Official website of the Department of Homeland Security

Passengers with Prosthetics

Travelers with Disabilities and Medical Conditions

Passengers with prostheses can be screened without removing them. The way screening will be conducted depends on the passenger’s level of ability and whether or not he or she voluntarily chooses to remove his or her prosthetic during screening.

The passenger should inform the Transportation Security Officer (TSO) of the existence of a prosthetic, his or her ability, and of any need for assistance before screening begins. Passengers can use TSA’s Notification Card to communicate discreetly with security officers. However, showing this card or other medical documentation will not exempt a passenger from additional screening when necessary.

Passengers with prostheses can be screened using imaging technology, metal detector, or a thorough patdown.

Regardless of whether a passenger is screened by a metal detector, imaging technology, or a thorough patdown, a prosthetic is subject to additional screening. An officer will need to see the prosthetic, which may require the lifting of clothing without exposing any sensitive areas or removing a belt that holds the prosthetic to the passenger’s body. TSA also will use technology to test the prosthetic for traces of explosive material. If explosive material is detected, the passenger will have to undergo additional screening. If a passenger voluntarily removes his or her prosthetic during screening, it will be screened by X-ray.

Cast and Prosthesis imaging technology is used in some airports. Where available, this technology will also be used to inspect a prosthesis.

Passengers can request an alternate but equivalent level of screening in lieu of screening by Cast and Prosthesis imaging.


Please click on the links below for specific information about what to expect for passengers who:

Latest revision: 27 September 2012