Congressman MIKE ROGERS | Representing Michigan’s 8th Congressional District


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Contact: Dave Yonkman 202.225.4872

Rogers Introduces Asian Carp Prevention Act of 2012

Washington, Aug 2 - U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers, MI-08, today introduced the bipartisan Asian Carp Prevention Act of 2012 with six other members of the Michigan delegation to ensure that the necessary precautions are in place to stop Asian carp from entering the Great Lakes.

“As the threat of Asian carp continues to knock at the door of the Great Lakes, we must make certain that preventive measures are in place to deny entry to this incredibly harmful invasive species,” Rogers said. “The potential consequences of failing to prevent the infiltration of Asian carp could prove disastrous not only to the thriving Great Lakes ecosystem, but also to the booming Great Lakes economy that relies on a healthy fishing industry that is valued at $7 billion on the U.S. side alone.”

The bill would direct the Secretary of the Army to coordinate and lead federal actions to prevent the spread of Asian Carp in the Great Lakes and its tributaries, including but not limited to installing new barriers, applying piscicides, improving locks and taking action at the Brandon Road Lock.


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