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Harnitchek announces inaugural Strategic Goals Award winners
Five individuals and teams are the first winners of the DLA Strategic Goals Award, also known as the “Big Ideas” awards.
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Audit readiness roadshow tour highlights achievements, goals
With six “shows” behind her and two more to go, Defense Logistics Agency Deputy Director of Finance Simone Reba hosted an audit readiness roadshow Oct. 3 for McNamara Headquarters Complex employees.
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DLA announces Employees of the Quarter for third quarter fiscal 2012
Omar Khlifi, a property disposal specialist with DLA Disposition Services, and Philip Ford, a police officer with DLA Installation Support, are the DLA Employees of the Quarter winners for the third quarter of fiscal 2012.
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DLA Energy, French military share knowledge on naval fuel supply (video)
Meeting the fuel demands of a modern navy can become even more complicated in light of force coalitions and multinational missions. This video covers a recent visit by a group of logisticians from the French military to DLA Energy to share knowledge and lessons learned in naval fuel supply.
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Headquarters complex kicks off 2012 Combined Federal Campaign
“When you’re part of the CFC, you’ve got someone’s back. You’re all in the position to do that, no matter how tough you think it is. There are people out there who have it a lot worse than we do,” guest speaker Olympic runner Derek Redmond Grandinetti said.
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Event speaker encourages employees to take charge of careers
Focus on yourself and take charge of your career were the main messages delivered Oct. 2 by the guest speaker at the McNamara Headquarters Complex’s National Hispanic Heritage Month event, hosted by the Defense Contract Audit Agency.
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DLA director builds relationship with U.S. military clothing makers
Fortifying industry partnerships is vital to help the Defense Logistics Agency meet budget reductions, DLA Director Navy Vice Adm. Mark Harnitchek told a group of military clothing and textiles suppliers at a Sept. 28 trade association meeting in Philadelphia.
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DLA meets second milestone on audit readiness journey
The Defense Logistics Agency has met a second milestone on the path to be audit ready by 2015. The agency has certified that it has a method for balancing its books, according to a memo signed by DLA Finance Director Tony Poleo Sept. 26.
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Director speaks at conference, visits DLA team members in Alaska
With $46 billion in sales, fiscal 2011 was one of the Defense Logistics Agency’s biggest years, DLA Director Navy Vice Adm. Mark Harnitchek told attendees at the 66th Annual National Defense Transportation Agency Logistics and Transportation Forum and Exposition in Anchorage, Alaska, Sept. 25.
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DLA recruitment cadre expanding efforts to hire veterans
The Defense Logistics Agency’s Corporate Recruitment Cadre, an agencywide team of DLA employees, is busy expanding its efforts to hire veterans.
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