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NWS Rip Current Safety Program

Rip Currents: Break The Grip of The Rip!®

Talk With Lifeguard BEFORE you enter the water

Samonan students

NEW! Tips for Teens, Worldwide Rips, Medical, Kids, News

In 2012, NWS has added pages on what teens need to know, info on rip currents outside the United States, medical concerns, a fun kids page, and news items.

swimmer being rescue from rip at crowded beach

Real Life Rip Current Stories

Read stories from all over the United States and the world about actual victims of rip currents who related how they were almost victims of the rip, how they survived and what - you should do!

rip current jeopardy game link

Media and Educational Tools

Signs, brochures, stickers, multimedia, games, cool photo, and other resources are available for kids, parents, teachers, communities, beaches, emergency managers, hotels, resorts and other sites to download at no cost.

rip current safety sign

Safety Tips: U.S., Worldwide

Check out our new Beach Hazards Statement, your first stop before going to the beach. What can you do to stay safe and keep the people you care about safe? The National Weather Service offers a broad away of resource to use to help protect your family, friends and community.

rip current from plane

Local Weather and Surf Forecasts

Your first line of defense is to read the surf forecast BEFORE you head to the beach. The National Weather Service is your first stop for this critical safety information.

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Rips in the News...

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Silver Spring, MD 20910
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Last Updated: September 18, 2012