Official website of the Department of Homeland Security

Claims Management Branch

Customer Service


TSA currently employs approximately 50,000 transportation security officers at over 450 airports across the country. These officers are responsible for screening approximately 2 million travelers as well as their associated baggage each day.

If during the screening process of persons or passenger’s property an injury, loss or damage occurs, travelers may obtain information on how to file a claim here: Forms

The TSA Claims Management Branch (CMB) will attempt to resolve your claim as quickly as possible. The Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) governs the way your claim is processed and establishes your rights in regards to your claim. Please allow up to six (6) months to fully investigate your claim.

The Standard Claims Process

Once a claim has been received by the Claims Management Branch, it is entered into a Claims Management System.

  • If the claim is NOT sufficient, the claimant will be sent an insufficient letter requesting additional information. If it is sufficient, the claimant will be sent an acknowledgement letter with a control number.
  • The claim will then be assigned to a TSA Claims Investigator.
  • The investigator will fully examine the claim. This could include:
    • Validating  receipts, appraisals, flight information, etc.
    • Contacting the claimant
    • Contacting airport personnel, airline personnel, local law enforcement and any listed witnesses as needed
  • The investigator will then make a 'recommendation' on the claim. The recommendation will be to either approve the claim in full, offer a settlement, or deny the claim entirely.
  • The claim will then be forwarded to a TSA 'Delegated Authority Official' (DAO). This person has been granted the right to disperse taxpayer funds on behalf of the Federal Government to pay tort claims. They have the responsibility to confirm or deny the recommendation of the investigator.
  • If the DAO rejects the investigator's recommendation, the claim will be sent back to the investigator for further review.
  • If the DAO accepts the recommendation of the investigator, a letter will be sent to the claimant with the final decision.
  • If the decision is to approve the claim in full or to offer a settlement, the letter will include a form to complete regarding settlement agreement and/or payment methods.
  • Once the form is returned to the Claims Management Branch, the claim payment will be processed through the Coast Guard Finance Center (the Coast Guard Finance Center processes all payments for the Department of Homeland Security)
  • The Coast Guard Finance Center will then process the payment through the U.S. Treasury.

This is the general automated process for all TSA tort claims. However, some claims may require further investigation by a TSA Federal Agent or local Law Enforcement. This process may take longer and include additional steps beyond the process outlined above.

Latest revision: 04 October 2012