WSJ Logo - Reuters - CNBC - A Guide to Small Business Expiring Tax Rates at Year's End - FCC Chairman Genachowski Testifies Before Committee - The Hill - POLITICO NO LINES.jpg - Sam on Fox - CNN Money - Small Business on Obamacare: No Reason to Hire or Invest - SBA Administrator Karen Mills Testifies Before Committee - Fox News Highlights Death Tax Hearing - Death Tax Hearing - Greta Report on Death Tax Hearing - \om.jpg - Twitter-Logo-300x293.jpg - imagesCAPJAULY.jpg - facebook-logo1.jpg - \TheDailyRecordWebLogoFinal.jpg - \dr.jpg - \6.jpg - \5.jpg - \3.jpg - \2.jpg - \1.jpg - \denver_business_journal1.jpg - \6.jpg - \5.jpg - \4.jpg - \3.jpg - \2.jpg - \1.jpg - \01.jpg - \001.jpg - \ibdd.jpg - \ibd.jpg - omaha logo - \NSBW%20logo.jpg - Chairman Graves Shares Open Mic Submissions on the House Floor - Rep. Herrera Beutler & Chairman Graves host a roundtable in Washington - \0003.jpg - \0002.jpg - \003.jpg - \002.jpg - \001.jpg - HASC - \NEWS PRESS.jpg - How will the new taxes in the Affordable Care Act & expiring rates at years-end impact your small business’ plans? - \kansas-city-star-logo-175.jpg - Small & Big Hearings - \bloomberg logo-1.jpg - The Hill highlights Small Biz Open Mic Testimonies - 032312 Honest Tea - 032312 Markup - Chairman Graves, Cantor Announce Small Business Tax Cut - Read more here: Few Small Firms Take Advantage of Health-Law Benefits - 3.21.12 press conference - 030812 Coffman - 030712 Graves - \cq-logo.jpg - \bgpv.jpg - Chairman Graves Highlights Open Mic Testimonials in Latest Op-Ed - \1.0.jpg - \2.0.jpg - \5.jpg - \4.jpg - \3.jpg - \2.jpg - \1.jpg - \bgov.jpg - \mashable-logo-transparentbkgd-jpg.jpg - \smallbiztrends.jpg - Gallup - CBS News Headline: Many Small Business Owners Favor "Buffett Rule" - Please let us know if you agree Last Minute Tax Tips for Small Business Owners - Visit the Resources page to get some last minute tax advice Contracting Reform - Small Business Committee 2012 Contracting Reform Initiative \AP.jpg - \cq_lg.jpg - State of Small Biz - \firecegov.jpg - mic - \OMRB.jpg - \OMGC1.jpg - \OMU.jpg - \OMAC.jpg - \OMRTP.jpg - We Need Your Input: The Path to Job Creation- The State of American Small Businesses - Tell us what your greatest obstacles are and we will include the testimony in our hearing on the State of American Small Businesses 012712 SOTU - Chairman Graves Statement on the State of the Union Address - Click here to Watch: Chairman Graves Statement on the State of the Union Address - Click here to Watch: sscot.jpg - SOU - What Do You Want to Hear in Tonight's State of the Union Speech? - cnnm.jpg - CNNMONIES.jpg - CNNMONIES.jpg - CNNMONEY.jpg - cnnmoney_twitter_logo_bigger.jpg - Entrepreneur_Logo_.jpg - entrepreneur-logo1.jpg - Would Your Business Benefit from the Keystone Pipeline? - Let us know what opportunities your business could miss if the project continues to be rejected. Chamber Survey - msnbc-logo.jpg - Submit Your Story - To be highlighted as the Featured Small Business 12.21.11 Ellmers Conferee - Chairman Graves in Washington Times- Small Businesses’ Holiday Wish: Economic Certainty - Sam's SBIR floor speech - CNN - 120911 SG on CNN - Fox Business Network Highlights Regulatory Flexibilty Act of 2011 - To view the report click here: Fox Business Reg Flex Report - omr2.2.jpg - cnbc_logo.jpg - Regulatory Relief on the Way - On December 1st the House passed the Regulatory Flexibility Improvement Act of 2011 to provide Small Businesses with relief from stifling regulations. Join the conversation and tell us how overreaching regulations have hurt YOUR business. tape - 11.30.11 Ellmers - Sam RFA speech - rivera - 11.17.11 Tipton Hearing Video - screen capture for ICYMI.jpg - Mulvaney - joe walsh.jpg - money-watch-logo.jpg - Comcast Newsmakers - Open Mic Testimonies submitted for the record during our Individual Tax Reform Hearing - See the video 110411 Tax Reform video - Small Business Owners have a message for the Supercommittee - Watch the video here tax hearing - bloomberggov.jpg - 10.26.11 Graves - Roll Call 2 - Rep. Schilling Delivers Weekly GOP Address - Small Business Committee Member Rep. Bobby Schilling (R-IL) was chosen to discuss Republicans’ job creation plan in the Oct. 29th GOP weekly address. Schilling Weekly Address - 17.jpg - Committee Discusses SBA Financing With Administrator Karen Mills - The committee examined the Small Business Administration's (SBA) programs that provide capital to small business. 15.jpg - 13.jpg - 11.jpg - 10.jpg - 9.jpg - 8.jpg - 7.jpg - 5.jpg - 3.jpg - 2.jpg - 1.jpg - 00.jpg - Ban neeeer.jpg - 14.jpg - 13.jpg - 11.jpg - 10.jpg - 9.jpg - 8.jpg - 7.jpg - 5.jpg - 4.jpg - 3.jpg - 1.jpg - karen mills - Check out our “Small Biz Open Mic Testimony of the Day” Featured on our Facebook and Twitter Profiles - 101411 Graves - idg_logo_small.jpg - fox-news-logo-e1304113605976-300x113.jpg - foxnews.jpg - Washington%20Post.jpg - washington_post-logo.jpg - hillicon_valley_tech.jpg - NationalJournalTitle.jpg - The Committee Examines LightSquared - House Small Business Committee examined the impact on small businesses that may result from LightSquared’s use of its spectrum. The_Street_Logo.jpg - bp.jpg - Chairman Graves on the Hurdles Preventing Small Businesses from Hiring - Watch the Video Here abcdefgh.jpg - Chamber-of-commerce.jpg - Chamber of Commerce FE - 100511 2 Graves - 100511 Graves - 100611 Mulvaney - Chairman Graves Mentions Open Mic Testimony in Op-Ed - See the Op-ed and testimony Microphone.jpg - ap.jpg - nfib - WITNESS - WITNESS.jpg - AJC picture - mcclatchy_logo_200.jpg - miami_herald_logo.jpg - 27.jpg - 26.jpg - 25.jpg - 19.jpg - 23.jpg - 21.jpg - 14.jpg - 12.jpg - 11.jpg - 9.jpg - 6.jpg - 4.jpg - 1.jpg - fox-business-logo1.jpg - Eliminating Job-killing Federal Rules - Watch our Hearing on Reducing the Regulatory Burden on Small Businesses. Open Mic Video - Open Mic Banner - lAS VEGAS rj.jpg - 092311 Graves - Rep. Mulvaney Leads Group In Call For Repeal of The 3% Withholding Tax - Subcommittee Chairman Mick Mulvaney, again, leads a press conference against the 3% withholding tax 091411 Medium Size Program - 091411 3% press conference - Open Mic Screen Shot - cnbcauthor.jpg - Small_bussiness_big_vision_150.jpg - cnbc_logo.jpg - smallbiztrends.jpg - nasdaq.jpg - form - formicapiic - video for open mic.jpg - ...formicapic.jpg - Featured Small Business Story - Formica Bros. Bakery: Century old family business kept alive one loaf at a time 3% withholding presser - 090811 SG Workforce hearing - Representative Bobby Schilling [Il-17] - As the owner of a small, family-run business, Congressman Schilling understands that it is the private sector, not government, that creates jobs and government’s role is to create an environment that encourages America’s entrepreneurs to move the economy forward. 13.jpg - 12.jpg - 11.jpg - 10.jpg - 9.jpg - 8.jpg - 7.jpg - 6.jpg - 4.jpg - 3.jpg - 2.jpg - 1.jpg - 110812_csg088.jpg - 110812_csg068.jpg - 110812_csg045.jpg - 110812_csg015.jpg - 2.jpg - 1.jpg - 3.jpg - Business News Daily - Denver Post - Coffman Holds Field Hearing on Small Business Lending in Colorado - Subcommittee on Investigations, Oversight & Regulations Chairman Mike Coffman (R-CO) held a field hearing in Greenwood Village, Colorado: wsj.jpg - Washington-Examiner-Logo1.jpg - ssstl.jpg - stl.jpg - Graves Joins Rep. Hanna in NY for a Small Business Forum - Chairman Sam Graves joined Committee Member Congressman Richard Hanna (NY-24) in New York for a Small Business Roundtable on August 12th. Graves speaking at Hanna Small Biz Forum wide shot - Graves speaking close-up.jpg - Graves Hanna 2 - Graves Hanna 1 - NFIB July Index - Lagomarcino's - 7.27.11 Graves - New-York-Times-Logo.jpg - CNN Money - Markup photo of Sam - 070711 Tipton - reuters-logo-dec_-2009-o.jpg - wbj.jpg - auburn.jpg - cnbc lo.jpg - - Sam on Fox Biz - Graves on MSNBC - MSNBC Your Business - 6.23.11 Mulvaney - Ellmers delivers weekly radio address - tgsg1.jpg - Chairman Sam Graves and Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner ellmers.jpg - Rep. Renee Ellmers (NC-02) 9999.jpg - Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner 6451.jpg - Rep. Steve Chabot (OH-01) 5684.jpg - Rep. Steve King (IA-05) 54321.jpg - Chairman Sam Graves 999.jpg - Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner 556.jpg - Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner 12.jpg - Rep. Jeff Landry (LA-03) 9.jpg - Rep. Joe Walsh (IL-08) 7.jpg - Rep. Scott Tipton (CO-03) 6.jpg - Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner 4.jpg - Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler (WA-03) 3.jpg - Rep. Allen West (FL-22) 2.jpg - Chairman Sam Graves Questioning Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner 01.jpg - Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner 0001.jpg - Rep. Renee Ellmers (NC-02) and Joe Walsh (IL-08) Treasury Sec. Timothy Geithner testifies before the Committee - June 22nd hearing focuses on the state of small business access to capital. 06.22.11 Graves - 39.jpg - 36.jpg - 32.jpg - 31.jpg - 30.jpg - 25.jpg - 29.jpg - 27.jpg - 25.jpg - 23.jpg - 19.jpg - 14.jpg - 13.jpg - 12.jpg - 11.jpg - 9.jpg - 8.jpg - 7.jpg - 6.jpg - 5.jpg - 3.jpg - 2.jpg - 1.jpg - 061511 Graves - 061411 Coffman - 061611 Walsh - Utica OD - Fay Observer - Jeff Landry RFA hearing - POLITICO - CNBC Logo - Chairman Sam Graves - Graves on Fox Business: Small Businesses will not “step up & hire” until they have certainty and relief - WATCH HERE: 32.jpg - Congressman Allen West visits Predator Systems, Inc. located in Boca Raton, FL on June 6, 2011. 7.jpg - Congressman West attends the opening of the new TYCO – ADT, which created 700 jobs in Boca Raton, FL. 6.6.11 6.jpg - Congressman West attends the opening of the new TYCO – ADT, which created 700 jobs in Boca Raton, FL. 6.6.11 5.jpg - Congressman Allen West visits Predator Systems, Inc. located in Boca Raton, FL on June 6, 2011. 4.jpg - Congressman Allen West visits Predator Systems, Inc. located in Boca Raton, FL on June 6, 2011. 3.jpg - Congressman Allen West visits Predator Systems, Inc. located in Boca Raton, FL on June 6, 2011. 2.jpg - Congressman Allen West visits Predator Systems, Inc. located in Boca Raton, FL on June 6, 2011. 01.jpg - Congressman Allen West visits Predator Systems, Inc. located in Boca Raton, FL on June 6, 2011. 6.3.11 Graves - Facebook 1 - Twitter 1 - YouTube 1 - 6.2.11 Ellmers - 6.1.11 Graves - Rep. Allen West Access To Capital - Rep. Allen West - 3p 5.jpg - 3p50.jpg - 3p48.jpg - 3p42.jpg - 3p41.jpg - 3p38.jpg - 3p36.jpg - 3p34.jpg - 3p33.jpg - 3p32.jpg - 3p31.jpg - 3p29.jpg - 3p26.jpg - 3p25.jpg - 3p24.jpg - 3p23.jpg - 3p22.jpg - 3p21.jpg - 3p16.jpg - 3p13.jpg - 3p10.jpg - 3p8.jpg - 3p6.jpg - 3% 4.jpg - 3% 3.jpg - 3% 1.jpg - sba 20.jpg - sba 18.jpg - sba 17.jpg - sba 15.jpg - sba 13.jpg - sba 8.jpg - sba 7.jpg - sba 6.jpg - sba 4.jpg - sba 3.jpg - sba 1.jpg - cont 99.jpg - cont 29.jpg - cont 23.jpg - cont 26.jpg - cont 21.jpg - cont 19.jpg - cont 18.jpg - cont 18.jpg - cont 17.jpg - cont 15.jpg - cont 14.jpg - cont 13.jpg - cont 12.jpg - cont 11.jpg - cont 10.jpg - cont 7.jpg - cont 5.jpg - cont 6.jpg - cont 4.jpg - cnt 20.jpg - NSBW Collage - Picture 080.jpg - Picture 077.jpg - Picture 070.jpg - Picture 064.jpg - Picture 048.jpg - Picture 041.jpg - Picture 037.jpg - Picture 034.jpg - Picture 029.jpg - Picture 022.jpg - Picture 018.jpg - Radio America - MP3 Icon - Lars Larson 2 - Lars Larson Show - - 051211 Graves_Cavuto - NSBW logo - Chairman Graves Criticizes Proposed DISCLOSE Executive Order on Fox News - WATCH HERE: SG on Fox' Cavuto - 995.jpg - 92.jpg - 91.jpg - 55.jpg - 11.jpg - 9.jpg - 8.jpg - 7.jpg - 6.jpg - 5.jpg - 4.jpg - 3.jpg - 2.jpg - 1.jpg - 000.jpg - Roll Call - AJC 1 - Atlanta Journal Constitution - 42111 POTUS letter.jpg - 5-5-11 Size Standard Hearing_Walsh - 998.jpg - 999.jpg - 991.jpg - 99.jpg - 98.jpg - 96.jpg - 95.jpg - 94.jpg - 93.jpg - 92.jpg - 91.jpg - 9.jpg - 8.jpg - 7.jpg - 6.jpg - 5.jpg - 4.jpg - 3.jpg - 2.jpg - Daily Caller - Human Events - 99.jpg - 29.jpg - 27.jpg - 25.jpg - 22.jpg - 17.jpg - 16.jpg - 14.jpg - 13.jpg - 12.jpg - 11.jpg - 9.jpg - 8.jpg - 7.jpg - 6.jpg - 5.jpg - 3.jpg - 2.jpg - 1.jpg - Spring 2011 Small Business Trade Report - With 95% of the purchasing market outside of the U.S., small businesses understand the importance of trade. Read the Committee’s Spring 2011 Small Business Trade Report Trade Picture - Tipton Opening Statement - Wash Examiner - 00000000555555555.jpg - 8675484.jpg - 454215.jpg - 55664..jpg - 55221.jpg - 21542.jpg - 00012546.jpg - 955.jpg - 553.jpg - 0541.jpg - 000236.jpg - 000235.jpg - 00214.jpg - 99.jpg - 00056.jpg - 24.jpg - 0012.jpg - 5.jpg - 2.jpg - 00002.jpg - 0001.jpg - 00.jpg - 000.jpg - Strobel 3 - Twitter - Facebook - YouTube - 87455.jpg - Rep. Tipton during the Help Wanted: How Passing Free Trade Agreements Will Help Small Businesses Create New Jobs Hearing. 222.jpg - Rep. West during the Help Wanted: How Passing Free Trade Agreements Will Help Small Businesses Create New Jobs Hearing. 544535.jpg - Mr. Jason W. Speer, Vice-President of Quality Float Works, Presenting an example of his business’ product. 02.jpg - Mr. Phillip Wise, Owner and Operator of Wise Family Farm, testifying before the committee during the Help Wanted: How Passing Free Trade Agreements Will Help Small Businesses Create New Jobs Hearing. 92.jpg - Rep. Mulvaney posing questions to the witnesses during The Creating Jobs Through Small Business Innovation Act of 2011 Hearing. 91.jpg - Subcommittee Chairwoman Ellmers introducing the witnesses during The Creating Jobs Through Small Business Innovation Act of 2011 Hearing. 9.jpg - Rep. Herrera Beutler and Rep. Mulvaney during The Creating Jobs Through Small Business Innovation Act of 2011 Hearing. 8.jpg - Dr. Koenig, Chairman of the Board of Applied Genetics Technology Corporation & President and CEO of MacroGenics, Inc., providing expert testimony during The Creating Jobs Through Small Business Innovation Act of 2011 Hearing. 7.jpg - Dr. Koenig, Chairman of the Board of Applied Genetics Technology Corporation & President and CEO of MacroGenics, Inc., providing expert testimony during The Creating Jobs Through Small Business Innovation Act of 2011 Hearing. 6.jpg - Dr. Terry Brewer, President, Brewer Science, Inc. providing expert testimony during The Creating Jobs Through Small Business Innovation Act of 2011Hearing. 5.jpg - Dr. Albert Link, Professor, Department of Economics, Bryan School of Business and Economics, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, providing expert testimony during The Creating Jobs Through Small Business Innovation Act of 2011 Hearing. 4.jpg - Dr. Terry Brewer, President, Brewer Science, Inc. providing expert testimony during The Creating Jobs Through Small Business Innovation Act of 2011 Hearing. 3.jpg - Mr. Glenn Norem, Executive Chairman, Totus Lighting Solutions, Inc., providing expert testimony during The Creating Jobs Through Small Business Innovation Act of 2011 Hearing. 2.jpg - Subcommittee Chairwoman Ellmers during The Creating Jobs Through Small Business Innovation Act of 2011 Hearing. 1.jpg - Subcommittee Chairwoman Ellmers during The Creating Jobs Through Small Business Innovation Act of 2011 Hearing. trade hearing 099.jpg - Chairman Graves during the Help Wanted: How Passing Free Trade Agreements Will Help Small Businesses Create New Jobs Hearing. 3.jpg - Chairman Graves during the Help Wanted: How Passing Free Trade Agreements Will Help Small Businesses Create New Jobs Hearing. 2223.jpg - Mr. Phillip Wise, Owner and Operator of Wise Family Farm, testifying before the committee during the Help Wanted: How Passing Free Trade Agreements Will Help Small Businesses Create New Jobs Hearing. 2255.jpg - Mr. Jason W. Speer during the Help Wanted: How Passing Free Trade Agreements Will Help Small Businesses Create New Jobs Hearing. 553.jpg - Mr. Bill Patterson, Founder and Chief Engineer, TEI Rock Drills testifying before the committee during the Help Wanted: How Passing Free Trade Agreements Will Help Small Businesses Create New Jobs Hearing. 29.jpg - Rep. Tipton and Rep. Walsh during the Help Wanted: How Passing Free Trade Agreements Will Help Small Businesses Create New Jobs Hearing. 27.jpg - Rep. West during the Help Wanted: How Passing Free Trade Agreements Will Help Small Businesses Create New Jobs Hearing. 26.jpg - Rep. West during the Help Wanted: How Passing Free Trade Agreements Will Help Small Businesses Create New Jobs Hearing. 24.jpg - Rep. Ellmers, Rep. Tipton, Rep. Walsh and Rep. West during the Help Wanted: How Passing Free Trade Agreements Will Help Small Businesses Create New Jobs Hearing. 23.jpg - Rep. Fleischmann during the Help Wanted: How Passing Free Trade Agreements Will Help Small Businesses Create New Jobs Hearing. 22.jpg - Rep. Coffman during the Help Wanted: How Passing Free Trade Agreements Will Help Small Businesses Create New Jobs Hearing. 21.jpg - Rep. Ellmers, Rep. Tipton, Rep. Walsh and Rep. Chabot during the Help Wanted: How Passing Free Trade Agreements Will Help Small Businesses Create New Jobs Hearing. 16.jpg - Rep. Ellmers, Rep. Tipton, Rep. Fleischmann and Rep. Chabot during the Help Wanted: How Passing Free Trade Agreements Will Help Small Businesses Create New Jobs Hearing. 15.jpg - Mr. Jason W. Speer testifying before the committee during the Help Wanted: How Passing Free Trade Agreements Will Help Small Businesses Create New Jobs Hearing. 14.jpg - Rep. Tipton and Rep. Walsh during the Help Wanted: How Passing Free Trade Agreements Will Help Small Businesses Create New Jobs Hearing. 13.jpg - Rep. Walsh during the Help Wanted: How Passing Free Trade Agreements Will Help Small Businesses Create New Jobs Hearing. 12.jpg - Rep. Fleischmann, Rep. Chabot, Rep. Ellmers and Rep. Landry during the Help Wanted: How Passing Free Trade Agreements Will Help Small Businesses Create New Jobs Hearing. 11.jpg - Rep. Tipton, Rep. Walsh and Rep. West during the Help Wanted: How Passing Free Trade Agreements Will Help Small Businesses Create New Jobs Hearing. 9.jpg - Mr. Phillip Wise and Mr. Trevor Myers during the Help Wanted: How Passing Free Trade Agreements Will Help Small Businesses Create New Jobs 8.jpg - Mr. Bill Patterson, Founder and Chief Engineer, TEI Rock Drills testifying before the committee during the Help Wanted: How Passing Free Trade Agreements Will Help Small Businesses Create New Jobs Hearing. 7.jpg - Rep. Ellmers, Rep. Tipton, and Rep. Walsh during the Help Wanted: How Passing Free Trade Agreements Will Help Small Businesses Create New Jobs Hearing. 6.jpg - Rep. Tipton and Rep. Walsh during the Help Wanted: How Passing Free Trade Agreements Will Help Small Businesses Create New Jobs Hearing. 4.jpg - Rep. Tipton, Rep. Walsh and Rep. West during the Help Wanted: How Passing Free Trade Agreements Will Help Small Businesses Create New Jobs Hearing. 01.jpg - Mr. Phillip Wise, Owner and Operator of Wise Family Farm, testifying before the committee during the Help Wanted: How Passing Free Trade Agreements Will Help Small Businesses Create New Jobs Hearing. 3.jpg - Chairman Graves during the Help Wanted: How Passing Free Trade Agreements Will Help Small Businesses Create New Jobs Hearing. Fox Business - FBN 6.jpg - Rep. Renee Ellmers (R- NC) and Rep. Allen West (R-FL) focusing on Witness testimony at the "Reducing Federal Agency Overreach: Modernizing the Regulatory Flexibility Act" Hearing on Wednesday, March 30, 2011. 5.jpg - Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-Washington) during the "Reducing Federal Agency Overreach: Modernizing the Regulatory Flexibility Act" Hearing on Wednesday, March 30, 2011. 4.jpg - Mr. Bill Squires providing expert testimony during the "Reducing Federal Agency Overreach: Modernizing the Regulatory Flexibility Act" Hearing on March 30, 2011. 2.jpg - Rep. Mike Coffman (R-CO) during the "Reducing Federal Agency Overreach: Modernizing the Regulatory Flexibility Act" Hearing on March 30, 2011. 1.jpg - Rep. Roscoe Bartlett (R-MD) during the "Reducing Federal Agency Overreach: Modernizing the Regulatory Flexibility Act" Hearing on Wednesday, March 30, 2011. 994.jpg - Chairman Graves at the "Reducing Federal Agency Overreach: Modernizing the Regulatory Flexibility Act" Hearing on Wednesday, March 30, 2011. 992.jpg - Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-CO) during the "Reducing Federal Agency Overreach: Modernizing the Regulatory Flexibility Act" Hearing on March 30, 2011. 99.jpg - Mr. Bill Squires providing expert testimony during the "Reducing Federal Agency Overreach: Modernizing the Regulatory Flexibility Act" Hearing on March 30, 2011. 97.jpg - Rep. Allen West (R-FL) during the "Reducing Federal Agency Overreach: Modernizing the Regulatory Flexibility Act" Hearing on March 30, 2011. 95.jpg - Rep. Steve Chabot (R-OH) during the "Reducing Federal Agency Overreach: Modernizing the Regulatory Flexibility Act" Hearing on March 30, 2011. 92.jpg - Mr. Craig Fabian providing expert testimony during the "Reducing Federal Agency Overreach: Modernizing the Regulatory Flexibility Act" Hearing on March 30, 2011. 91.jpg - Mr. David Frulla providing expert testimony during the "Reducing Federal Agency Overreach: Modernizing the Regulatory Flexibility Act" Hearing on March 30, 2011. 9.jpg - Mr. David Frulla providing expert testimony during the "Reducing Federal Agency Overreach: Modernizing the Regulatory Flexibility Act" Hearing on March 30, 2011. 8.jpg - Mr. Bill Squires providing expert testimony during the "Reducing Federal Agency Overreach: Modernizing the Regulatory Flexibility Act" Hearing on March 30, 2011. WSJ Logo 2 - WSJ Logo - Washington Times - Washington Times logo Washington Times logo - Wash Times logo Gordon Liddy show - Gordon Liddy NY Times logo - NY Times logo Representative Richard Hanna [NY-24] - With over three decades of experience as a small businessman, Congressman Hanna knows how vital it is to foster an environment where small businesses can thrive. Townhall - logo 17.jpg - Congressman Allen West(R-FL) posing a question during the SBIR hearing. 15.jpg - Ms. Amy Comstock Rick, JD, Chief Executive Officer, Parkinson's Action Network, answering members’ questions about the role of SBIR in encouraging innovation in medical research and development. 14.jpg - Witnesses providing their testimony on SBIR’s role in promoting job creation. 13.jpg - Congressman Richard Hanna (R-NY) and Congressman Lou Barletta (R-PA) posing a question during the SBIR hearing. 12.jpg - Chairman Sam Graves (R-MO) introducing the witnesses for the SBIR hearing. 11.jpg - Chairman Sam Graves (R-MO) in the SBIR hearing. 9.jpg - Congressman Roscoe Bartlett (R-MD) in the SBIR hearing. 8.jpg - Congressman Allen West (R-FL) in the SBIR hearing. 7.jpg - Mr. Tom Tullie, CEO, President and Chairman, EcoATM, San Diego, CA,Testifying on Behalf of CONNECT. 5.jpg - Mr. Tom Tullie, CEO, President and Chairman, EcoATM, San Diego, CA,Testifying on Behalf of CONNECT. 2.jpg - Congressmen Lou Barletta (R-PA) and Roscoe Bartlett (R-MD) with professional staff member and Chairman Graves in the SBIR hearing. 1.jpg - Congressman Lou Barletta (R-PA) and Congressman Roscoe Bartlett (R-MD) in the SBIR hearing. Coffman C-SPAN Photo - Coffman intevriew on C-SPAN C-SPAN Washington Journal - C-SPAN Washington Journal logo Representative Lou Barletta [PA-11] - As a former small business owner and mayor, Lou Barletta knows how government policies can help or harm job creation and entrepreneurship and he understands how the government can help local eceonomic development. 7.jpg - 6.jpg - 5.jpg - 4.jpg - 2.jpg - 1.jpg - The Hill Logo 5 - hill logo part 4 - The Hill 3 - The hill The Hill logo part 2 - The Hill logo The Hill logo - The hill The Hill logo - Image jpg for The Hill newspaper Stimulus - The State of the Small Business Economy - On February 16th, the House Small Business Committee held a hearing to examine the regulatory, tax and health care policy burdens that hinder small business job creation. Landry - Rep. Jeff Landry (R-LA) listens to witness testimony at the "Putting Americans Back to Work: The State of the Small Business Economy" hearing on February 16, 2011 West - Rep. Allen West (R-Fl) at the Small Business Committee hearing on February 16, 2011 Tipton - Rep. Scott Tipton (R-CO) at the Small Business Committee hearing on February 16, 2011 Coffman - Rep. Mike Coffman (R-CO) questions a witness at the Small Business Committee hearing on February 16, 2011 Ellmers - Rep. Renee Ellmers at the "Putting Americans Back to Work: The State of the Small Business Economy" hearing on February 16, 2011 Walsh - Rep. Joe Walsh (R-IL) questions a witness during the Small Business Committee hearing on February 16, 2011 members - Member of the Small Business Committee take notes as they listen to small business owners testify during the "Putting Americans Back to Work: The State of the Small Business Economy" hearing on February 16, 2011 Chairman1 - Chairman Graves (R-MO) questions a witness during the Small Business Committee hearing on February 16, 2011 Herrera Beutler - Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-WA) introduces a witness at the "Putting Americans Back to Work: The State of the Small Business Economy" hearing on February 16, 2011 Walsh/Ellmers - Rep. Joe Walsh (R-IL) and Rep. Renee Ellmers (R-NC) listen to testimony at the Small Business Committee hearing on February 16, 2011 panel - A panel of small business owners from across the United States testified at the Small Business Committee hearing on February 16, 2011 Witness Frank - Ms. Terry Frank, Owner of Nature's Marketplace in Oak Ridge, TN testifies in front of the Small Business Committee Fleischmann - Rep. Chuck Fleischmann (R-TN) introduces a witness at the "Putting Americans Back to Work: The State of the Small Business Economy" hearing Chairman Graves - Chairman Graves (R-MO) delivers his opening statement at the "Putting Americans Back to Work: The State of the Small Business Economy" on February 16, 2011 West - Congressman Allen West (R-FL) at the Small Business Committee 1099 hearing King - Congressman Steve King (R-IA) at the Small Business Committee 1099 hearing Ellmers - Congresswoman Renee Ellmers (R-NC) introduces a witness at the Small Business Committee 1099 hearing while Congressman Scott Tipton (R-CO) looks on Chabot - Congressman Steve Chabot (R-OH) at the Small Business Committee 1099 hearing Herrera Beutler - Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-WA) listens to testimony at the Small Business Committee 1099 hearing Coffman - Congressman Mike Coffman (R-CO) introduces a witness at the Small Business Committee 1099 hearing Small Business Owners - A panel of small business owners from around the country testified before the Small Business Committee about their experience with the 1099 requirement Fleischmann - Congressman Chuck Fleischmann (R-TN) at the Small Business Committee 1099 Hearing Tipton - Congressman Scott Tipton (R-CO) and Congressman Chuck Fleischmann (R-TN)question a witness at the Small Business Committee 1099 hearing while Chairman Graves - Chairman Sam Graves (R-MO) at the Small Business Committee 1099 hearing on February 9, 2011 Walsh - Congressman Joe Walsh (R-IL) and Congressman Mike Coffman (R-CO) at the Small Business Committee 1099 hearing on February 9, 2011 Lungren - Congressman Dan Lungren (R-CA) testifies in front of the Small Business Committee about H.R. 4, legislation aimed at repealing the 1099 component of the healthcare legislation Congressman Landry - Congressman Jeff Landry (R-LA) at the Small Business Committee 1099 Hearing on February 9, 2011 Representative Jeff Landry [LA-03] - As a former small business owner supporting the oil and gas industry and business attorney helping job creators in South Louisiana, Jeff Landry knows that small businesses are the backbone of our economy. Chairman Graves and Ranking Member Velazquez - Chairman Graves gives Ranking Member Velazquez a gavel made from Missouri pine. Rep. Joe Walsh - Rep. Joe Walsh (R-IL) New Committee Members - New Committee Members - Rep. Renee Ellmers - Rep. Renee Ellmers (R-NC) Rep. Chuck Fleischmann - Rep. Chuck Fleischmann (R-TN) reviews the proposed rules prior to the markup. Chairman Graves and Ranking Member Velazquez - Chairman Sam Graves and Ranking Member Velazquez chat prior to the January 26th organizational markup. Chairman Sam Graves and Ranking Member Velazquez - Rep. Allen West - Rep. Allen West (R-FL) Representative Jaime Herrera Beutler [WA-03] - Jaime Herrera Beutler knows that small businesses are the heart of our economy. She is committed to helping small businesses survive, grow and thrive. Representative Joe Walsh [IL-08] - One of the driving forces behind Joe Walsh’s decision to run for Congress was the plight of small businesses in his district. He is eager to help foster a new environment in which small businesses in the 8th District of Illinois and across the country can thrive. Representative Steve Chabot [OH-01] - Steve Chabot knows that small businesses have been, and will continue to be, the engines that drive job creation in America. Chabot understands that Congress must act to alleviate the onerous burdens that have stalled small business job creation. Representative Renee Ellmers [NC-02] - As a nurse and small business owner, Renee Ellmers will play a critical role as the Committee examines ways to improve health care reform issues without burying entrepreneurs in higher taxes and more regulations. Representative Allen West [FL-22] - Allen West knows that small businesses are the heart of every community. He will use his influence on the House Small Business Committee to help keep taxes low and eliminate harmful business regulations that penalize employers instead of encourage them. Representative Mick Mulvaney [SC-05] - Small businesses are an essential part of our economic recovery; Mick Mulvaney is committed to serving as a leading voice for those businesses and against harmful government regulations and mandates. Representative Scott Tipton [CO-03] - Scott Tipton is committed to addressing critical small business issues, cutting government waste and keeping taxes low so entrepreneurs and employers can do what they do best – create jobs. Today in Washington - The House Small Business Committee will hold a hearing to examine the 1099 reporting regulation's impact on small businesses. You can watch the hearing LIVE at 1pm ET. Chairman Sam Graves [MO-06] - As a sixth generation farmer, Sam Graves is the first Republican Chair of the House Small Business Committee who has real world experience running a small business. Meet the Committee - View photos of Committee Members working with small business owners and entrepreneurs from across the country. Representative Steve King [IA-05] - Steve King knows that we must unleash the entrepreneurial spirit of the American people to encourage sustainable growth and get our economy back on track. Representative Roscoe Bartlett [MD-06] - Roscoe Bartlett’s experience owning and operating several small businesses has made him acutely aware of the need to shrink barriers to government contracts and reduce regulations so entrepreneurs have more opportunities to help strengthen our economy. Representative Mike Coffman [CO-06] - Mike Coffman started and ran his own business for over 17 years; he knows firsthand that small businesses are the engines that drive our economy, and we can't put an end to this recession without them. Rep. Mike Coffman (R-CO) - On 9/23/10, Rep. Mike Coffman was honored by the National Tax Limitation Committee (NTLC) and received their “Tax Fighter Award” for his record on tax and spending issues in the 111th Congress. Rep. Mike Coffman (R-CO) - On 9/24/10, Rep. Mike Coffam received the NFIB "Guardian of Small Business" award. Rep. Glenn Thompson - Rep. Glenn Thompson (R-PA) at the Rural Solutions Group forum, “The EPA’s Assault on Rural America: How New Regulations and Proposed Legislation are Stifling Job Creation and Economic Growth.” Rep. Glenn Thompson (R-PA) arrives at the forum. - Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-MO) - Rep. Luetkemeyer (R-MO) at the Rural Solutions Group forum, “The EPA’s Assault on Rural America: How New Regulations and Proposed Legislation are Stifling Job Creation and Economic Growth.” Rural Solutions Co-Chairs - Ranking Member of Natural Resources Doc Hastings, Ranking Member of Agriculture Frank Lucas,and Ranking Member of the Small Business Committee Sam Graves. Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-MO) - Rep. Luetkemeyer and Hal Rogers at the EPA Forum. Ranking Member Graves Q/A at the EPA Forum - Ranking Member Graves gives his opening statement at the EPA forum. - Rural Solutions Group - Ranking Member of Natural Resources Doc Hastings, Ranking Member of Agriculture Frank Lucas,and Ranking Member of the Small Business Committee Sam Graves at the EPA forum. GOP Pledge to America - House Republicans have put forth a new governing agenda, built by listening to the American people, that emphasizes job creation, ending the spending spree in Washington, and reforming Congress. Click here to read the Pledge to America. Rep. Vern Buchanan - Rep. Vern Buchanan (R-FL) met with the North Port Chamber of Commerce to discuss small business issues. Rep. Vern Buchanan - Rep. Vern Buchanan (R-FL) discussed the economy & jobs with the North Port Chamber of Commerce. (9/20/10) Rep. Vern Buchanan (R-FL) - Rep. Vern Buchanan (R-FL)speaks to employees at the Village Pharamacy. (9/20/10) Rep. Vern Buchanan (R-FL) - Rep. Vern Buchanan (R-FL) visited Village Pharmacy in Nokomis, Florida. (9/20/10) Ranking Member Sam Graves - Ranking Member Sam Graves (R-MO) visits the construction site of the new Trenton, MO hospital. (8/25/10) Rep. Steve king - Rep. Steve King (R-IA) answers questions from constituents at a town hall held in Dickinson County, Iowa. (8/24/10) Rep. Steve King - Rep. Steve King (R-IA) speaks to constituents at a town hall he hosted on the economy and small businesses in Spirit Lake, Iowa. Rep. Steve King - Rep. Steve King (R-IA) visited Kum & Go a Gas and convenience store in West Des Moines, Iowa. Rep. Steve King listened to concerns about how tax increases will affect Iowa small businesses. (8/2010) Rep. Luetkemeyer - Rep. Luetkemeyer (R-MO) speaks with employees at Steelville Manufacturing. Rep. Luetkemeyer - Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-MO) listens to constituents concerns about the economy at a town hall he held in Montgomery City, Missouri. (8/15/10) Rep. Mary Fallin - Rep. Mary Fallin (R-OK) speaks at town hall she held in Oklahoma City in August on the economy and small business. Rep. Thompson - Rep. Glenn Thompson (R-PA) made a visit to TRS Technologies in State College, PA. Rep. Mike Coffman (R-CO) - Rep. Mike Coffman (R-CO) visits with the owners of AdamWorks, a Colorado small business that manufactures composites. (8/19/10) \Rep.Coffman at Digital Globe2.jpg - Rep. Mike Coffman (R-CO) speaks to employees of DigitalGlobe, on August 23, 2010. Rep. Mike Coffman (R-CO) - Rep. Mike Coffman (R-CO) listens to employees during his visit to Digital Globe. (8/23/10) Rep. Coffman - Rep. Mike Coffman (R-CO) speaks to the owner of Sky Dex in Englewood, CO. (8/27/10) Ranking Member Graves - Ranking Member Sam Graves(R-MO) meets with employees of McCall Dentist to discuss issues that small businesses are facing. (8/25/10) Ranking Member Graves - Ranking Member Sam Graves (R-MO) speaks to employees during his visit to McCall Dentist. (8/25/10) Ranking Member Graves - Ranking Member Sam Graves (R-MO) tours American Family Insurance in St. Joseph, MO. (8/24/10) Ranking Member Graves - Ranking Member Sam Graves (R-MO) speaks to employees at Grand River Mutual Telephone Corporation, in Princeton, Missouri. (8/25/10) Rep. Bartlett (R-MD) - Rep. Bartlett (R-MD) toured the MDBioLab and its BioDiesel Experiment lab station. (8/17/10) Rep. Sam Graves - Rep. Sam Graves (R-MO)visited Summerville Insurance Agency in Chillicothe, Missouri to speak with employees about issues facing small businesses. Rep. Steve King at Kum & Go - Rep. Steve King visited Kum & Go a Gas and convenience store in West Des Moines, Iowa. Rep. Steve King listened to concerns about how tax increases will affect Iowa small businesses (8/2010) (8/2010) Rep. Steve King speaks at Dickinson County - Rep. Steve King speaks to constituents about the economy and job creation at his Spirit Lake Town Hall Meeting in Spirit Lake, Iowa. Rep. Steve King Town Hall - Rep. Steve King answers questions at a town hall held in Dickinson County, Iowa. (8/24/10) Rep. Roscoe Bartlett (R-MD) - Rep. Bartlett toured the MDBioLab and its BioDiesel Experiment lab station. (8/17/10) \Rep.Coffman at Skydex.jpg - Rep. Mike Coffman (R-CO) speaks to the owner of Sky Dex in Englewood, CO. (8/27/10) \Rep.Coffman at Digital Globe2.jpg - Rep. Mike Coffman (R-CO) speaks to employees of DigitalGlobe, a Colorado-based small business that produces satellite and aerial imagery for the Department of Defense on August 23, 2010. \Rep.Coffman at Digital Globe1.jpg - Rep. Mike Coffman (R-CO) listens to employees during his visit to Digital Globe. (8/23/10) Adam Works - Rep. Mike Coffman visits AdamWorks, a Colorado small business that manufactures composites for projects like Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and other defense-related initiatives. (8/19/10) Grand River Mutual - Ranking Member Sam Graves speaks at Grand River Mutual Telephone Corporation, in Princeton, Missouri. (8/25/10) Trenton Hospital - Ranking Member Sam Graves visits the construction site of the new Trenton, MO hospital. (8/25/10) McCall Dentist Visit - Ranking Member Sam Graves speaks to employees during his visit to McCall Dentist. (8/25/10) McCall Dentist - Ranking Member Sam Graves visits McCall Dentist in Bethany, MO. (8/25/10) Insurance Visit - Ranking Member Sam Graves (R-MO) visits American Family Insurance in St. Joseph, MO. (8/24/10) - Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-MO) - Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-MO)talks with small business owner Mr. Bailey following the hearing. Mr. Lea Bailes - Mr. Lea Bailes Chief Executive Officer Guier Fence Company and Guier Franchising Concepts, LLC Blue Springs, MO Mr. Brian Greenley - Mr. Brian Greenley, owner of Greenley Enterprises Corporation DBA Maaco Collision Repair and Auto Painting. Rep. Mike Coffman (R-CO) - Rep. Mike Coffman (R-CO)introduces his small business witness Mr. Brian Greenley, of Littleton, CO. Rep. Steve King (R-IA) - Rep. Steve King (R-IA)with small business owner, Mr. Robert Hatch. Martin - Ms. Wendy Martin, owner of Martin Publishing Company Havana, IL. Rep. Aaron Schock (R-IL) - Rep. Aaron Schock (R-IL) talks to small business owners at the "Heroes of Small Business" hearing. Mr. Robert Hatch - At the House Small Business Committee hearing, "Heroes of Small Business" Mr. Robert (Rob) Hach II, President of Anemometry Specialists, Inc. in Alta, IA testified. Rep. Aaron Schock (R-IL) - Rep. Aaron Schock (R-IL)with Ms. Wendy Martin owner of Martin Publishing Company in Havana, IL. Rep. Steve King - Rep. Steve King (R-IA) speaks at the "Heroes of Small Business" committee hearing. Rep. Vern Buchanan - Rep. Vern Buchanan (R-FL)praises small businesses for creating jobs. hearing - Rep. Steve King (R-IA), Rep. Vern Buchanan (R-FL), and Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-MO) at the House Small Business Committee hearing "Heroes of Small Business." Rep. Thompson - Rep. Glenn Thompson (R-PA) speaks at the House Small Business Committee hearing "Heroes of Small Business." Mr. Brad Eiffert - Mr. Brad Eiffert, Owner of Boone County Lumber Company in Columbia, MO. Ms. Michelle Nelson - Ms. Michelle Nelson, President of Blue Strategy + Creative Intl, testifies at the "Heroes of Small Business" hearing Rep. Glenn Thompson - Rep. Glenn Thompson (R-PA) at the House Small Business Committee hearing, "Heroes of Small Business." Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer - Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-MO) questions witnesses at the House Small Business Committee hearing, "Heroes of Small Business." Rep. Glenn Thompson (R-PA) - Rep. Glenn Thompson (R-PA)with his witness, Mr. John Dippold, owner of Innovative Sintered Metals, Inc. in St. Mary’s, PA. Rep. Vern Buchanan (R-FL) - Rep. Vern Buchanan (R-FL)with his witness, Ms. Michelle Nelson, President/CEO of Blue Strategy + Creative Intl, LLC in Sarasota, FL. Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-MO) - Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-MO)talks with, Mr. Brad Eiffert owner of Boone County Lumber Company in Columbia, MO. Luetkemeyer may2010 - workplace issues - loan - reg reform - taxes - Rural America - Fighting for Main Street - Every day, Small Business Committee Members work to represent the needs of American employers in Washington. Read our weekly Straight Talk e-newsletter to stay informed of the latest news. Workplace Issues - Rural America - Access to Capital - Procurement / Grants - Regulatory Reform - Taxes - Energy - Technology - Small Business Trade - Healthcare - Share Your Thoughts - Committee Members want to know which issues you think the 112th Congress should address first. Take our NEW survey. News and Views - Read House Small Business Committee Members' ideas for putting America back to work. Fallin - Akin - - Rep. Bartlett (R-MD) meets with local small business owners. - Rep. Bartlett (R-MD) at a small business procurement conference Bartlett - Gohmert - Coffman - Thompson - Schock - King - Buchanan - Luetkemeyer - Westmoreland - Sam Graves - - Rep. Mike Coffman (R-CO) speaks to small business owners following a committee hearing. - Ranking Member Sam Graves (R-M0) and Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer speak to small business owners after a committee hearing. (4/26/10) - Ranking Member Sam Graves speaks with a small business owner at the "Small Business Roundtable" (4/17/09) Small Biz - Republican Leader John Boehner, Republican Whip Eric Cantor and Ranking Member Sam Graves lead a discussion at a roundtable for industry leaders. (4/17/09) Hayes Hamburgers - Ranking Member Sam Graves visits Hayes Hamburgers in Kansas City, MO. - Ranking Member Sam Graves (R-MO) visits Maysville New York Life. Agri Labs - Ranking Member Sam Graves (R-MO) visits AgriLabs, a local small business in his district. Ranking Member Sam Graves (R-MO) - Ranking Member Sam Graves (R-MO) listens to a constiuent at a townhall. (2/1/10) townhall - Ranking Member Sam Graves (R-MO) speaks at a local townhall in the 6th District of MO. (2/1/10) Blue Springs - Spirit Award - Ranking Member Sam Graves recieves the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Spirit of Enterprise Award. (4/9/10) Small Biz Expo 2010 - Ranking Member Sam Graves (R-MO) speaks at his 2010 Small Biz Expo. (2010) Gladstone - Ranking Member Sam Graves visits Gladstone Community Center. townhall - Ranking Member Sam Graves (R-MO) speaks at a townhall meeting he hosted in the 6th District of MO. (2/1/10) ethanol - Rep. Steve King (R-IA) tours Platinum Ethanol Plant. compressed steel - Rep. Steve King (R-IA) vists at Compressed Steel back in his district in Iowa. John Mansville - Rep. Mike Coffman touring Johns Manville Coram Branch - Rep. Mike Coffman touring Coram Branch back in his district Gateway Mazda - Rep. Mike Coffman speaking at Gateway Mazda Dealership Leprino Foods - Rep. Mike Coffman touring Leprino Foods - - - - - ny post - test - - - website - Ranking Member Sam Graves at Small Business Roundtable - The Republicans of the Congressional Small Business Committee host a roundtable for industry leaders led by Ranking Member Sam Graves. Tax - Tax - Ranking Member Sam Graves at Small Business Roundtable - Ranking Member Sam Graves at Small Business Roundtable Ranking Member Sam Graves at Small Business Roundtable - Ranking Member Sam Graves at Small Business Roundtable Ranking Member Sam Graves - Ranking Member Sam Graves Ranking Member Sam Graves - Ranking Member Sam Graves - Ranking Member Sam Graves Ranking Member Sam Graves - Ranking Member Sam Graves