Hoyer Statement on GOP Efforts to Add Hurdles to Regulatory Process, Undermine Ability to Protect Voters

Washington, DC – House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today on Republican bills that don’t create jobs, undermine consumer protections, add hurdles to the regulatory process and undermine our ability to protect voters by eliminating the Election Assistance Commission:

“While the Republican sponsors of the two bills before us contend they will create jobs, their claim is spurious. Economists have told us again and again that easing regulations has a negligible effect on job creation. The only thing these bills will do is make it harder for federal agencies to protect Americans through safety standards and environmental protections. One of the bills adds 35 pages to what is currently a 45 page law, and is likely to add 21 to 39 months to the rulemaking process. Agencies will be tied in knots and leave businesses without the certainty they need.

“To pay for this expansion of the federal regulatory process, Republicans would have us eliminate the Election Assistance Commission. I was proud to be one of the authors of the Help America Vote Act, which established the EAC in order to fix the flawed system that led to the electoral debacle of 2000. It passed with a strong bipartisan vote of 357-48. The Commission’s sole purpose is to provide states with the resources they need to ensure everyone eligible to vote can cast their ballots and have them counted. We cannot risk having our elections determined by ‘hanging chads.’

“Instead of trying to erode our ability to protect voters, and instead of promoting regulatory bills that will not put Americans back to work, Republicans should join with Democrats to pass real jobs legislation. Democrats have two plans on the table to create jobs and grow our economy – the President’s American Jobs Act and our Make It In America plan. We should be debating and voting on those. I strongly urge the defeat of these bills and hope Republicans will finally set partisanship aside and work with us to help businesses hire workers and to invest in our economy’s future.”
