Press Releases

Burgess Presses Obama Administration on Inconsistent Libya Statements
September 26, 2012  -Burgess Presses Obama Administration on Inconsistent Libya Statements “This administration has not been forthcoming. We deserve better, and the four Americans who lost their lives deserve better.” Washington, D.C. – Yesterday, Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (TX-26), sent a letter to President Obama regarding the erroneous ... More

Modernize CBO Scoring: The Preventative Health Savings Act
September 24, 2012  - Modernize CBO Scoring: The Preventative Health Savings Act WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (TX-26) and Congresswoman Donna Christensen (D-VI) have introduced The Preventative Health Savings Act of 2012, H.R. 6482. The legislation would create a more accurate budget scoring system for legislation dealing ... More

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Burgess in the News

Working to ensure there will be no more Solyndras
July 31, 2012  - Working to ensure there will be no more Solyndras By: Rep. Michael C. Burgess, M.D. and Rep. Fred Upton With millions out of work and rising prices on basic living expenses, American families are struggling across this country just to make ends meet. They have sent their representatives to Washington to ensure that their voices... More

Dr. Burgess on C-SPAN's Washington Journal: Health Care
July 12, 2012  -Dr. Burgess appeared on C-SPAN's Washington Journal to discuss health care and take questions from viewers. You can watch the video below. More

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Weekly Video Addresses

Economic Development Summit
October 5, 2012  -This week Dr. Burgess provides an update from the Economic Development Summit which was held at Texas Wesleyan University. To read a transcript of the video click here. More

Weekly Video Address: Redistribution Will Not Put People Back to Work
September 28, 2012  -This week Dr. Burgess provides an update from Washington on redistribution and how it will not put people back to work. You can watch the video below. To read a transcript of the video click here. More

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Floor Statements

Dr. Burgess on the Floor: No More Solyndras
September 14, 2012  -Dr. Burgess spoke on the House Floor in support of the No More Solyndras Act that the House will vote on today. You can watch the video below. More

Dr. Burgess on the Floor: Repealing the Health Care Law
July 10, 2012  -Dr. Burgess spoke on the House Floor in favor of H.R. 6079, Repeal of Obamacare Act. You can watch the video below. More

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Committee Statements

Dr. Burgess at Committee: No More Solyndras Act Opening Statement
July 24, 2012  -Dr. Burgess delivers his opening statement at the No More Solyndras Act mark-up. You can watch the video below. More

Dr. Burgess at Committee: Questioning Secretary Chu
March 8, 2012  -Dr. Burgess questions Secretary Chu at the Energy and Commerce Committee Hearing. You can watch the video below. More

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Cooke County Office Hours on Monday, August 27 in Callisburg
August 20, 2012  -Congressman Michael Burgess announces that his district office staff will be hosting an additional “Cooke County Office Hours” on Monday, August 27, 2012, 9:00-11:00 AM at the Callisburg Community Club, 59 Campbell Street (corner of McDaniel & Campbell Street), Callisburg, TX 76240. Dr. Burgess’ staff will be available to assist... More

Asthma Inhalers Relief Act - Myth vs. Fact
July 19, 2012  -This year a common over-the-counter emergency asthma inhaler, Primatene Mist, was forced off pharmacy shelves due to an international treaty agreement. Now, asthma sufferers who find themselves awake at 2am with an unexpected attack and do not have immediate access to an inhaler are faced with what use to be a problem solved wit... More

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Letters from Dr. Burgess

Letter to President Obama
September 25, 2012  - On September 25, 2012, Dr. Burgess sent a letter to President Barack H. Obama regarding the attack in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012. To read the letter as a PDF document, please select the image below. More

Letter to Tavenner Medicare Audit Programs
August 7, 2012  -On August 7, 2012, Dr. Burgess and forty-four Members of Congress sent a letter to Acting Administrator Marilyn Tavenner of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services regarding the issues given by the CMS rules towards patients in the Medicare audit programs. To read the letter as a PDF document, please select the image belo... More

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