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We post solicitations for renewable energy generation, renewable energy certificates, and green power as a courtesy to our web site visitors. Unless otherwise noted, these requests for proposals (RFPs) and solicitations are neither supported nor endorsed by the U.S. Department of Energy, Green Power Network.



October 15, 2012 Seattle City Light RFP seeking 150,000 megawatt-hours of renewable energy or renewable energy certificates per year, starting in 2020. Qualifying projects must comply with Washington State's renewable portfolio standard. Notice of intent to respond due by October 1, 2012. Additional Information: Seattle City Light - Resource Acquisitions
Contact: Robert Cromwell, Jr., 206-684-3856
Auction -
October 16, 2012
SREC Trade Massachusetts 2012 Solar Renewable Energy Certificate Auction with certificates available from Q1 MA2012 and the upcoming Q2 2012 Massachusetts SREC issuance. The auction is live, open to buyers and sellers, and will end on Tuesday, October 16 at 5:00 p.m. Eastern.
Contact:, 877-466-4606
October 23, 2012 FirstEnergy Corporation RFP seeking 14,500 Solar Photovoltaic Alternative Energy Credits (SPAEC) per year for Metropolitan Edison Company, Pennsylvania Electric Company, and Pennsylvania Power Company to meet requirements of Pennsylvania's Alternative Energy Portfolio Standards (AEPS) Act. The RFP seeks a 10-year SPAEC-sale agreement of 14,500 SPAECs total per reporting year (June 1- May 31) as defined under the AEPS. Tranches of 500 SPAECs per reporting year are available and bids should include the price/number of tranches each bidder will look to supply over a 10-year period.
October 24, 2012 Hawaii County Department of Water Supply (DWS) RFP seeking proposals for the furnishing, delivery, installation, operation, and maintenance of a wind energy generation facility in the vicinity of eight existing DWS wells within the Lalamilo-Parker well system. Project entails wind generation system to supply electricity to wells; installing power lines and connecting four existing Parker wells to the new wind farm equipment; installing Supervisory Control and Data equipment so that the pump motors can maximize the use of renewable energy generated electricity; and successfully negotiating a Power Purchase Agreement with DWS and a Standard Three Party Interconnection Agreement with Hawai'i Electric Light Company. Qualification Questionnaire Form (Appendix A) is due by August 13, 2012.
Contact: Quirino Antonio, Jr., 808-961-8050
October 29, 2012 FirstEnergy Corporation RFP seeking the purchase of All-States Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs) and both In-State and All-States Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) for its Ohio utilities in order to help meet the renewable energy benchmarks established under Ohio's energy law. Specifically, the RFP seeks 7,500 SRECs generated in Ohio or in states contiguous to Ohio; 140,000 RECs generated in Ohio; and 175,000 RECs generated in Ohio or states contiguous to Ohio. The RFP is a competitive process managed by Navigant Consulting, Inc. An informational webinar will be held on October 4, 2012 and the credit application is due by October 22, 2012.
Contact: Dan Bradley, 516-876-4036
October 31, 2012 Nassau County, New York RFP seeking proposals for the siting, design, construction and operation of photovoltaic facilities installed on certain County properties and buildings. The County seeks to enter into a long-term lease or license to operate utility-scale installations of solar where feasible. It is expected that generated electricity will be sold to Long Island Power Authority through the LIPA Feed-In-Tariff. Mandatory pre-proposal conference will be held on October 10, 2012.
Contact: Sean E. Sallie
November 8, 2012 New York State Energy Research and Development Authority RFP seeking proposals for the installation of customer-sited photovoltaic projects greater than 50 kilowatts (kW) in size. Complete proposals that demonstrate project viability and capability will be competitively selected based on their incentive bid in dollars per kilowatt hour ($/kWh). At least $36.4M in funding is available for the November 2012 deadline. A teleconference will be held on September 13, 2012.
Contact: Paul Vainauskas, 518-862-1090, ext. 3554
November 13, 2012 Portland General Electric Company (PGE) RFP seeking power generating resources to comply wth Oregon's renewable energy standard. The RFP is seeking approximately 100 megawatts of renewable power, and must meet a minimum size of at least 10 megawatts. Eligible generation technologies include wind, geothermal, biomass, biogas, solar and hydroelectric power. PGE anticipates that the acquired resources will be brought into the company's portfolio in the 2013-2017 timeframe. Accion Group, Inc. will help conduct the RFP.
Contact: Steve Corson, 503-464-8444
November 15, 2012 Connecticut Resources Recovery Authority (CRRA) RFP seeking qualified solar developers to own, design, permit, install, operate and maintain photovoltaic equipment under an agreement for a minimum of 15 years on any or all of three selected CRRA properties located on the Ellington Landfill, Shelton Landfill, or Waterbury Bulky Waste Landfill in Connecticut. A notice of interest is required on October 10 by 3 p.m. (ET) to attend the mandatory October 11 pre-bid site tours.
Contact: Roger Guzowski, 860-757-7742 (fax)
November 30, 2012 Southern California Public Power Authority RFP (PDF 52 KB) seeking proposals for renewable energy projects that can deliver 2,000 gigawatt-hours (GWh) per year in 2014 and an additional combination of projects able to deliver another 3,000 GWh per year beginning in 2017, for a total addition of approximately 5,000 (GWh) per year by 2020.
Contact: Julie Filipe, 626-793-9364
December 21, 2012 Detroit Edison RFP seeking one or more large solar photovoltaic (PV) installations as part of its utility-owned SolarCurrents program. The utility is seeking PV installations that range in size from 500 kilowatts to 2 megawatts. The RFP will be conducted in two steps: first to identify sites and second to seek price and design information for the most desirable sites.
Contact: Scott Simons, 313-235-8808 | Len Singer, 313-235-8809
February 15, 2013 New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC) RFP seeking proposals for the long-term lease of approximately 75 acres of land on and adjacent to the former Fresh Kills Landfill for the ownership, design, construction, and operation of utility-scale installations of solar and wind energy facilities.
Bids Accepted While Capacity Available Associated Electric Cooperative Inc. (AECI) RFP seeks purchasers of surplus capacity, renewable capacity, and energy. ACEI is projected to have surplus system capacity from 2012 through 2020 and is seeking counterparties interested in purchasing capacity and/or energy in this period.
Contact: Bill Alkier, 417-885-9376
Daily Auction Flett Exchange Solar Renewable Energy Certificate Auction with SRECs available from New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Washington D.C. and Ohio. RPS buyers and solar REC sellers can buy or sell daily.
Contact:, 201-209-0234
No Deadline Green States Energy RFP offering up to 7,100 megawatt-hours per year of solar energy and/or the PJM-GATS or M-RETS registered SRECs. The SRECs originate from two separate projects that meet Ohio Alternative Energy Resource Standard and S.B. 221 requirements.
Contact: Matt Lee, 502-614-2313
No Deadline Progress Energy Carolinas RFP seeking to purchase qualifying "all-in" generation from non-solar renewable resources that are less than 10 MW via power purchase agreement to meet the North Carolina RPS requirements.
Contact: Nancy Barwick,
No Deadline Progress Energy Florida RFP seeking cost-effective renewable projects that offset the need for new power plants. Preference is granted to projects larger than 1 MW in generation capacity, projects must be reliable, and located in Florida.

RFP Submissions

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