
NRD Widgets

The NRD currently has three widgets to choose from which incorporate several existing NRD features such as listing resources or searching for jobs.  Each widget can be placed directly on your own website to display content without leaving the page.

To learn more about adding an NRD widget to your website, click on one of the names below.

What is a Widget?

A widget is an online application built by one website for display on another. Widgets can be embedded in web pages, blogs and other online environments. Once a widget is added, there is no additional maintenance required; as new content is added to the original source website, the widget automatically updates.

Choose a Widget

Veterans Job Bank Widget

The Veterans Job Bank Widget allows you to embed the NRD’s Veterans Job Bank on your website. Users can conduct a search by keyword, military occupation code (MOC) or location for jobs that are designated as Veteran-committed.  Search results from the Veterans Job Bank Widget will open in a separate window.

NRD Search Widget

The NRD Search Widget gives visitors to your website immediate access to nearly 14,000 resources through a personalized, custom search.  The NRD Search Widget provides organizations, government agencies and individuals who support Veterans a simple, cost-effective alternative to creating their own directory of resources.  Search results will display directly within the widget embedded on your website.

NRD Resource Widget

The NRD State Widget gives you the ability to customize your widget by state, type of resources and also by appearance.  The NRD State Widget allows you to choose the preferred size and color to best match the destination page and site.  Resources will display directly within the widget once it is embedded.


The NRD provides several APIs which allow developers to extract NRD information for use on other websites and applications.  Learn more by visiting our API page.

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The National Resource Directory does not endorse the views and/or facts presented, or any commercial products that may be advertised or available on external links. The presence of a link to other Internet sites should not be construed as an endorsement, recommendation, or favoring of that site, or the views or privacy policies contained therein. Website job search services are provided by Google, Inc. Job search term information is transmitted to Google and is not retained by this website. Any search terms transmitted to Google, Inc. are subject to Google's Privacy Policy (located at www.google.com/privacy).

Version: 5.5.0