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USIP President: U.S. Needs to Support Fair Afghan Elections

USIP President: U.S. Needs to Support Fair Afghan Elections

During a recent visit to Kabul, USIP President Jim Marshall discusses Afghanistan’s upcoming elections and their strategic importance for the U.S.

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Burma/Myanmar Democracy Activist Suu Kyi Speaks at USIP

Burma/Myanmar Democracy Activist Suu Kyi Speaks at USIP

Burma’s democracy champion Daw Aung San Suu Kyi on Sept. 18 spoke at USIP, calling for continued U.S. support for her nation’s transition to democracy.

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USIP Condemns Incendiary Film and Violent Reactions

USIP Condemns Incendiary Film and Violent Reactions

USIP President Jim Marshall issued a statement condemning the “Innocence of Muslims” film and the violent reactions to it.

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USIP's New Blog, a Conversation on Security, Stability, and Peacebuilding

The Olive Branch: USIP’s new blog, a conversation on security, stability and peacebuilding.

New posts: "The Security Challenges Facing Nigeria" and "The Day After Project and the European Union Parliament."

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  • October 10, 2012   |   Event

    The School of Public Policy at George Mason University (GMU) and the United States Institute of Peace (USIP) are jointly organizing a one-day conference focusing on the Pakistani youth, public policy options, and the prospects for peace in the long run.

  • October 9, 2012   |   Course

    Explore successful humanitarian assistance and longer-term needs for social well-being and development in fragile states. Analyze the links between social well-being—particularly health, education, environmental protection, and refugee needs—and security, governance, rule of law, and economic development.

  • October 5, 2012   |   In the Field

    USIP sponsored a peacebuilding and conflict management workshop from September 20 through October 1in Turkey. Eleven leaders represented all of the major Sufi orders and came from both rural and urban centers. In addition to an intensive workshop, the program intended for the Pakistanis to learn from Turkish civil society organizations and to better understand their model of religious moderation.

  • October 4, 2012   |   News Feature

    Several Syrian opposition activists engaged in a project known as “The Day After” appeared at the USIP on October 4 to discuss the challenges of achieving a post-Assad democratic transition amid intensifying violence, militarization of the revolution, sectarian tensions and repression by the Syrian regime.

  • October 4, 2012   |   News Releases

     The United States Institute of Peace releases “Facilitating Dialogue: USIP’s Work in Conflict Zones,” edited by David R. Smock and Daniel Serwer, a new volume that showcases USIP’s efforts to apply the tools of facilitated dialogue to international conflicts.

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