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FGDC standards projects

Other Federal standards activities - presented for information only.

The Geospatial (GEO) Profile of Z39.50, Version 2.2, Published 1999. This implementers agreement defines specific messages that correspond to search and retrieval of FGDC (CSDGM) metadata in XML and HTML format using the Z39.50 protocol. The ANSI Z39.50 (also ISO 23950) standard is maintained by the library community to promote distributed search across thousands of online catalogues around the world.

NSSN "A National Resource for Global Standards" - describes itself as a "one-stop information repository" for global standards. NSSN is a cooperative partnership between the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) , U.S. private-sector standards organizations, government agencies, and international standards organizations.

Last Updated: Nov 30, 2010 12:24 PM
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