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Fellows' Prize for Leadership

Demonstrating outstanding leadership in science or engineering.

Fellows' Prize for Leadership recipients


  • David S. Moore, DE-9
    For his inspirational technical leadership in the fields of shock physics and the science of explosives detection


  • Andrew Shreve, MPA-CINT
    For his stimulation of young Laboratory staff to develop skills and to make personal sacrifices necessary to become effective leaders


  • Dan Thoma, INST-OFF
    For his strong scientific leadership both within and outside the Laboratory, including his support to the JOWOG 22 collaboration, and his serving as a mentor in MST Division, as a senior advisor at the directorate level, in national societies, and most recently in the LANL Institutes
  • Juan Fernandez, P-24
    For his strong leadership within the Laboratory, for excellence in mentoring, and for leadership in the external U.S. and international scientific community. Juan is also recognized for his demonstrated balance among leadership, technical excellence, people skills, and the ability to nurture collaborations
  • Jeff Bedell, IAT-1: Special Fellows Prize
    For his truly exceptional performance in the area of nonproliferation and national security. Jeff is clearly an international resource in nonproliferation and export control, providing intellectual leadership that helps define this country's agenda.


  • G. Andrew (Andy) Erickson, IT
    For his outstanding technical success, unequaled enthusiasm, and savvy leadership in the international technology area


  • Rick Luce, STB-RL
  • Bob Little, X-7


  • Nancy Sauer, C-SIC


  • Toni Taylor, MST-10
  • Chuck Farrar, ESA-WR

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