Brookhaven Discoveries

Here are just a few of the many discoveries, developments, inventions and innovations that Brookhaven scientists have made in the last 50 years.

Top Ten Scientific Discoveries

  • Seven Nobel Prizes, five in physics and two in chemistry
  • Courant-Snyder strong focusing principle, critical to the design of all modern particle accelerators
  • The Green-Chasman lattice, a design for electron storage rings that was first implemented at Brookhaven’s National Synchrotron Light Source and since adopted by many of the world’s synchrotron radiation facilities
  • Theories and experiments to determine the mechanisms underlying high-temperature superconductors
  • Study of the effects of radiation on biological systems, important to cancer treatment and prevention and to human space travel
  • A way to produce vast quantities of gene products, using a virus known as T7
  • Development of fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose, or FDG-18, now used in nearly every clinical positron emission tomography scan done in hospitals around the world
  • Important studies of the brain, including those uncovering the roots of psychiatric disorders, brain metabolism and drug addiction
  • Large-scale studies of the effect of increased carbon dioxide on ecosystems
  • At Brookhaven’s Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider, discovery of a perfect liquid – a type of matter thought by scientists to have existed microseconds after the Big Bang.

Biomedical Sciences

Advances in nuclear medicine, including:

  • The development of technetium-99m, now used to diagnose heart disease and other ailments in over 11 million Americans each year. BNL researchers have also developed a simple-to-use kit to allow doctors to easily label blood with Tc-99m; this kit is used over 200,000 times a year.
  • The development of thallium-201, now used in hundreds of thousands of heart stress-tests each year.
  • The development of tin-117m, a promising agent for easing the pain of bone cancer without sedation.

Discoveries to aid pharmaceutical design, including:

  • Structural studies of the Lyme disease protein used in a new, effective vaccine
  • Development of a technique to study viral and bacterial proteins while they are embedded in the cellular membrane.
  • X-ray and neutron scattering facilities that have made possible countless studies of molecular structures important to disease.
  • Development of an effective database to store structural information about biomolecules that can be accessed by researchers in academia and industry to "rationally" design pharmaceuticals.

Development of novel medical therapies and concepts, including:

  • Boron neutron capture therapy, currently showing promise for the treatment of brain tumors in a clinical trial.
  • Use of L-dopa for the treatment of Parkinson's disease (still the gold standard for treatment)
  • X-ray angiography for non-invasive heart imaging
  • Link between salt and hypertension
  • Studies on radiation-induced malignancies and DNA repair

Important tools for biomedical research, including:

  • A way to produce vast quantities of gene products, using a virus known as T7
  • Tritiated thymidine, a way to tag molecules with short-lived radioactivity for easier examination
  • Methods for attaching heavy metal atoms to important molecules, such as antibodies, for easier imaging using electron microscopes
  • Techniques for sequencing large segments of DNA rapidly
  • Method for synthesizing insulin, paving the way for production of insulin by recombinant DNA

Advances in medical imaging, and the use of imaging in research, including:

  • Development of some of the first agents for positron emission tomography scanning; one BNL-developed agent, 18-FDG, is now used in nearly every clinical PET scan done in hospitals around the world
  • Important studies of the brain, including the roots of drug addiction (e.g. first image of cocaine in the brain, discovery of enzyme deficit in smokers' brains), psychiatric disorders, and brain metabolism

Environmental Sciences

  • Response of plants and trees to radiation exposure
  • Metal hydrides for better hydrogen storage in fuel cells
  • Building and studying of demonstration houses with alternative-energy and energy-saving features
  • Invention of better, cleaner, more efficient oil burners and devices to aid clean and efficient oil burning
  • Development of chemically inert tracers and detectors to track the environmental impact of power plants
  • Better, safer, more convenient natural gas storage options for alternative-fuel vehicles
  • Facilities that allow studies of environmental technologies and phenomena: polymers used to clean up oil spills, examination of sandstone porosity for more efficient oil-field exploration, and the effect of cosmic radiation on tissue
  • Large-scale studies of the effect of increased carbon dioxide on ecosystems
  • Oceanographic studies of plankton populations to gauge ocean health and climate change potential; also research into the cause of mysterious "brown tide" algae blooms
  • Harnessing natural bacteria to clean up environmental pollution and purify crude oil
  • Studies of air pollution, including smog and particulates
  • Computer models of atmospheric radiation (important for climate change), groundwater movement, and energy use impact in developing nations
  • New techniques for encapsulating hazardous waste for storage and disposal, including glass, plastic and concrete

Technology & Energy

Advanced technology basic research and development, including:

  • Basic research on superconductors for better communications technology
  • Advanced computer chip design
  • Better batteries using advanced electrolyte materials
  • Magnetically levitated trains
  • Advanced coatings for corrosion prevention
  • Polymer composite materials for construction and road repair
  • Facility for testing the resistance of satellite computer circuits to cosmic ray damage
  • Polyplanar video display screen
  • World’s first video game

Nuclear safety achievements, including:

  • Assistance to former Soviet states for safeguarding of nuclear materials
  • Reactor safety analysis, including safety systems and human error
  • Assistance to former Soviet states for reactor safety
  • Important early research on reactor physics that led to development of light-water reactors

Top Ten Consumer-Oriented Discoveries

  • Technetium-99m, the leading radiotracer used in the diagnosis of heart disease and other ailments in millions of people each year
  • Synthetic insulin
  • Thallium-201, used in heart stress tests
  • Use of L-dopa to treat Parkinson’s disease
  • Link between salt and hypertension
  • Magnetically levitated trains
  • Environmentally cleaner, more efficient oil burners and devices to aid clean and efficient oil-burning
  • Advanced coatings for corrosion prevention
  • Advanced computer chip design
  • World’s first video game?

Physical Sciences

Discoveries that shaped our understanding of the atom and the universe, including:

  • Precise measurement of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, or "muon g-2". The value of muon g-2 is a very sensitive test of the validity of the Standard Model of particle physics.
  • First evidence for the exotic meson, a new breed of subatomic particle whose existence helps validate the central theory of modern physics, called the standard model.
  • Detection of a rare kaon decay, thought to happen only once or twice in every 10 billion decays and perhaps an indicator of new phenomena that cannot be explained by the Standard Model.
  • Pioneering solar neutrino studies that sought an answer to the mystery of the "missing" neutrinos from our solar system's sun, and neutrino bursts from supernovae. BNL researcher Raymond Davis Jr.'s work in this area led to a Nobel Prize in 2002.
  • Discovery of the muon neutrino, which opened a new field of study and which won the Nobel Prize in 1988.
  • Discovery of CP violation, which showed a flaw in the belief that the universe is symmetrical, and which won the Nobel Prize in 1980.
  • Co-discovery of the J/psi particle, which won the Nobel Prize in 1976
  • Theoretical work on parity violation, based on data from BNL's Cosmotron, which won the Nobel Prize in 1957
  • First examples of three dynamical symmetries in atomic nuclei, which opened up a new approach to studying the structure of the atomic nucleus.
  • First application of computing to study systems with many degrees of freedom, for studies of radiation damage to crystal structures and studies of magnetism.
  • Development of Monte Carlo methods for exploring the interaction of atoms and particles, and other systems with many variables.
  • First direct evidence for the existence of "glueballs"
  • Discovery of the K meson and the first vector meson.
  • Discovery of the Omega-minus particle in 1964.
  • Discovery of the charmed baryon particle in 1975.
  • Discovery of the neutral and negative sigma baryons.
  • Experimental confirmation of the theory of associated production of strange particles.
  • Discovery of the phi vector meson
  • Discovery of the the antiparticles anti-Xi-minus and anti-Xi-zero
  • At Brookhaven’s Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider, discovery of a perfect liquid – a type of matter thought by scientists to have existed microseconds after the Big Bang.

Important contributions to the development of accelerator technology for worldwide use in physics and other fields, including:

  • The Courant - Snyder strong focusing principle, crucial to the existence of the Alternating Gradient Synchrotron, and all modern circular accelerators.
  • The Green - Chasman lattice that optimizes photon source parameters, first implemented at the
  • National Synchrotron Light Source and since adopted by many of the world's state-of-the-art synchrotron radiation facilities.
  • The Palmer two-in-one magnet design has been chosen for the Large Hadron Collider, now under construction at CERN
  • The laser-photocathode RF gun developed at the Accelerator Test Facility, which has become a world-wide standard of high-brightness electron guns.

Work that helped humankind understand and exploit the properties of existing and new solid materials, including:

  • Discovery of a new class of materials, called colossal magnetoresistive materials, that exhibit dramatic changes in electrical resistance when exposed to a magnetic field.
  • Theories and experiments to determine the mechanisms underlying high-temperature superconductors
  • Techniques for studying magnetism with X-rays and neutrons
  • Studies of metal hydrides and other organometallic compounds for various industrial uses, including storage of hydrogen gas for alternative-fuel vehicles
  • Structural studies of materials under extreme conditions
  • Pioneering work using X-rays and neutrons to study biological specimens, leading to the modern science of structural biology

Important contributions to chemistry research, including:

  • Surface studies on metallic layers, adhesives, and more
  • Studies of chemical reactions using super-fast lasers
  • Studies of hydrogen bonding in biological molecules
  • Development of techniques for radiodating of art and artifacts using neutron activation

Understanding of and uses for radiation, including:

  • Development of early irradiation facilities for food safety, plant breeding, and medical supply sterilization
  • Testing of the spaceworthiness of satellite and spacecraft parts with heavy ions produced in BNL accelerators
  • Studies of the effect of radiation on biologial systems important to manned space travel, and to cancer treatment and prevention
  • Measurement of radiation sensitivity and damage in metals, crystals, and living plant and animal tissue
  • Measurements of wear in engine parts, which led to the development of multi-grade motor oils such as 10W-30
  • Development of radionuclides for the life sciences and medicine

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Last Modified: October 2, 2012