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50 States Initiative

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Strategic and Business Plan Development in Support of the NSDI Future Directions 50 States Initiative

Develop and implement statewide strategic and business plans that will facilitate the coordination of programs, policies, technologies, and resources that enable the coordination, collection, documentation, discovery, distribution, exchange and maintenance of geospatial information in support of the NSDI.

Action Plan for Fifty States Initiative

Guidelines for Strategic and Business Plans (May 2009)

Status Table and Links to Strategic and Business Plans (updated May 2012)

Status Map (May 2012)

CAP Strategic and Business Plan Development awards:

CAP Business Plan Development and Implementation awards:

Measuring Progress Reports
2011  --- A Compilation of State Case Studies
   > 2010 
   > 2009 --- Next Steps Report

2012 Kick-off Meeting, May 10> Teleconference Slides

2011 March > Workshop Report

2011 Kick-off Meeting, February 27> Workshop Report (PDF) -- Workshop Agenda (MS Word) --  Workshop Materials (zipped file)

2010 November> Webinar for 2011 CAP Category 4, hosted by NARC (PDF version)
                               Webinar for 2011 CAP Categories 3 and 4, hosted by NSGIC (Audio Version)

2010 April> Webinar for Category 5 ROI (from April 14)

2010 March> NSGIC Mid-Year Workshop - Implementing Statewide Strategic and Business Plans

2009 December > Power Point Presentation for Business Plans Category 4 fiscal year 2010 CAP (from Dec 8 Webex)

2009 December > Power Point Presentation for ROI Category 5 fiscal year 2010 CAP (from Dec 7 Webex)

2009 November > Power Point Presentation for fiscal year 2010 CAP  (from Nov 19 Webex)

2009 Revised Strategic and Business Plan Guidelines

2009 Kick Off meeting 22 February > Main Presentation  -- GA Case study

2009 Federal Regional Perspectives

2009 Federal Stakeholders Workshop

2007 March 25 Kick-off Meeting

March 2007 ROI Work Book--  Building a Business Case for Shared Geospatial Data and Services: A Practitioner’s Guide to Financial and Strategic Analysis for a Multi-participant Program

2006 Strategic Planning Template   New replaces 2006 -->2009 Strategic Plan Guideline

2006 Strategic Planning Process Map   New replaces 2006 --> 2009 Strategic Plan Process Map

2006 Business Plan Template  New replaces 2006 -->2009 Business Plan Guideline

State Information Guide (Cost Spread Sheet)

State Information Guide Companion Report 

Ensuring Succcess or Failure 

Success Factors and Pitfalls of Strategic Planning

Measuring Return on Investment Revised 2009

Presentation from March 19, 2006, Strategic Planning Workshop

Webinar from November 2006 on Strategic and Business plans: Intro  Main Presentation  Audio

NSGIC Fifty-States site


Last Updated: Aug 28, 2012 01:51 PM
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