National Press Foundation Obesity Issues summit


Share Brig. Gen. Margaret Wilmoth recently addressed National Press Foundation fellows at the Colorado Center for Health and Wellness to highlight the Army Reserve’s initiatives surrounding Soldier health and fitness. The conference gathered twenty journalists from around the country to discuss the issue of obesity and its impact on various aspects of our community. YouTube [...]

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Army Reserve impliments alternative energy, renewable technology


Share Mr. Addison (Tad) Davis, Chief Executive Officer of U.S. Army Reserve Command, addressed the 7th Annual Military Energy Alternatives Conference March 6 to highlight the Army Reserve’s work in alternative energy and sustainability. The conference gathered Department of Defense, Department of Energy and business leaders to discuss ways in which the Department of Defense [...]

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Army Reserve Leadership 2011 Holiday Message

LT. Gen. Jack C. Stultz

Share YouTube DoDLive As another holiday season approaches, we should make the most of the opportunity to gather with friends and Family — for it’s during the holiday season that we are pointedly reminded of the values we treasure as Americans and why we continue to strive to safeguard our Nation. Our grateful country salutes [...]

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Warrior Citizens After Iraq- Sgt. Maj. James Davis

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“No soldier can move forward to focus 24 hours a day-seven days a week for whatever period of time they are mobilized without a strong support system and the knowledge that everything is taken care of at home. I have been fortunate enough to have the support of my family, friends, work and those colleagues that I attend charity events with to support my family and their needs while I have been deployed.”

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“We Have Much to be Thankful for”

Lt. Gen. Jack C. Stultz

Over the last 10 years, so many Army Reserve Soldiers sacrificed their Thanksgivings and countless other holidays in service to their nation both at home and in more than 18 countries around the globe. This year will mark the last in Iraq since President Obama’s announcement that all U.S. troops and trainers would leave the country by the end of the year, bringing the U.S. mission in Iraq to an end. I am thankful to the countless Army Reserve Soldiers who served in this prolonged conflict to ensure a successful end to this mission.

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