National Science Foundation

The National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Open Government Plan meets many of the OGD requirements, making a range of significant data and information available in multiple formats. Going beyond the requirements, NSF also creates a number of science-oriented sites and resources using findings from funded studies to promote learning and education in the sciences; these efforts serve a number of key stakeholders interested NSF operations. In addition, NSF created and maintains a website to promote discussion and feedback regarding its Plan, as it considers its plan to be a first important step in a longer process to create a more open and transparent agency.

The plan would be strengthened by inventorying in detail what it considers high value and important underlying data and committing to a schedule make such data available to the public. The plan would also benefit from a more detailed discussion of its flagship initiative and the steps NSF will take to make it sustainable.

If you any think part of the agency's plan is impressive, or you have concrete suggestions on how the agency could improve its plan, please share your ideas with us using the form at the bottom of the page.
