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Can I contribute by check or by money order?

Yes, click “Sponsor a Care Package” and select the "Printable Donation Form” option. 

Can I donate items instead of money?

The USO can only accept items that that are purchased directly from or donated by the manufacturer. Due to heightened security, the Department of Defense does not allow items donated by individuals to be included in the packages. Corporations interested in donating products for inclusion in the care packages, call or call 703-806-3543 or contact the Operation USO Care Package Program Director 

Can I send a package to a particular member of the troops?

The USO does not have names or addresses of individuals serving overseas, and cannot guarantee that your specific package will be delivered to a particular unit. Most care packages are delivered either at departure points for troops or through USO centers. There is no way to track individual packages or determine who will receive a particular package.

How can I participate?

Anyone can sponsor a care package for $25 each. Click on the “Sponsor a Care Package” link above to donate online or by mail. You also can sponsor a care package by calling 877-USO-GIVE. Your care package and personal message will be delivered to a deployed member of the U.S. armed forces.

How does the USO deliver the packages?

Care packages are distributed at USO airport centers, special send-off celebrations for military personnel deploying overseas and to troops returning to overseas locations from rest and recuperation (R&R). In addition, the USO takes care package requests from deployed units, making every effort to fulfill these requests on a first-come, first-serve basis.  

How often can I contribute?

As often as you like. If you purchase more than one care package at a time, then your personal messages will correspond to the number of care packages you purchase.

I still have questions about the Operation USO Care Package program. Is there someone I can contact?

For more information on the Operation USO Care Package program, please e-mail info@uso.org or call 1-877-USO-GIVE.

Show your support for our troops, sponsor a Care Package today  

If I make a donation on behalf of someone else, will they be notified?

Yes, at the bottom of the donation page, click “I would like to make my gift in memory or honor of someone.” Your “honoree” will be notified via e-mail of your donation. You also may call 877-USO-GIVE toll-free; the call center will mail a card to your “honoree.”  

Is my contribution tax-deductible?

Yes, contributions are 100 percent tax-deductible, and you will receive a donation receipt.

My corporation is interested in getting involved with the Operation USO Care Package program. How can I contact the USO if I have additional questions?

Corporations interested conducting a corporate program, becoming a program sponsor, or interested in fundraising opportunities for the Operation USO Care Package program, please email corporatealliances@uso.org or call 703-740-4979. There are many different ways corporations may rally around our service men and women and show support. 

What does the $25 per care package cover?

 The $25 donation is used to purchase packing materials and the items included in the packages as well as shipping costs. The actual retail value of each package is approximately $75. Care packages are assembled by USO volunteers so there are no handling charges.  

What items are included in the packages?

 At a minimum, each care package includes a personalized message of support from the donor, an AT&T prepaid international phone card, snacks, playing cards, reading material, camo kits containing shampoo, conditioner, sun block, hand sanitizer, tooth paste, tooth brush, sunscreen and other requested and needed items.  

Will the recipient of the package know I sponsored it?

The USO does not release your personal contact information to anyone and does not encourage you to include your personal information in your message. This will protect the USO, the service man or woman and you the donor if we do not release personal info.  

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