Official website of the Department of Homeland Security

Passengers with Bandages and Dressings

Travelers with Disabilities and Medical Conditions

If a passenger has dressings or bandages used to cover wounds from an injury or surgical procedure, he or she should inform the Transportation Security Officer (TSO) of the location of the dressings and/or bandages and of any need for assistance before screening begins. Passengers can use TSA’s Notification Card to communicate discreetly with security officers. However, showing this card or other medical documentation will not exempt a passenger from additional screening when necessary.

Passengers with dressings or bandages can be screened using imaging technology, metal detector, or a thorough patdown.

Regardless of whether a passenger is screened by a walk-through metal detector, AIT, or a patdown, dressings and/or bandages may require additional screening if the TSO cannot reasonably determine that the area is free of a threat item. The passenger can be screened without removing or unwrapping the dressings or bandage; however Transportation Security Officers are trained to exercise caution if the passenger’s screening requires that the area covered by a bandage or dressing be patted down.


Please click on the links below for specific information about what to expect for passengers who:

Latest revision: 27 September 2012