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"A fundamental part of our strategy for our security has to be America's support for those universal rights that formed the creed of our founding. We will promote those values above all by living them -- through our fidelity to the rule of law and our Constitution, even when it's hard; even when we're being attacked; even when we're in the midst of war." President Barack Obama, speaking at West Point's 2010 Commencement
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"A fundamental part of our strategy for our security has to be America's support for those universal rights that formed the creed of our founding. We will promote those values above all by living them -- through our fidelity to the rule of law and our Constitution, even when it's hard; even when we're being attacked; even when we're in the midst of war." President Barack Obama, speaking at West Point's 2010 Commencement
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"A fundamental part of our strategy for our security has to be America's support for those universal rights that formed the creed of our founding. We will promote those values above all by living them -- through our fidelity to the rule of law and our Constitution, even when it's hard; even when we're being attacked; even when we're in the midst of war." President Barack Obama, speaking at West Point's 2010 Commencement
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Respecting the Rule of Law

The West Point Center for the Rule of Law (CRL) plays a vital educational role in promoting respect for the rule of law—during peacetime and armed conflict. Located within West Point’s Department of Law, the Center educates current and future leaders of our Army and our nation, emphasizing:
  • the principles underlying the Law of Armed Conflict
  • their own critical roles as officers and commanders in upholding the military justice system
  • the core values of the U.S. Constitution as the foundation of civil-military relations.
Gender Justice Conference
On 6-8 April 2011 the Center for the Rule of Law hosted its Conference on Gender Justice Issues. The Conference covered topics including Violence against Women in War and Modern-Day Slavery: Trafficking in Women. Read story
Conference on Innocence Procedures at New York Law School
On 5 November 2010, the Center presented a symposium on Innocence Procedures with New York Law School. Read more
The Secrets of Abu Ghraib
On 1 October 2010, the Center brought Army Prosecutor Christopher Graveline and military investigator Michael Clemens to West Point to discuss the Abu Ghraib court-martials. Read story
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Seeking the Rule of Law in Targeted Killing
Posted on December 13, 2010
On the evening of December 6th, Major John Dehn was an invited participant in a panel discussion entitled "Targeting Terror: Can the Executive carry out 'targeted killings' ... Read post
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