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10/04/2012 - 4:23pm

By Kate Villarreal, Press Assistant 

Yesterday, United States Trade Representative Ron Kirk kicked off this year’s Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) at a launch event attended by Executive Office of the President (EOP) employees in the South Court Auditorium of the Eisenhower Executive Office Building. Ambassador Kirk is serving as the EOP Chair for the CFC, which, through the collective contributions of more than 120,000 civilian and military federal employees in the National Capital Area, is part of the largest workplace giving campaign in the world.

ARK CFCAmbassador Kirk addresses EOP employees at the CFC kickoff event

Ambassador Kirk spoke to attendees about the importance of giving, and he outlined a vision to increase participation across the spectrum of hardworking EOP staff. “The size of the gift doesn’t matter,” he said. “Give until it feels good.”

He also talked about the power of the individual in bringing about change, pointing out that many charitable organizations were founded by strong and compassionate individuals who saw needs in their communities, and then took action to meet those needs.

After the opening remarks, Kim Muñoz from the Quality of Life Foundation and Rebecca Milner of the International Medical Corps shared information about the work of their charitable organizations. The Quality of Life Foundation provides support for wounded veterans and their families. The International Medical Corps provides humanitarian assistance, medical care, and training to areas affected by disaster and conflict.

For more information on the CFC and workplace giving, please see here.

10/01/2012 - 6:42pm

Last Friday, United States Trade Representative Ron Kirk traveled to Miami to discuss how President Obama’s trade and economic agenda is supporting more jobs for people in Florida and across the country. In the morning, he participated in a White House Business Council meeting with local business leaders at Miami Dade College. The discussions focused on a variety of topics that impact businesses in Florida, including passage and entry into force of the new trade agreements with South Korea, Colombia and Panama, as well as the importance of infrastructure.

Later in the morning, Ambassador Kirk spoke to and took questions from members of the Beacon Council – a Miami-based non-profit that helps to attract and keep businesses in the Miami area. The conversation focused on President Obama’s plan to grow American jobs and strengthen the middle class through increased exports of ‘Made in America’ products. Ambassador Kirk highlighted the key trade policy accomplishments of the Obama Administration, and the positive impact they’ve had on employment rates and growth of exports for the Miami region.

“In terms of trade, we are opening up markets abroad so that leaders like you can expand your businesses internationally,” Ambassador Kirk said in his remarks. “Goods exports from the greater Miami region were up more than 20 percent last year to $43.1 billion overall. That total includes, for example, $10.2 billion worth of computers and electronic products, $5.8 billion worth of transportation equipment, and $3.8 billion worth of machinery,” he said.

“More importantly, those dollar amounts support real paychecks for tens of thousands of Floridians working in export industries. And we are working to help you do even better,” said Ambassador Kirk.

After his speech at the Beacon Council, Ambassador Kirk participated in a roundtable meeting with The Council of the Americas, where the group discussed enforcement issues, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), and the addition of new TPP member countries Mexico and Canada. They also talked about the economic relationship between the U.S. and Brazil.

Ambassador Kirk’s visit to Miami highlights the Obama Administration’s commitment to ensuring that ’Made in America’ remain the most powerful brand in the world, and that the United States remains the best place in the world to innovate, invest, build a business or get a job.

09/28/2012 - 10:06am

Ambassador Kirk and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Lisa Jackson hosted a meeting of the Trade and Environment Policy Advisory Committee (TEPAC) on September 27th at USTR. TEPAC is comprised of a broad range of representatives from non-governmental organizations, the private sector, think tanks, and academia, and provides policy advice on issues relating to trade and the environment. Ambassador Kirk told the TEPAC about the ongoing Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations, as well as the next steps in the U.S.-European Union (EU) High Level Working Group. Ambassador Kirk also provided updates on recent developments in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum, including a read-out of the APEC Leaders’ meeting in Vladivostok, Russia where APEC members agreed on a ground-breaking list of 54 environmental goods on which they will cut tariffs to five percent or less by 2015.

TEPAC meeting
Administrator Jackson, TEPAC Chair Joseph Black, and Ambassador Kirk at this week's TEPAC meeting.

Administrator Jackson gave a report on the EPA’s export promotion initiative, including the creation of a new online web portal ( that will be launched October 1st at the Water Environment Federation’s Annual Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC) with the Department of Commerce. In addition, Administrator Jackson also updated members on work being undertaken in the North American Commission on Environmental Cooperation, and outcomes from the recent CEC Council Meeting hosted by EPA last July. Following their remarks, Ambassador Kirk and Administrator Jackson answered questions from TEPAC members, that touched on a broad range of trade and environment matters.

09/25/2012 - 1:27pm

Earlier this month, the U.S. Association of Small Business Development Centers (ASBDC) held its annual conference in New Orleans, and Deputy Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for Small Business Christina Sevilla was on hand to highlight some of the early successes of the Obama Administration’s Small Business Network of the Americas (SBNA) initiative. The SBNA seeks to link U.S. Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs) and the clients they serve to similar small business support centers and networks in partner countries through online trade platforms and business competitions.

Taking a key step forward, representatives from the ASBDC, the University of Texas San Antonio Institute for Economic Development, and Brazil's Micro and Small Enterprise Service (SEBRAE) signed a Memorandum of Understanding to link their trade platforms and clients on a central website ( This platform is expanding to include international SBDCs in Mexico, Central America, Colombia, and the Caribbean, and will help small businesses take better advantage of trade agreements between the United States and countries in the region.

DAUSTR Sevilla RemarksDeputy Assistant U.S. Trade Representative Christina Sevilla speaks to the U.S.
Association of Small Business Development Centers International Interests section

Precision 2000, a small general contracting and construction management business based in Atlanta, Georgia, is already benefitting from these new developments. Precision 2000’s CEO, Guiomar Obregon, received strategic advice and export counseling from Rick Martin and Antonio Barrios of the Georgia SBDC network at University of Georgia and Kennesaw State University. Obregon and her workforce have used this guidance to actively pursue construction contracts in the Colombian market, and she anticipates that contracts secured for construction services in Colombia will help Precision 2000 support jobs in Georgia.

Mickey Conway, a Colombian-American business development specialist at the Clemson University SBDC at Greenwood, is also looking to use the SBNA to help U.S. small businesses expand to Latin America. He hopes that “the expansion of the SBDC network to Latin America can create new business contacts for South Carolina companies.” Conway is organizing a visit to Colombia, the United States’ newest trade agreement partner, by a delegation of South Carolina and Arkansas SBDC counselors and small businesses owners, who hope to explore and pursue trade opportunities there.

09/25/2012 - 12:07pm

Yesterday, eleven stakeholder witnesses spoke before the Trade Policy Staff Committee (TPSC) to give testimony on Canada’s entry into the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement. The TPP is a multilateral trade agreement that will boost U.S. exports to the growing economies of the Asia-Pacific region. As preparations begin for Canada’s entry, the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) and its interagency partners are soliciting public comments to help inform negotiating work and strengthen U.S. proposals.

USTR public hearing on TPP and Canada
Stakeholders testify at yesterday's hearing.

Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for Southeast Asia and the Pacific Barbara Weisel opened the hearing with a prepared statement in which she explained how Canada’s entry into the TPP could offer a promising platform for regional economic integration. Following the statement, stakeholders representing agriculture, pharmaceutical, intellectual property, automaker, and homebuilder industry associations, along with business, non-governmental organizations, and organized labor, testified before the Committee. They raised several topics for discussion including customs, rules of origin, technical barriers to trade, intellectual property, transparency, state-owned enterprises and enforcement.

In a statement, William Roenigk, speaking on behalf of the National Chicken Council and the USA Poultry and Egg Export Council, said that Canada joining the TPP would be a positive opportunity for the poultry industry, “provided that Canada agree – in advance – to put its import protection policies on the negotiating table and if there is an appropriate and successful conclusion to the negotiations.”

USTR public hearing on TPP and Canada
Members of the Trade Policy Staff Committee (TPSC), at a hearing chaired by Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for Trade Policy and Economics, Doug Bell.

The United States trades more with its northern neighbor than with any other single nation, and as witness Jodi Bond from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce told the TPSC in her testimony, a quarter trillion dollars are spent by Canadians on U.S. exports every year, representing twenty percent of total U.S. exports and supporting 8 million American jobs. However, lowering tariffs, reducing non-tariff barriers to trade, and aligning regulatory measures could strengthen this relationship even further, acting as an “economic shot in the arm,” according to Bond, the Vice President of the Americas at the U.S. Chamber.

At the conclusion of testimony, Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for Trade Policy and Economics Doug Bell thanked the stakeholders for their efforts and said the information shared would “be of great value” to USTR with respect to TPP negotiating positions.

 USTR public hearing on TPP and Canada
Members of the public listen to testimony at the public hearing yesterday.

The TPP provides the opportunity for the U.S. and Canada to update their trade framework to reflect the technological advancements and regulatory complexities of the twenty-first century, and holds great opportunities for supporting quality jobs in the U.S.

09/24/2012 - 10:13am

By Kate Villarreal, Press Assistant 

On Friday, the Office of the United States Trade Representative and interagency partners convened a public hearing to receive testimony on Mexico’s inclusion in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).

Counselor and Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for Trade Policy and Economics Doug Bell presided over the proceedings. He opened the hearing by inviting stakeholders to give testimony to be shared with interagency panel members and TPP negotiators. Barbara Weisel, Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for Southeast Asia and the Pacific, and John Melle, Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for the Americas, also participated.

Members of the public hear testimony at the TPP Mexico Hearing

Ten speakers from a range of stakeholder groups gave testimony, addressing issues related to agriculture, intellectual property rights, labor, manufacturing, and other areas. Witnesses included members of the Sweetener Users Association, the USA Poultry and Egg Export Council, the National Chicken Council, Knowledge Ecology International, Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, the International Intellectual Property Alliance, Coalition for a Prosperous America, the Association of Global Automakers, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the AFL-CIO.

A representative from the International Intellectual Property Alliance testifies at the TPP Mexico Hearing

Following each testimony, USTR representatives and agency counterparts asked questions to clarify stakeholder concerns. At the hearing’s conclusion, Assistant USTR Bell said comments would be taken back to the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiators.

Representatives from Knowledge Ecology International testify at the TPP Mexico Hearing

Friday’s hearing follows last week’s conclusion of the most recent TPP negotiating round in Leesburg, Virginia. A full transcript of the hearing will be posted on as soon as it’s available.

09/20/2012 - 11:23am

Yesterday Ambassador Kirk greeted Texas Panhandle Honor Flight veterans and joined them for a wreath laying ceremony at the Navy Memorial. Honor Flights transport veterans to Washington, D.C. each year to visit and reflect at various memorials honoring their service.

Ambassador Kirk welcomed the group to Washington and thanked them for their past service and sacrifice on behalf of President Obama. “As the son of a World War II veteran and as a proud Texan, I am honored to be here to express my appreciation for you and your families and recognize your service,” said Ambassador Kirk.

Ambassador Kirk Welcomes Veterans
Ambassador Kirk Addresses Veterans from the Panhandle Honor Flight

The Panhandle Honor Flight veterans are visiting Washington with America Supports You Texas, an Abilene, Texas-based organization which raises funds to sponsor the trips. This year’s Panhandle flight includes veterans of World War II, Korea, Vietnam and Afghanistan, as well as active military personnel and volunteer “guardians” who support and assist the vets during the three-day trip. Honor Flights prioritize the most senior veterans – WWII survivors – as well as terminally ill veterans. This marks the second year that Ambassador Kirk has received the visiting Honor Flight group.

09/19/2012 - 3:37pm

Last Thursday, Ambassador Ron Kirk traveled to the Norridgewock, Maine factory of U.S. athletic footwear manufacturer New Balance. Ambassador Kirk, who was joined by the company’s President and CEO Rob DeMartini and Congressman Mike Michaud (ME-2), toured the facility and met with New Balance workers to discuss the footwear industry and the company’s footwear production techniques. After the tour, Ambassador Kirk took questions from workers on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement.

Ambassador Kirk speaks with a New Balance workerAmbassador Kirk speaks with a New Balance worker in
Norridgewock, ME

"I want to thank the people at New Balance for giving me the opportunity to visit their Norridgewock factory, and for their willingness to engage with USTR as we negotiate the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement,” said Ambassador Kirk.

Ambassador Kirk poses for a photoAmbassador Kirk poses for a photo with Congressman
Mike Michaud (ME-2), Factory Manager Raye Wentworth,
and New Balance CEO Rob DeMartini

New Balance President and CEO Rob DeMartini was pleased that Ambassador Kirk made the trip to Norridgewock. “We are encouraged by the Ambassador’s visit and by his openness to hearing our perspective on this crucial matter of public policy, manufacturing and American jobs,” he commented.

09/18/2012 - 11:36am
Pursuant to the Office of the United States Trade Representative’s (USTR) “Request for Comments on Negotiating Objectives with Respect to Canada’s Participation in the Proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership Trade Agreement” published in the Federal Register (docket number USTR-2012-0015) on July 23, 2012, USTR is pleased to call to the attention of the public the opportunity to attend a public hearing on this matter. The hearing will be held on Monday, September 24, 2012, at 9:30 a.m., at 1724 F Street, Rooms 1 & 2, Washington, DC 20508. Open seating is available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Media inquiries should be directed to USTR’s Office of Public Affairs (202) 395-3230.
09/18/2012 - 11:05am
Pursuant to the Office of the United States Trade Representative’s (USTR) “Request for Comments on Negotiating Objectives with Respect to Mexico’s Participation in the Proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership Trade Agreement” published in the Federal Register (docket number USTR-2012-0014) on July 23, 2012, USTR is pleased to call to the attention of the public the opportunity to attend a public hearing on this matter. The hearing will be held on Friday, September 21, 2012, at 9:30 a.m., at 1724 F Street, Rooms 1 & 2, Washington, DC 20508. Open seating is available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Media inquiries should be directed to USTR’s Office of Public Affairs (202) 395-3230.