Office of Minority Health Research Coordination (OMHRC)

Reports on Race and Ethnicity Data

NIDDK Strategic Plan on Health Disparities
The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) conducts and supports research on many chronic and costly diseases affecting the public health. Several diseases studied by NIDDK are among the leading causes of disability and death in the Nation; all affect seriously the quality of life of those suffering from them. Many diseases and disorders that disproportionately affect the health of minority populations in the United States receive high priority in NIDDK research areas, including diabetes, obesity, nutrition-related disorders, hepatitis C, gallbladder disease, H. Pylori infection, sickle cell disease, kidney diseases, and complications from infection with HIV. NIDDK gives increased priority to support research and to encourage specific efforts in these areas of health disparity to advance the foundation of knowledge in the biomedical sciences. The strategic vision that guides NIDDK is improved health and quality of life for all Americans through basic, clinical, and behavioral research to address the diseases and disorders within the Institute’s statutory research mandate.

NIH Strategic Plan on Health Disparities
This strategic plan, NIH Strategic Research Plan and Budget to Reduce and Ultimately Eliminate Health Disparities, is the first step in implementing Public Law (P.L.) 106-525, The Minority Health and Health Disparities Research and Education Act of 2000, and represents NIH’s assurance and commitment to this effort. The plan was developed through an open process with substantial input from the public, particularly from representatives of groups who disproportionately experience disparities in health, in addition to those in academia and health care professionals. It describes the activities underway and planned to bring the full strength of NIH's research, training and outreach programs to bear on the challenge of eliminating domestic health disparities, increasing participation by minorities in clinical research, and increasing the number of minority clinical and basic medical scientists who are essential to the success of our efforts.

NIH Health Disparities Strategic Plan and Budget, FY2004-2008
Volume I - Executive Summary and Background (PDF, 481 kb)
Volume II - Index of IC/OD Submissions  (PDF, 3826 kb)

NIH Health Disparities Strategic Plan and Budget, FY2002-2006 
Volume I - Executive Summary and Background (PDF, 858 kb)
Volume II - Index of IC/OD Submissions (PDF, 102 kb)

Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs) Annual Plan and Report

Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) Annual Plan and Report

Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs) Annual Plan and Report

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Page last updated: May 06, 2011

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