
Appropriations Chairman Blasts Obama Administration’s Decision to Open Thomson Prison without Approval from Congress
October 2, 2012 - House Appropriations Chairman Hal Rogers blasted today’s decision by the Obama Administration to ignore Congressional objections and move to buy Thomson Prison – a long-closed detention facility in Illinois. The controversial Thomson Prison was the site proposed by the Obama Administration for use as a facility to house Guantanamo Bay detainees on U.S. soil, and attempts to open the prison with taxpayer dollars have been met with strong objections from Congress and the American people. More

Chairman Rogers Floor Statement in Support of H.J.Res. 117, FY 2013 Continuing Resolution
September 13, 2012 - More

House Approves Six-Month Continuing Resolution, Preventing Government Shutdown and Fulfilling Bipartisan Agreement
September 13, 2012 - The U.S. House today approved H.J.Res. 117, the Continuing Resolution to fund the federal government until March 27, 2013. The temporary funding measure continues funding at the current rate of operations for federal agencies, programs and services, and provides funding for FEMA’s Disaster Relief Fund, for relief and recovery following disasters such as the recent Hurricane Isaac. More

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