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Officer Promotions Article

Centralized Army Officer Promotion System


To provide an overview of the centralized officer promotion selection system.


The centralized officer promotion selection system is governed by procedures based on statute (Title 10, United States Code), Army Regulation (AR 600-8-29, Officer Promotions) and policy established by the Secretary of the Army and the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel. The selection system is closely monitored and managed because of the far-reaching effects that the selection process has on the mission of the Army, and the professional development, morale and well-being of the officer corps.

The basic concept of the promotion selection system is to select for promotion those officers who have demonstrated that they possess the professional and moral qualifications, integrity, physical fitness, and ability required to successfully perform the duties expected of an officer in the next higher grade. Promotion is not intended to be a reward for long, honorable service in the present grade, but is based on overall demonstrated performance and potential abilities.

Promotion selection is conducted fairly and equitably by boards composed of mature, experienced, senior officers. Each board consists of different members, and women and minority members are routinely appointed. A typical board is presided over by a general officer and consists of 18-21 officers in a grade senior to that of those being considered for promotion. The board membership reviews the entire performance portion of the official record of every officer being considered for promotion. Selection boards recommend those officers who, in the collective judgment of the board, are the best qualified for promotion.

Congressional and budgetary constraints dictate the number which may be selected for promotion to each grade. Each board considers all officers eligible for promotion consideration, but it may only select a number within established selection constraints. The Secretary of the Army, in his Memorandum of Instruction, establishes limits on the number of officers to be selected. The selection process is an extremely competitive process based on the "whole officer" concept. It is an unavoidable fact that some officers considered for promotion will not be selected for promotion. There are always more outstanding officers who are fully qualified to perform duty at the next higher grade, but who are not selected because of selection capability restrictions.

Since promotion selection boards are not authorized by law to divulge the reasons for selection or nonselection of any officer, specific reasons for the board's recommendations are not known. A nonselected officer can only conclude that a promotion selection board determined that his or her overall record, when compared with the records of contemporaries in the zone of consideration, did not reflect as high a potential as those selected for promotion.

Each officer can be assured that he or she receives fair and equitable consideration. Nonselection for promotion does not imply that an officer has not performed in an admirable manner or that the Army does not value the service performed. Officers not selected for promotion are not precluded from consideration by future boards, provided they meet the eligibility criteria established for consideration.

The Army has established procedures to counsel, upon request, officers not selected for promotion. Nonselected officers may avail themselves of such counseling through their commander or through HRC. Officers desiring counseling or requesting that information be provided to their commanders should contact their career managers.

An officer may request reconsideration for promotion when an action, by a regularly scheduled selection board which considered him or her for promotion, was contrary to law or involved material error. When an officer suspects that reconsideration may be appropriate, requests should be addressed to: U.S. Army Human Resource Command, ATTN: ESPD. Promotions Branch, AHRC-PDV-PO, 1600 Spearhead Division Ave, Dept 470, Fort Knox, KY 40122-5407.


The POC is Officer Promotions at COML: (502) 613-9009 or DSN: 983-9009.