Science & Technology

British Foreign Minister William Hague (L) and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban pose for photographers on a balcony during their meeting at Orban's office in the Parliament building in Budapest, Hungary, October 4, 2012.

Britain Unveils Major Effort to Fight Global Online Crime

Speaking at international 'Budapest Conference on Cyberspace,' British F.M. Hague says Britain wants to lead global initiative against cyberspace attacks More

Dishes from the Australia Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder are seen at Murchison, Western Australia, October 5, 2012.

Australian Scientists Unveil Super Telescope

New facility on Australia's remote west coast will be one of world’s most important radio telescopes probing origins of stars, galaxies More

NASA's Mars rover Curiosity cut a wheel scuff mark into a wind-formed ripple at the "Rocknest" site to give researchers a better opportunity to examine the particle-size distribution of the material forming the ripple. (NASA/JPL-Caltech)

Mars Rover Ready To Take First Sample

Curiosity's robotic arm to take several samples of Martian soil in coming days and process them More

Facebook Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg gestures as he addresses students at the Moscow State University in Moscow, Russia, October 2, 2012.

Facebook Marks Milestone With One Billion Users

With mass adoption of product, social media experts examine how social networking has evolved More

Australian Institute of Marine Science image shows bleaching on a coral reef at Halfway Island in Australia's Great Barrier Reef which lost more than half its coral cover in the past 27 years, October 2, 2012.

Video Great Barrier Reef Shows New Damage

Study indicates that if trend continues coral cover could halve again by 2022 More

More Science & Technology News

China's Access to Foreign-Based Social Networking Sites Still Low

According to official statistics more than half a billion people online in China, but government retains control over servers within its borders

Indo-Australian Plate Splitting

Experts say it is a dramatic moment in a long-term geological process and that it is just a matter of time before another giant earthquake, tsunami strike

Kenya to Cut Off Counterfeit Phones

Retailers, customers have mixed reactions to plan, which could affect up to three million mobile phones

US Scientists: Clear Evidence Mars Had Flowing Water

Pictures sent back from Curiosity probe on Mars show clear evidence that water once flowed on planet

Three-Parent IVF Could Reduce Disease, But Stirs Debate

Medical researchers seek British approval for human trials of experimental fertility technique

NASA Closes In on the Big Bang

Hubble space telescope captures deepest-ever view of universe, showing galaxies going back almost to beginning of time

Iran Blocks Popular Google Products

Technology experts are questioning Tehran's official reasons for the blockages

Invention that 'Won World War II' Showcased

Flat-bottom boats had drop-gate that lowers so people could go ashore quickly
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Video Oil Giants Eye Arctic Reserves; Environmentalists Urge Moratorium

As oil giant Shell calls a temporary halt to its exploration activities in the Arctic over safety concerns, lawmakers in Britain are urging international governments to seek a moratorium on offshore drilling in the region. Environmentalists say an oil spill could cause catastrophic, irreversible damage. Henry Ridgwell reports for VOA that with global demand set to rise, though, some say it’s time to look at ‘unconventional resources’.