Official website of the Department of Homeland Security

Autism or Intellectual Disabilities

Travelers with Disabilties and Medical Conditions

Passengers with intellectual disabilities or developmental disabilities, such as Down Syndrome or autism, can be screened without being separated from their traveling companions. The passenger or his or her traveling companions should inform the officer conducting the screening of the passenger’s needs before screening begins. The passenger or his or her traveling companions may offer suggestions on the best way to approach and screen the passenger, especially if it is necessary to touch him or her during screening.

Passengers can be screened using imaging technology or walk-through metal detectors only if they can walk through on their own.

If a passenger cannot or chooses not to be screened by imaging technology or a walk-through metal detector, the passenger will be screened using a thorough patdown procedure instead. A patdown procedure is also used to resolve any alarms of a metal detector or anomalies identified by imaging technology.


Please click on the links below for specific information about what to expect for passengers who:

Latest revision: 27 September 2012