
July 9, 2012

Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) delivered a speech today on the role of manufacturing in building a strong and competitive economy, and announced a new list of bills as part of the Democrats' Make It In America plan...

June 29, 2012

"We thought the bill was constitutional. The Supreme Court has said it's constitutional. It's within our powers and we think the American public can be more secure today than they were yesterday with the assurance that they're going to have access to affordable, quality health care."

June 28, 2012

“The fact of the matter is what the Supreme Court said today was the health care bill is constitutional. And therefore, Americans are going to have greater confidence that they're going to have access to affordable quality health care.

June 28, 2012

Mr. Speaker, this is a sad day for the House of Representatives. It is an irresponsible day for the House of Representatives. It is a day in which the Majority party asked us to take an action that has never been taken in the history of America - never once holding a cabinet officer in contempt of the Congress.

June 21, 2012

“Mr. Speaker, tomorrow will mark, as I said a little earlier, 100 days since the United States Senate approved its bipartisan compromise highway bill in the United States Senate. Seventy-four senators voted for that. Essentially half of the Republican conference in the United States Senate voted for that bill.

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