On Wednesday, the House will meet at 10:00 a.m. for Morning Hour debate and 12:00 p.m. for legislative business.

First votes expected: 1:00 – 2:00 p.m.

Last votes expected: 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.

“One Minutes” (15 per side)

 Suspension (1 bill)

  1. H.R. 6168 – President Obama’s Proposed 2012-2017 Offshore Drilling Lease Sale Plan Act (Rep. Hastings (WA) – Natural Resources)

Complete Consideration of H.R. 6082 – Replace President Obama's Responsible Job-Creating Drilling Plan with Another Big-Oil Giveaway Act (Rep. Hastings (WA) – Natural Resources)

Postponed Amendment Votes (6 amendments)

Rep. Holt Amendment #14
Rep. Markey Amendment #4
Rep. Markey Amendment #5
Rep. Holt Amendment #13
Rep. Hastings (FL) Amendment #9
Rep. Hastings (FL) Amendment #10

Postponed Suspension (1 bill)

  1. H.R. 459 – Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2012 (Rep. Paul – Oversight and Government Reform/Financial Services)

Begin Consideration of H.R. 4078 – ‘Red Tape Reduction Act’ (Rep. Griffin – Oversight and Government Reform/Judiciary)

The Rule provides for two hours of general debate and makes in order the following amendments:

Rep. Hastings (FL) Amendment (10 minutes of debate)
Rep. Conyers Amendment
(10 minutes of debate)
Rep. Kucinich Amendment
(10 minutes of debate)
Rep. Lipinski Amendment
(10 minutes of debate)
Rep. Markey Amendment
(10 minutes of debate)
Rep. Watt Amendment
(10 minutes of debate)
Rep. Loebsack Amendment
(10 minutes of debate)
Rep. Richardson Amendment #8
(10 minutes of debate)
Rep. Richardson Amendment #10
(10 minutes of debate)
Rep. Connolly Amendment
(10 minutes of debate)
Rep. Posey Amendment #48
(10 minutes of debate)
Rep. Nadler Amendment
(10 minutes of debate)
Rep. McKinley Amendment
(10 minutes of debate)
Rep. Schweikert Amendment
(10 minutes of debate)
Rep. Miller (CA) Amendment
(10 minutes of debate)
Rep. Woolsey Amendment
(10 minutes of debate)
Rep. Johnson (GA) Amendment
(10 minutes of debate)
Rep. Waters Amendment
(10 minutes of debate)
Reps. Fitzpatrick/Garrett Amendment
(10 minutes of debate)
Rep. Posey Amendment #50
(10 minutes of debate)
Rep. Maloney Amendment
(10 minutes of debate)
Reps. Manzullo/McIntyre Amendment
(10 minutes of debate)
Rep. Lummis Amendment
#39 (10 minutes of debate)
Rep. Lummis Amendment #40
(10 minutes of debate)
Rep. Posey Amendment #68
(10 minutes of debate)