated into future capabilities.

The policy of the United States, to never offer remuneration for the return of captured personnel, serves as a deterrent to hostage-takers and is one of the keys to protecting our service members.


Operation El Dorado Canyon, 1986
  • Capt. Paul F. Lorence, U.S. Air Force, was lost on April 15, 1986, when his F-111 aircraft was downed during a strike over Libya.
Operation Desert Storm, 1991
  • Lt. Cmdr. Barry T. Cooke, U.S. Navy, was lost on Feb. 2, 1991, when his A-6 aircraft went down in the Persian Gulf.
  • Lt. Robert J. Dwyer, U.S. Navy, was lost on Feb. 5, 1991, when his FA-18 aircraft went down in the Persian Gulf.
Operation Iraqi Freedom, 2003-2010
  • Mr. Kirk Von Ackermann, DoD contractor, was lost on Oct. 9, 2003, while working in Forward Operating Base Pacesetter, Iraq.
  • Mr. Timothy E. Bell, DoD contractor, was lost on April 9, 2004, while working in Baghdad, Iraq.
  • Mr. Adnan al-Hilawi, DoD contractor, was lost on March 3, 2007, while working in Baghdad, Iraq.