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Combined Arms Research Library

Major Microform Collections in the Combined Arms Research Library

This finding aid only describes the major microform collections, in order to do a thorough search, please also check CARL's online catalog

Researchers should also be aware of Archival Collections in the Combined Arms Research Library, listed separately in the Archives section.

CD-ROM resources held in CARL are described in Electronic Resources at CARL.

The CARL call number is in brackets immediately after the title of each collection. Call numbers starting with D refer to reel microfilm; call numbers starting with E refer to microfiche.

The Adams Papers [D000875 1955]

A collection of the papers of John Adams (1735-1826), John Quincy Adams (1767-1848), Charles Francis Adams (1807-1886), and their wives and children. Parts I and II contain the diaries and letter books of the three Adams men. Parts III and IV include miscellaneous items, papers of John Adams, John Q. Adams, Louisa C. Adams, Thomas Boylston Adams, George Washington Adams, Charles Francis Adams, and non-Adams miscellany, letters received and other loose papers. No subject or personal name indices have been published. [179 reels]

Administrative Histories of World War II Civilian Agencies of the Federal Government, and Administrative Histories of U. S. Civilian Agencies: Korean War. [D000812 1979]

A collection of 423 histories, most long out of print, which provide insight into the development of agencies devoted to the regulation of the country at war. These agencies dealt with alien property and war assets, censorship, civilian defense, community war services, defense related education, scientific research and public health during wartime. The paper index is by subject, title, and name of issuing agency, with some personal names as added entries. [68 reels (56, WWII; 12, Korea)]

Afghanistan: the Making of U.S. Policy, 1973-1990. [E002792 1990]

This collection of 2,326 documents provides a contemporary record of U.S. policy and reactions to the Soviet invasion, occupation, and withdrawal of Afghanistan. It includes cable traffic and situation reports sent between the State Department and diplomatic posts in Kabul, Islamabad and Peshawar, and reports and memos from DIA, CIA, USCENTCOM, USAID and USIA. The detailed guide and index includes subject and name indices, a frame by frame catalog, a chronology, a bibliography and glossaries of names, military terms, and organizations. [microfiche]

After Action Report (Third U.S. Army) 1 August 1944-9 May 1945. [D000715 1945]

Reports are chronological by month and include planning and operational phases. [3 reels]

American Foreign Policy: Current Documents: 1981 Supplement. [E002522 1981]

Microfiche supplement to American Foreign Policy @327.73U566ac. This collection presents goals and objectives of U.S. foreign policy as set forth in official addresses, statements, interviews, press conferences and communications by the White House, Department of State and others involved in foreign policy. The fiche collection presents documents, that for reasons of space, could not be included in the book edition. The collection consists of 1,077 documents totaling approximately 13,000 pages. This is not a stand alone collection as cross references and foot notes refer to the printed volume.

The American Revolution [E002739]

Collection of Revolutionary period journals, orderly books and correspondence of notable figures, including John and Abigail Adams. Paper index lists items alphabetically by author. [1,734 microfiche]

American State Papers. [D000962]

Legislative and executive documents of the United States Congress. (1789-1883). Each set of documents contains an alphabetical index by subjects which includes dates and references to page numbers.

Foreign relations 6 volumes
Finance 5 volumes
Commerce and navigation 2 volumes
Indian affairs 2 volumes
Miscellaneous 2 volumes
Military affairs 7 volumes
Post office 1 volume
Naval affairs 4 volumes
Claims 1 volume
Public lands 8 volumes

[19 reels] N.B. hard copy of American State Papers (38 volumes) located in Special
Collections @328.734 U56a

Annual Reports of Fleets and Task Forces of the United States Navy, 1920-1941. M971 [D001017 1920-1941]

Each U.S. fleet commander in chief transmitted to the Secretary of the Navy an annual report covering all subjects necessary for a complete military review of his command and its operations during the preceding fiscal year. Annual reports were narrative in form and covered such subjects as the commander in chief's movements during the fiscal year, the employment schedule of the fleet, the organization of the fleet, and the fleet's performance and needs in such areas as gunnery, engineering, training, communications, supply, health and sanitation, and personnel. These annual reports, with accompanying enclosures, were submitted by commanding officers of the Atlantic Fleet (1920-22 and 1941), Pacific Fleet (1920-23 and 1941), U.S. Fleet (1923-40), Asiatic Fleet (1920- 1941), Naval Forces, Europe (July 1922 - June 1929), Special Service Squadron (July 1921-June 1940), and Squadron 40-T (Oct. 1936-Oct.1939)[15 reels]

Annual Reports of the War Department, 1822-1907. [D001003 1983]

Annual Reports comprised of Records of the Adjutants General's Office (RG 94) and Publications of the U.S. Government (RG 287) and include Reports from the War Department as well as supplementary reports from subordinate bureaus and offices. (164 reels of microfilm). Reel one contains the entire table of contents, reels 2-4 contain the index to the engineers and ordnance reports. [N.B. Hard copy of many of these reports are available in Special Collections]

Appointment Book of President Kennedy 1961-1963. [D000554 1981]

All films are indexed by date only. [3 reels]

Army Ground Forces (AGF) Reports (Part 1) [D001086]

These records, part of the CARL Historical Documents Collection, were reproduced on 35mm roll film by the National Archives & Records Administration, Central Plains Region in 1999. These documents were filmed in ascending numeric order according to their document number. The source print documents are in the custody of CARL. See Descriptive pamphlet in Reference for additional information. [8 reels]

The Belgian Underground Press in World War II (La Presse Clandestine de Belgique). [E002710 1989]

This collection, in French, is indexed by organization, geographic region, movement and group. [560 fiche]

The Berlin Crisis, 1958-1962. [E002791 1991]

This collection of over 2900 documents provides a record of U.S. Policy during the most prolonged crisis of the Cold War. It includes records from the Eisenhower and Kennedy White Houses, the State Department, CIA, DoD (especially the JCS and European Command) and from British, French and West German sources. The detailed two volume guide and index includes subject and name indices, a frame by frame catalog, a chronology, a bibliography and glossaries of names, military terms, and organizations [microfiche]

British Public Record Office, Colonial Office, Class 5 Files. [D000833 1983]

Both collections contain military correspondence, Secretary of State Dispatches, legal materials reports, etc.
Part 3 The French and Indian Wars [Reels 19-26]
Part 5 The American Revolution, 1772-1784 [Reels 39-53]

Cablegrams Exchanged Between General Headquarters, American Expeditionary Forces, and the War Department, 1917-1919. [D000889 1973]

This collection contains all cablegrams exchanged between the two headquarters except the series listing names of casualties. The nine series are: From GHQ, AEF to the War Department - Main series; Confidential Cablegrams; Weekly, Semi-Weekly, and Daily Summaries; Summaries of Activities, U.S. Troops; American Official Communiqu‚s; Courier Cablegrams; and from the War Department to GHQ, AEF -Main Series; Confidential and Courier Cablegrams. They cover personnel, supply, U.S. and Allied Operations, assignments of units, inventories, health issues, and forwarding of Communications from the field to GHQ to the War Department. The series are arranged and numbered in chronological order; see the printed guide for further information. [19 Reels]

Cavalry Tactics, US Army, Assimilated to the Tactics of Infantry and Artillery. RG94, T1109 [D000902 1968]

Reproduction of book published by D.Appleton and Company, New York, in 1874. The book, a revision of Upton's Infantry Tactics, and Tactics for Artillery and Cavalry, was authorized by General Orders, No.6 July 17th 1873. The book includes instruction for Soldiers dismounted and Company dismounted; saber exercises; carbine and pistol practice; instructions for skirmishes; care and maintenance of horse and equipment, and music scores for trumpet signals. The table of contents is located in the back of the book. 530 pages. [1 reel]  

CIA Reference Aid Collection. Collection consists of: list of Chiefs of State and cabinet members of foreign governments September 1966- January 1979; Consolidated translation survey January 1964- February 1971.

CIA Research Reports.
Africa, 1946-1976. [D000578 1983] Arranged alphabetically by country, with a subject index. [3 reels]
China, 1946-1976 [D000584 1982] Reels 1-5: China. Reel 6: China, India and Pakistan. Subject index. [6 reels]
Europe, 1946-1976. [D000590 1982] Reel 1: General overview. Others alphabetical by country. Subject index. [4 reels]
Japan, Korea and the Security of Asia, 1946-1976 [D000585 1983] Arranged by region and sub-divided by year. Subject index. [5 reels]
Latin America 1946-1976. [D000744 1982] Alphabetical by country with a subject index. [5 reels]
Middle East 1946-1976. [D000577 1982] Reel 1: General overview. Others alphabetical by country. Subject index. [3 reels]
Soviet Union, 1946-1976. [D000577 1982] Arranged chronologically. Subject index. [5 reels]
Vietnam and Southeast Asia Supplement, 1946-1976. [D000583 1982] Good coverage of the Indochina War & early U.S. involvement in Vietnam. Subject index. [6 reels]  

Civil War Correspondence, Diaries & Journals at the Massachusetts Historical Society. [D000824 1986]

Contains over 30,000 pages of correspondence by 29 Massachusetts Soldiers (mostly enlisted infantry). Arranged by "collection" of an individual with a separate unit index prepared by the historical society.[29 reels]   Civil War Unit Histories. Includes regimental histories and personnel narratives, organized by region then by state. The paper guides have author and major engagement indices. This series is still being filmed; additional fiche and indices will be included as they are completed.

Part 1 - CSA and Border States[E002757 1990]
Part 2 - The Union -- New England[E002782 1991]
Part 3 - The Union-Mid-Atlantic[E002782 1993]

Col. Charles L. Deckers Collection of Records Relating to Military Justice and the Revision of Military Law, 1948-1956. [D001067 1992]

Collection of records assembled entirely or in part by Col. Decker, JAG, relating to the preparation of the Manual for Courts-Martial, U.S Army, 1949 and 1951 versions, and the framing and enactment of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, 1948 – 1950; the study and review of the workings of the Code and the 1951 Manual by the staff and students of the Judge Advocate General’s School, 1951-56; and other matters relating to Col. Decker’s military career. The collection is divided into six parts and is filmed in the following order: 1- Records relating to the preparation of The Manual for Courts-Martial, 1949, 1948-1949. 2- Records relating to the drafting and enactment of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, 1948-1950. 3- Records relating to the preparation for The Manual for Courts-Martial, 1951, 1950-1951. 4- Records of the Judge Advocate General’s School relating to the study and review of the UCMJ and The Manual for Courts-Martial, 1951, 1951-1956. 5- Records relating to Col. Decker, 1948-1963. 6- Other records. See Descriptive pamphlet in reference for additional information. [32 reels]  

Collection of Hungarian Political and Military Records, 1909-1945. RG 242, T973 [D001016 1909-1945]

These records were in the custody of the Szalasi regime when they were captured by American forces in South Germany in 1945. The Hungarian political records pertain to the Hungarian Nazi Party and dealt with the Party's affairs and its relations with the earlier Hungarian Government. The Military records consist of correspondence, orders, circulars, minutes of meetings, names of Army officers for World War II and earlier. The records are arranged by: Government and Party Records; Military Records; Maps; Diagrams; Tables, and Charts; Books; Newspapers; Pamphlets; Brochures, and Leaflets; Miscellaneous Records; and Personal Name Files. [21 reels]  

Compiled Service Records of American Naval Personnel and Members of the Departments of the Quartermaster General and the Commissary General of Military Stores who Served During the Revolutionary War. [D001075 1972]

The service records reproduced within consist of a jacket-envelope for each Soldier, Sailor, or civilian, labeled with his name, his rank or profession, and the unit or special corps he served. The jacket-envelope contains card abstracts of entries relating to the Soldier, Sailor or civilian as found in original muster rolls, receipts for pay, assignments of pay and lists of men and supplies. See Descriptive pamphlet in reference for additional information. [4 reels]  

Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Soldiers who Served from 1784 - 1811 [D001065 1972]

Records consist of a jacket-envelope for each Soldier, which contains card abstracts of entries relating to the Soldier as found in original muster rolls, payrolls, receipt rolls, returns, and lists. See Descriptive Pamphlet in reference for additional information.  

Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Union Soldiers who Served in Organizations from the Territory of Nebraska [D001070 1995]

Records consist of jacket-envelope for each Soldier, labeled with his name, rank, and unit. Typical jacket contains entries relating to the Soldier found in original muster and hospital rolls, descriptive books, list of deserters, returns, and notational cards. See the Descriptive Pamphlet in reference for additional information. [46 reels]  

Compiled Service Records of the Confederate Soldiers who Served in Organizations from the State of Tennessee. [D001006 1959]

Library holds Nixon's Forty-eighth Infantry (reels 312-314) and Voorheis' Forty-eighth Infantry (reels 315-316). (5 reels)  

Confederate Imprints. [D000785 1974]

Contains full text 90% of the titles listed by Marjorie Crandall and Richard Harwell in their respective bibliographies of Confederate imprints. They are arranged according to their "Crandall-Harwell" numbers. Reel 1 reproduces both Crandall and Harwell's works, giving the full bibliographic citations. [144 reels]  

Confidential and Unofficial Letters Sent by the Secretary of War, 1814-1847. [D000779]

Contains two volumes of about 350 letters in roughly chronological order sent by Secretaries of War Monroe, Dallas, Calhoun, Cass, Poinsett, Bell, and Marcy during the War of 1812, Mexican War, and the difficulties with Spain in the Floridas and Great Britain along the northern frontier. Content ranges from national and international issues to inter- and intra agency matters. Each volume has a name and subject index. Vol. One's index is incomplete; letters copied between pages 131-160 are not included. Pages 145-167 of Vol. Two were removed and have never been located. [2 reels]  

Confidential U.S. State Department Central Files. These files are arranged chronologically within broad subject areas including: Political Affairs, Government, Judicial Matters, Public Order, Public Health, Military Affairs, Social Matters, History, Education, Economic Matters, Financial Conditions, Industrial Matters, Agriculture, Communications & Transportation, and Public Press. The printed guides show all the broad subject areas and have a more detailed subject index in the back.

  • Germany: Internal Affairs 1930-1941, D000616 1984, 59 reels
  • China: Internal Affairs 1930-1941, D000617 1984, 105 reels
  • Indochina Internal Affairs 1945-1949, D000646 1985, 10 reels
  • Indochina Internal Affairs 1950-1954, D000647, 44 reels

Due to increased coverage of Indochina during the French Crisis this section has a more detailed subject organization. See the printed guide.

  • Reels 1-33 Indochina as a region.
  • Reels 33-37 Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam.
  • Reels 38-43 Indochina's economic, industrial and social issues.
  • Reel 43 Country specific reports.
  • Reel 44 Communication, transportation and science. Includes a subject index to all reports.

Confidential U.S. Diplomatic Post Records. Files are arranged chronologically, then by the following subject areas: Congresses & Conferences, Commerce & Commercial Relations, Relations of State, Internal Affairs of State, Confidential Files. The paper Guide also has a general subject index.

  • Central America: Nicaragua (1930-1945), [D000613 1984], [38 reels]
  • Central America: El Salvador (1930-1945), [D000612 1983], [28 reels]

C.I.S. (Congressional Indexing Service) U.S. Congressional Committee Prints Index from the Earliest Publications [ca. 1830] - 1969. [paper index in microform room @ 015.730532 C579cp] Indexes hearings and committee reports of the House and Senate to include: monographic studies on topics of public concern, investigative field reports, analysis of bills and comparative prints of bills, confidential staff memoranda and reports, departmental reports on legislation or policy, directories, bibliographies, and other reference materials, statistical compilations, hearings publications, drafts of reports and bills. Indexed by subject, personal name and corporate name. [n.b. from 1970 onward committee prints are included in the CIS index and CIS microfiche library]  

CIS (Congressional Information Service) Microfiche Library 1970-1997.[microform room back wall]

CIS is a microfiche collection of the working papers and output of some 300 active House, Senate, and joint committees and subcommittees. It includes committee hearings, prints, reports, documents, special publications, copies of public laws, and legislative histories for the laws. It is indexed by subject, name, title, bill number, and publication number. Most items have brief abstracts. Also indexed in the CD-ROMs Congressional Masterfiles 1 and 2.  

CIS U.S. Senate Executive documents and reports: covering the documents not printed in the U.S. Serial Set 1817-1969. [paper index housed in microform room @ REF 015.730532 C579se]

Indexed by subjects, personal names, document and report numbers.  

CIS U.S. Serial Set Index. Collection of over 11 million pages of information published by and for the U.S. Congress between 1789 and 1969. It covers: Congressional publications including committee reports on public and private legislation, House and Senate journals, directories, rule manuals, and histories of Congress and the Capitol; Executive Branch publications including department and agency annual reports and special recurring publications; and non governmental publications including reprints from magazines, newspapers, journals and other sources. Indices include subject and keyword, names of individuals or organizations, titles, numerical lists of reports and documents, and a shelf list by serial number. The Serial Set is also indexed in the CD-ROM Congressional Masterfile 1.  

CIS Unpublished U.S. House of Representatives committee hearings 1833-1958. [paper index housed in microform room@ REF 015.730532 C579h]
Indexed by subjects, organizations, personal names, titles and bill numbers.
Two sets of microfiche are divided as follows:
House Unpublished Hearings 75th-79th Congress (2,491 microfiche) [E002776 1991]
House Unpublished Hearings 80th Congress - [E002778 1991]  

CIS U.S. Congressional Committee Hearings index 1833-1971. [paper index housed in microform room @REF 328.73 C7491]

Indexed by subjects, organizations, personal names, titles, bill numbers, SUDOCS numbers, report and documents numbers.  

Correspondence and Record Cards of the Military Intelligence Division Relating to General, Political, Economic and Military conditions in Central America, 1918-1941. [D000796 1987]

Reports from the U.S. Military Attaches, and their assistants, assigned to foreign embassies. The major functions of the military attaché were to observe and report on the organization, training, equipment, doctrine, and operations of foreign military forces. The attaché also reported on political, economic and social conditions in the country. In addition to military attaché reports, these microfilms include documents created by U.S. Government agencies and foreign governments. See the Descriptive Pamphlet in Ref. for additional information. [12 reels]  

Correspondence of the Military Intelligence Division Relating to General, Political, Economic and Military Conditions in China, 1918-1941. [D000799 1987]

See the description under Correspondence and Record Cards of the Military Intelligence Division Relating to General, Political, Economic and Military Conditions in Central America, 1918-1941 [19 reels]  

Correspondence and Record Cards of the Military Intelligence Division Relating to General, Political, Economic and Military Conditions in Italy, 1918-1941. [D000882 1986]

See the description under Correspondence and Record Cards of the Military Intelligence Division Relating to General, Political, Economic and Military Conditions in Central America, 1918-1941 [6 reels]  

Correspondence and Record Cards of the Military Intelligence Division Relating to General, Political, Economic and Military Conditions in Japan, 1918-1941. [D001035 1918-1941]

See the description under Correspondence and Record Cards of the Military Intelligence Division Relating to General, Political, Economic and Military Conditions in Central America, 1918-1941 [31 reels]  

Correspondence and Record Cards of the Military Intelligence Division Relating to General, Political, Economic and Military Conditions in Poland and the Baltic States, 1918-1941. [D000795 1989]

See the description under Correspondence and Record Cards of the Military Intelligence Division Relating to General, Political, Economic and Military Conditions in Central America, 1918-1941 [10 reels, CARL has reels 1,6-10]  

Correspondence of the Military Intelligence Division, Relating to General, Political, Economic and Military Conditions in Russia and the Soviet Union, 1918-1941. [D000743 1986]

See the description under Correspondence and Record Cards of the Military Intelligence Division Relating to General, Political, Economic and Military Conditions in Central America, 1918-1941 [23 reels, CARL has reels 2,11-23]  

Correspondence of the Military Intelligence Division, Relating to General, Political, Economic and Military Conditions in Scandinavian and Finland, 1918-1941. [D000797 1988]

See the description under Correspondence and Record Cards of the Military Intelligence Division Relating to General, Political, Economic and Military Conditions in Central America, 1918-1941 [12 reels, CARL has reels 1,5-12]  

Correspondence of the Military Intelligence Division, Relating to General, Political, Economic and Military Conditions in Spain, 1918-1941. [D000797 1988]

See the description under Correspondence and Record Cards of the Military Intelligence Division Relating to General, Political, Economic and Military Conditions in Central America, 1918-1941 [12 reels]  

Correspondence of the Military Intelligence Division relating to "Negro Subversion," 1917-1941. [D000894 1986]

Reproduces record cards and correspondence of MID relating to activities of Blacks in civilian and military life. Records consist of War Department memos, investigative reports and correspondence with the Justice Department and the Bureau of Investigation. Most of the documents cover three subjects: radical organizations and activities in the Black community that had a potential impact on the military; discrimination against Blacks, military and civilian, including incidents leading to race riots; and treatment of and performance by Blacks in the Army. Records on the first subject cover WWI and the entire interwar period; coverage of the 2d and 3rd topics is limited to the war and immediate post war period. Reel 1 has an introductory essay with background information , an explanation of the record card system, and a list of the Black newspapers included in the files.  

Correspondence ("Top Secret") of the Manhattan Engineer District, 1942-1946. [D000971 1982]

Correspondence maintained by Maj. Gen. Leslie Groves as Commanding general of the Manhattan Engineer District, September 1942 to December 1946. The major portion of the collection consists of letters, reports and memorandums. Also included are: messages, telegrams, cables, directives, notes, drafts, minutes and meeting agenda, transcripts of telephone conversations, histories, studies, speeches and press releases. [5 reels]  

Cryptology Studies.[D000572 1979]

Collection of papers and articles from the files of the National Security Agency. Included are such classics as "War Secrets in the Ether" as well as a number of rare studies on the development, history and application of Ciphers and Codes. No index is available. [14 reels]  

Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962. [E002754 1990]

This collection presents a comprehensive record of U.S. decision making during the most dangerous U.S.-Soviet confrontation of the nuclear era. Its 3400 documents focus on the "Thirteen Days" from October 16-28, 1962. Includes White House, National Security Council, State, CIA, DoD and Congressional documents, many of which were classified. The detailed 2-volume index has subject and name indices, a frame by frame catalog, a chronology, a bibliography and glossaries of: names, military terms, and organizations. [586 fiche]  

Daily Diary of President Johnson 1963-1969. [D000537 1980]

Reels 1-2: Pre-Presidential diaries, 1 Jan 1959-22 Nov 1963; Reels 3-14: President's daily diary, 22 Nov 1963-20 Jan 1969; Appointments Log 22 Nov 1963- 19 Jan 1965. All items are arranged chronologically, some include brief descriptions. [14 reels]  

Declassified Documents Reference System 1975--, and the Retrospective Collection. [housed in microform room 2nd row 3rd cabinet] Most material originated in the CIA, State and Defense departments, but the collection does include items from the NSC, White House & FBI. Material includes telegrams, correspondence, unevaluated field reports, background studies and minutes of cabinet-level meetings. The index volume has a rudimentary subject index; the abstract volume is arranged by originating or requesting agency and contains brief summaries of documents.  

Department of State Decimal File Relating to World War II. [D000712 1945]

Records of instructions and dispatches to and from diplomatic and consular officials. Memoranda and correspondence are also included. This collection is from Class 740.0011EW where all records from the war were filed; within this system documents were given an accession number as received. [252 reels]  

Descriptive Commentaries from the Medical Histories of Posts. [D001008 1972]

Originally the medical histories were divided into three sections: an index, descriptive remarks and monthly sanitary reports. The descriptive section was devoted to the locality and history of the post; a description of the post; the geology, botany, and zoology of the vicinity; and miscellaneous matters such as water supply and ethnology. Only the descriptive portions of the reports are reproduced on the film. Fort Leavenworth is included in these histories. [5 reels]

Diary of John Gregory Bourke. [D000826 1992]

126 volumes covering Bourke's service on the western frontier, November 30, 1872 - July 12, 1890. The diaries give an account of the military dealings with the northern plains Indians as well as the Apaches of the southwest. Native cultures and customs are detailed through journal entries, newspaper clippings and ledger drawings (many in color). [10 reels]

Documents Concerning Jews in the Berlin Document Center. RG 242, T457 [D001039 1996]

Miscellaneous documents concerning Jewish citizens in Nazi Germany. Most of the documents appear to be identification papers filed at district police headquarters and Gestapo offices. There are also passport applications, bank documents, and official Nazi documents that recorded "sale" or acquisition of Jewish property. All documents are in German and are dated from 1935 to 1945. The arrangement of documents is quasi-alphabetical. [14 reels]  

Documents of the National Security Council, 1947-1977. This collection provides access to a variety of documents and publications created by the National Security Council during its first four decades. File series filmed for this collection are: NSC Policy Papers; NSC Background Documents; "P" Files; "Mill" Papers; NSC Actions; National Security Action, Study, Decision and Review Memoranda; Presidential Review Memoranda, Presidential Directives; National Security Directives; National Security Study and Decision Directives and NSC Intelligence Directives. For descriptions and locations of these file series, see the introduction of the Sixth Supplement.

  • Initial collection, 5 reels, D000568 1980
  • First Supplement, 3 reels, D000581 1981
  • Second Supplement, 3 reels, D000748 1983
  • Third Supplement, 3 reels, D000749 1985
  • Fourth Supplement, 7 reels, D000761 1987
  • Fifth Supplement, 4 reels, D000842 1989

Documents Relating to the Military and Naval Service of Blacks Awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor from the Civil War to the Spanish-American War. [D001009 1973]

These files consist of letters sent and received, reports, some court martial case files and log entries. Ranks listed are those held by the Soldier at the time the medal was awarded. Some Army Medal of Honor men served in both regular and volunteer units during their military careers. Documents included for the Navy recipients relate only to the acts of bravery for which they were awarded the medals. Documents for the Army Medal of Honor winners often provide other information relating to their military service. Documents relating to the Seminole-Negro Indian Scouts who served in the Army during the Indian campaigns of the 1870's and were awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor are also included in this collection. The collection is arranged first chronologically by military action and then alphabetically by name of recipient. [4 reels]  

Early American Books and Pamphlets in the Field of Military and Naval History and Science. [D000799 1976]

Contains 293 books and pamphlets divided into 11 topical sections:

  1. Strategy, Tactics, Manoeuver and Drill
  2. Defense and Weapons
  3. Navigation
  4. Ship Design, Construction and Repair
  5. Discipline, Organization, Regulations, Rank and Pay
  6. Controversy
  7. Law, Principals and Acts
  8. Institutional and Service Histories
  9. Wars, Campaigns, Operations, and Engagements, (includes 1812, Mexican, and Indian Wars)
  10. Biography
  11. Cruises and Exploring Expeditions

Items are arranged alphabetically by main entry within each section; each item in the printed guide by a reel and position number on the film (1:1 = reel one, first item). [46 reels]

Early American Orderly Books 1748-1817 from the Collections of the New York Historical Society. [D000522 1977]

Guide contains a brief synopsis of the contents and a name/unit subject index. [196 reels]  

El Salvador, the Making of U.S. Policy. [E002755 1989]

This collection focuses of U.S. policy towards El Salvador from the Carter Administrations formulation of a new Central American policy in Jan 1977 through the Salvadoran Presidential Elections in May 1984. Documents, most obtained through Freedom of Information Act requests, are from the U.S. Embassy in San Salvador, State and Justice Departments, the FBI, NSC, DOD, AID, DIA, UN and other sources. The detailed 2 volume guide and index includes subject and name indices, a frame by frame catalog, a chronology, a bibliography, and a list of documents requested through FOIA which were refused or not acted upon. [870 fiche]  

"Eyes Alone" Correspondence of General Joseph W. Stilwell, January 1942-October 1944. RG 332, M1419 [D001028 1942-1944]

General Joseph W. Stilwell's personal correspondence files for the period he commanded the China-Burma-India Theater of Operations during World War II. Files include telegrams, radiograms, and handwritten drafts of telegrams, memorandums, and letters between Stilwell and Chief of Staff George C. Marshall, President Franklin Roosevelt, Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, Madame Chiang, Department of State officials, and Stilwell's subordinates. Subjects of correspondences included lend-lease aid, training of Chinese troops, political and military policy, military strategy, command relationships, and Stilwell's recall from command of the theater. See the Descriptive Pamphlet at Ref. for additional information. [5 reels]    

Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) 1976 - 1996.[Microfiche cabinet]

FBIS, a U.S. government agency, monitors broadcasts, news agency transmissions, newspapers, periodicals and government statements, then publishes translations of the material in the FBIS Daily Reports. This microfiche collection is issued in 8 regional editions: East Africa, China East Europe, Latin America, Near East & South Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, Central Eurasia, and West Europe. Indices are in alphabetical order by country with subject and personal names sub-headings. A CD-ROM index to FBIS is also available in CARL.    

Fort Leavenworth News (23 July 1904- 25 April 1914). [D001005]

Newspaper published at Fort Leavenworth. Included in volume three are excerpts from Kansas Pioneer and Penitentiary Bulletin. [3 reels]

General Court-Martial of General George Armb Custer. [D000808 1968]

CARL has 2 copies; copy 1 has some pages of correspondence in addition to the text of the court-martial. [1 reel]  

General Orders & Circulars of the War Department & Headquarters of the Army (1809-1860). [D000805 1980]

General Orders were concerned with "every thing which may be of importance for the Army to know"; Circulars communicated information of general interest but of less importance. General orders published laws, treaties, Presidential proclamations, & Army regulations. They directed military movements, assigned units, established a national structure of military command, established and garrisoned military posts, announced officers' appointments, promotions, duty assignments, etc., and prescribed policies and procedures as needed for military discipline, instructions, record keeping practices and recruitment of troops. Orders are generally in chronological order; see the printed descriptive pamphlet for exceptions. All general orders books have name indexes with some subject entries. In the first 3 volumes references are to page numbers; the next 10 volumes refer to both page and general order number. See the descriptive pamphlet for more detail on indexing. Includes a subject index. [8 reels]  

George Bancroft Papers at Cornell University, 1811-1901. [D000825 1922]

George Bancroft, historian and diplomat served a Secretary of the Navy and Acting Secretary of the Army under President Polk, was minister to Great Britain in 1846 and Minister to Berlin from 1867 to 1874 the collection covers political, diplomatic, business and family correspondence and papers. [7 reels]  

German and Japanese Surrender Documents of World War II and the Korean Armistice Agreements. RG 218, T826 [D001027 1963]

Reproduction of all official documents pertaining to the surrender of Germany and Japan at the end of World War II, and the Armistice signed with North Korea and China which ended the Korean War. The German surrender documents are in English, German and Russian. The Japanese documents are in English and Japanese. The North Korean and China armistice documents are in English, Korean and Chinese. These documents also include maps illustrating the demarcation lines. Documents are arranged chronologically. [1 reel]  

German Military Field and Technical Manuals: 1910-1945. [D00728 1959]

These rolls contain part of a larger collection of German military manuals held in the World War II Records Division, National Archives under the designation: Record Group 1032 "Collection of German Army, Air Force, Navy, SS Field and Technical Manuals 1910-1945." [CARL has Reels 6,14,26,30,33,40,54,55,57,128]

Harrison-Bundy Files Relating to the Development of the Atomic Bomb 1942-1946. [D000970 1980]

Contains, in 113 folders, the records of George L. Harrison and Harvey H. Bundy, who served as liaisons between Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson, BG Leslie Groves and other members of the Manhattan Engineer Project. The Harrison-Bundy Files, also known as the Arneson files, document the Army's role in the development and production of nuclear weapons. The printed descriptive pamphlet contains a numerical and alphabetical list the folders. [9 reels]  

Hearings Before the General Board of the Navy,1917-1950. [D000622 1893]

Contains information on every aspect of the Navy and Coast Guard from chemical warfare to housing to height of the mainmast on 10,000 ton light cruisers. Indexed by subject with reference to year, page number and reel number. [15 reels]  

Heritage Foundation publications. [E002794 1988] Nonpartisan policy research institute dedicated to principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual liberty and a b national defense. The institute's studies and programs are designed to voice the concerns of conservatism. Indexed by subject with date and code number. [149 microfiche]  

Historical Files of the American Expeditionary Force, North Russia, 1918 - 1919. [D000883 1973]

Contains reports of officers of the American Military Mission to Russian concerning the morale, efficiency, and operations of the AEF, North Russia; correspondence and issuances of allied HQ and of HQ, AEF, North Russia, documenting conditions and events occurring in the Archangel-Murmansk area; British daily and weekly intelligence summaries pertaining to military and political affairs in Russia, Siberia, Germany and Eastern Europe; and strength reports and returns, orders of battle, and maps and charts showing the strength and deployment of Allied and Bolshevik troops in North Russia. Documents are arranged according to a rudimentary decimal system; a descriptive list of the folders and the decimal system are included in the descriptive pamphlet. [2 Reels]  

Historical Files of the American Expeditionary Forces in Siberia, 1918-1920. [D000881 1973]

The bulk of the collection consists of the war diaries of the HQ, AEF in Vladivostok. Also included are some war diaries of the garrisons stationed at Shkotovo and the Suchan Mines during the summer of 1919. Since there was very little troop movement or combat action, the diaries contain a great deal more information about the economic, political, and social conditions in Siberia including a number of maps, charts, cablegrams, memos and translations of pertinent items from Russian, Japanese and Chinese newspapers. There are also a number of semiannual, annual and final reports of operations including two reports of General Graves and Capt.. Laurance B Packard's, "An Account of the American Expeditionary Forces in Siberia, August 1918 to March 1919." Documents are arranged by a rudimentary decimal system; see the descriptive pamphlet for more details and a list of the folders. [11 Reels]  

History of the Department of Justice Nov 1963-Jan 1969. [D000549 1980]

Official histories divided by broad categories including: Criminal Division, Deputy Attorney General's Office, Bureau of Prisons, Board of Parole and Civil Rights Division among others. [6 reels]  

History of the Federal Trade Commission Nov 1963-Jan 1969. [D000500 1980]

Narrative news summaries, news releases, addresses and remarks [2 reels]  

History of the Philippine Insurrection Against the United States, 1899-1903, and Documents Relating to the War Department Project for Publishing the History. RG 350,M719 [D001024 1899-1903]

Reproduction of the galley proof The Philippine Insurrection Against the United States: a Compilation of Documents with Notes and Introduction by John R. M. Taylor, Captain, 14th Infantry, U.S. Army. The microfilm includes the five volume set and document files and discreet documents related to its publication. [9 reels]

History of the Vietnam War. [E002526 1988]

Each unit contains unclassified and declassified documents, reports, leaflets and other information published by both sides. Original documents are housed in the Indochina Archives at UC Berkeley. CARL has Units 1-8 and a series of printed guides for these units.[microfiche]

Unit 1 Grand strategy and general assessment of the war
Unit 2 General history of the Vietnam War
Unit 3 Topical history of the Vietnam War
Unit 4 Political settlement efforts
Unit 5 National Liberation Front (Viet Cong)
Unit 6 The Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam)
Unit 6, pt. 2 Vietnam during the Vietnam War -- South Vietnam
Unit 7, pt. 1 Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam
Unit 7, pt. 2 North Vietnam during the War
Unit 8 Indochina (Cambodia and Laos); North Vietnam during the war
Unit 9 Asia region during the Vietnam War
Unit 10 Chronology of the Vietnam War

Horatio Gates Papers. [D00794 1979]

Gates, a British officer in the French and Indian War, served as General Washington's adjutant in the revolution and defeated Bargain at Saratoga. His papers provide insights into the military, political, and social aspects of the Revolution and the pre and post revolutionary periods. Reels 1-17 are correspondence from 1726-1798; Reels 18 - 19 are orderly books and returns from 1758-1778; Reels 19-20 are financial papers from 1747-1799. The paper index includes names of correspondents, dates, reel and frame numbers. [20 reels]    

Index to Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Union Soldiers who Served in Organizations from the State of Kansas. RG 94, M542 [D001079 1965]

An alphabetical card index to records of Confederate soldiers belonging to units from the state of Kansas. Cards give the names of soldiers, their rank, the unit in which they served. See Descriptive Pamphlet in reference for additional information. [10 reels]  

Index to Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers who Served in Organizations from the State of Missouri. RG 109, M380 [D001082 1962]

An alphabetical card index to records of Confederate soldiers belonging to units from the state of Missouri. Cards give the names of soldiers, their rank, the unit in which they served, and a statement about the origins and background of the unit. See Descriptive Pamphlet in reference for additional information. [2 reels]  

Index to Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Union Soldiers who Served in Organizations from the State of Missouri. RG 94, M390 [D001069 1962]

An alphabetical card index to records of Union soldiers belonging to units from the state of Missouri. Cards give the names of soldiers, their rank, the unit in which they served, and a statement about the origins and background of the unit. See Descriptive Pamphlet in reference for additional information. [54 reels]  

Index to Periodical Articles 1950-1964 in the Library of the Royal Institute of International Affairs. [D000821 1992] [2 reels]  

Index to Periodical Articles, 1979-1989 in the Library of the Royal Institute of International Affairs [E002722 1990]

Both geographical and subject heading lists act as major access points to this collection which focuses on international politics, economics and jurisprudence. [microfiche]  

Indexes and Lists of Army Technical and Administrative Publications (1940-1979) [D000822 1990]

This collection reproduces 3 categories of indexes and lists that together provide access to virtually all technical and administrative publications produced by the Department of the Army from 1940-1979. The categories are: the FM 21-6 series (39 issuances); SR 310-20-4 (10 issuances) and SR 310-20-5(28 issuances); and DA PAMS 310-1(90 issuances) and 310-4 (123 issuances). [29 reels]

Intelligence Reports on the War in the Atlantic, 1942-1945: the account of the war in the Atlantic from Dec. 1942 to May 1945 as seen through and influenced by description of German radio traffic./ Released by the Department of the Navy, Naval Security Group Command Headquarters. [D000053 1979]

The reports are divided into four volumes: Vol. 1, Allied communication intelligence and the Battle of the Atlantic; Vol. 2, U-Boat operations; Vol. 3, German naval communications intelligence; Vol. 4, Technical intelligence from allied C.I. [1 reel]

The Intellectual Development and Diplomatic Career of Ralph J. Bunche. [D000968 1988]

Doctoral dissertation by Souad Halila nee El Agrebi (University of Southern California) on the life of statesman Ralph Johnson Bunche (1904-1971) describing his political and diplomatic career. (254 p.) [1 reel]  

Intercepted Japanese Messages (Operation MAGIC). [D000054 1979]

Chronological (except for some dates in May and June of 1942). Gaps existing in this film are due to documents which were not declassified at the time of filming. [15 reels]  

Investigation and Trial Papers Relating to the Assassination of President Lincoln. RG 153 M599 [D001023 1965]

Records relating to the investigation and trial of those suspected of having participated in the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln. Records include the Statement of Evidence collected by the Military Commission, the proceedings of the Court-Martial, and issues of the Daily National Intelligencer, a Washington D.C. newspaper, which kept a detailed record of the trial. See the Descriptive Pamphlet at Ref. for additional information. [16 reels]  

Iran Contra Affair: the Making of a Scandal, 1983-1988. [E002756 1990]

This collection of over 4,635 documents provides a contemporary record of the political, military and paramilitary operations - overt, covert and extra-official - of the largest political scandal since Watergate. Most documents were collected by the staffs of the many official investigating bodies of the scandal (Tower Commission, Senate Select Committees on Intelligence and Secret Military Assistance to Iran and the Nicaraguan Opposition, etc). They cover the period between the fall 1983 and late 1986, when the official investigations first began. The detailed two volume guide and index includes subject and name indices, a frame by frame catalog, a chronology, a bibliography and glossaries of names, military terms, and organizations [664 fiche]  

Israel: National Security Files (1963-1969). [D000579 1982]

This collection of White House files includes White House and State Department telegrams, memos, background papers, correspondence, etc. relating to US.-Israel relations. [3 reels]

Japanese Air Target Analysis, Objective Folders, and Aerial Photographs, 1942 – 1945. RG 243, M1653 [D0001068 1991]

A study done by the Joint Target Group in 1945 to state basic principles relevant to the problem of Air Target Selection. Roll number one includes the index. [7 reels]  

Japanese Monographs[D001106]

The monographs were written by former officers of the Imperial Japanese Army and Navy. Translated and edited by the Military History Section of Headquarters, U.S. Army Forces Far East. Areas covered include the Japanese campaigns in New Guinea, Philippines, Central Pacific, Okinawa & Formosa, Japan proper, Borneo & French Indo-China, Malaya, Java & Sumatra, Burma, China, Manchuria and Karafuto. [18 reels] Reels 4 & 7 are missing.  

John M. Echols Collection Cornell University Selections on the Vietnam War. [E002678 1989]

The Echols collection contains information not readily available in commercial publications. Includes: government documents (internal reports, statistics, press releases propaganda and research reports); monographs published in North and South Vietnam and Laos; publications from U.S. think tanks, anti-war groups, left wing organizations, prowar groups, publications from our allies and other nations. Publications are in English, French and Vietnamese. The collection is grouped by LC subject headings and has separate author, title and subject indices. The guide is broken into 11 units.  

Journal of the Congress of the Confederate States of America. [E002781 1992]

Covers Feb 4, 1861 - Mar 18, 1865  

Journal of the Continental Congress. [E002784 1975]  

Khe Sanh: A Collection of Research Documentation on the Battlefield of Khe Sanh, Quang Tri Province Vietnam. [D000818 1991]

Compiled by Ray W. Stubbe to preserve an authentic, accurate, detailed record of the activities at Khe Sanh, Vietnam for future generations.
Reel 1 - (not completed) Final manuscript with indices to the entire manuscript collection.
Reel 2 - (pp. 0001-04993) Original (handwritten) diary of Ray W. Stubbe, correspondence, reports, memoranda, news clippings, scrapbooks; interviews, correspondence and tapes to 1989; miscellaneous personal accounts.
Reel 3 - (pp. 04994-09980) Transcriptions of official Marine Corps oral history tapes; other interviews; files of comments relating to official Marine Corps history of Khe Sanh; POW files; miscellaneous documents; correspondence and interviews 1989-1990.
Reel 4 - (pp 09981-15131) Marine Corps individual citation files; correspondence and interviews March 1990- August 1991; miscellaneous documents; "Khe Sanh Vet Newsletter"; archival indices.
Reel 5 - (pp 15132-20482) The early Khe Sanh manuscripts of Ray W. Stubbe.
Reel 6 - (pp 20483-25646) Maps; geology, ethnology, early explorations, French period; American presence and activities in the Khe Sanh area in books and articles.
Reel 7 - (pp 25647-31243) Official documents through 1967; NVA documents, plans, tactics; general materials on siege from MACV, CIA, DIA, USAF, USN, USA.
Reel 8 - (pp 31244-36248) Official documents Jan-Feb 1968.
Reel 9 - (pp 36249-41863) Official documents Mar-Jun 1968.
Reel 10 - (pp 41864-47513) Note cards used in preparing mss.; post-siege operations and activities in the Khe Sanh area ( July 1968-1973); various documents to include: geography, Unit histories, and clippings; excerpts from army historical monographs.
Reel 11 - (pp 47514-53450) Transcripts of taped comments received and interviews conducted by various researchers; significant correspondence and conversations (June 1991- March 1993); USAF official histories, monographs, CHECO reports.
NOTE: Reel 1 was never received; Reels 3 and 4 are missing.  

Korean War Studies and After Action Reports (Armed Forces Oral Histories). [E002677 1989]

Collection of after action reports, oral history interviews and maps. Although the focus is on ground units of the U.S. Army, materials on the U.S. Marine Corps and the U.N. Forces are included. Indexing is by name/subject and unit name. [339 fiche]  

League of Nations Documents 1919-1946. [D000890 1975]

This collection is divided into two classes of materials:
A. Documents of the League of Nations, which contains: Assembly, Council and Circular Letter documents; Documents and Minutes of the Permanent Mandates Commission; Minutes of the Directors' Meetings, and the 19/F/-, 19/6/-. 20/6/- and 21/6/- documents.
B. Serial Publications of the League of Nations, including: Armaments Year Book, 1924-1939/40; International Health Year Book, 1924-1932; Money and Banking, 1913-1944; Official Journal of the League of Nations (including the Records of the Assembly and the Minutes of the Council; Statistical Year Book of the League of Nations, 1926-1942/44; Statistical Year Book of the Trade in Arms, Ammunition, and Implements of War, 1924-1938; Treaty Series, 1919-1947; World Economic Survey, 1931/32 - 1942/44 and many others.
The detailed 2 volume index provides and explanation of the arrangement, numbering systems, and reel by reel lists of documents.

Leavenworth City Directories. [D000565]

Directories of Leavenworth, KS 1859-1979, including names, street addresses and occupations (for the early years). Later years include phone numbers. Outlying areas including Fort Leavenworth are included in these directories. [20 reels]  

Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1881.[D001004 1956]

Correspondence received by the central office of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, 1824-1880. The collection is arranged alphabetically by jurisdiction with some intermingling of tribal names. Communications discuss Indian population, education, health, medical care, emigration, land allotments, annuity payments, claims, traders, buildings, supplies, employees and accounts. [962 reels]  

Letters Received by the Office of the Adjutant General: Main Series, 1822-1860 RG 94, M567 [D001010 1973]

Includes correspondence received from officers and enlisted men of the Army, the Secretary of War, the President, officials of other government departments, members of Congress, governors of states and territories, private persons and business firms. These letters relate to a variety of topics to include: appointment, transfer, pay, promotion, leave, discharge and other Army personnel actions; orders, regulations and other documents issued by the War Department; military expeditions and campaigns; military installations and organizations; Indian affairs. These letters are part of the larger series of letters received by the Adjutant General's Office 1822-1899. Holdings include reel #319 which contains the papers relating to the activities of MG Stephen W. Kearney and the Army of the West, 1846-1847. [636 reels]  

Letters Received by the Office of the Adjutant General: Main Series, 1861-1870. [D001007 1934]

Includes correspondence received from officers and enlisted men of the Army, the Secretary of War, the President, officials of other government departments, members of Congress, governors of states and territories, private persons and business firms. These letters relate to a variety of topics to include: appointment, transfer, pay, promotion, leave, discharge and other Army personnel actions; orders, regulations and other documents issued by the War Department; military expeditions and campaigns; military installations and organizations; Indian affairs. These letters encompass the period 1861-1870 and are part of the larger series of letters received by the Adjutant General's Office 1822-1899. [CARL holds reel 65]  

Letters Received by the Office of the Adjutant General: Main Series, 1871-1880. RG 94, M666 [D000732 1980]

Includes letters from officers and enlisted soldiers, the Secretary of War, the president, officials of other Government Departments, members of congress, Governors of States and Territories, ,private persons and businesses. Their subjects include personnel actions affecting officers and enlisted, orders, regulations, military expeditions and campaigns, military installations and organizations and Indian affairs. Letters are generally arranged in chronological order by date of receipt which can be much later than date of issue; a number of letters were consolidated into subject files. For more information see the Descriptive Pamphlet. [593 reels, CARL has reels 14-16; 20-22; 33; 37; 61; 86; 96; 159-164; 233; 238; 260; 271-292; 336-340; 360; 366; 377-379; 397-398; 428-430; 449; 456-457; 498-510; 513-517; 522; 526-528; 540]  

Letters Received by the Office of the Adjutant General: Main Series, 1881-1889. RG 94, M689 [D001022 1881-1889]

Includes letters from officers and enlisted soldiers, the Secretary of War, the president, officials of other Government Departments, members of congress, Governors of States and Territories, private persons and businesses. Their subjects include personnel actions affecting officers and enlisted, orders, regulations, military expeditions and campaigns, military installations and organizations and Indian affairs. Letters are generally arranged in chronological order by date of receipt which can be much later than date of issue; a number of letters were consolidated into subject files. The letters are divided into three sub-series. The first and third sub-series are arranged alphabetically by initial letter of the surname or office of the writer and numbered in a separate sequence for each letter of the alphabet. See the Descriptive Pamphlet at Ref. for additional information. [593 reels, CARL has reels 18; 26; 28; 36-39; 44; 54; 81; 94; 96-97; 140; 162; 167-171;173-202; 254; 257;259-260; 302; 317; 362-363; 443; 456; 515;527; 536; 549; 587-608]  

Letters Received by the Secretary of War from the President, Executive Departments and War Department Bureaus, 1862-1870. RG 107, M494 [D001038 1862-1870]

Includes letters from the offices of the Adjutant General, Quartermaster General, Surgeon General, Signal Office, Engineers, Paymaster General, executive departments, and the President. Letters were entered in registers and assigned file numbers according to the arrangement of the entries in the register. See the Descriptive Pamphlet at Ref. for additional information.[117 reels]  

Letters Received by the Secretary of War, Irregular Series, 1861- 1866. RG 107, M492 [D001036 1861-1866]

The irregular series include letters that were not filed in the main series of letters received, or the series of letters received from the President, executive departments, and the War Department bureaus. The letters were written by officers and officials of subordinate bureaus of the War Department and other executive departments, Army officers, Governors of States and Territories, the President, Members of Congress, and private persons. The topics of correspondence ranged from the conduct of the Civil War, the organization and strength of the Army, procurement of arms and ammunition, Indian Affairs, and the assignment and activities of Army personnel. See the Descriptive Pamphlet at Ref. for additional information. [36 reels]  

Letters Relating to Claims Received in the Office of the Secretary of the Treasury, 1864-1887. [D000851 1964] Carl has reels 64-68.  

Letters, Returns, Accounts, and Estimates of the Quartermaster General's Department, 1776-1783, in the War Department Collection of Revolutionary War Records. [D000885]

This collection contains a register of letters received by the Superintendent of the Continental Horse Yard; a return of public property belonging to the Quartermaster General's Department; a ledger of Quartermaster General accounts; a 55 letters, returns, payrolls, memos, etc. relating to supplying military forces. [1 Reel]  

Letters Sent by the Governors and the Secretary of State of California,1847-1848. [D000830 1957]

Governors, BG Stephen W. Kearny, COL Richard B. Mason and Lt. Henry W. Halleck's official transmissions concerning, administration, Indian affairs, trade, customs, property rights claims and the discovery of gold in the California territory. [1 reel]  

Letters Sent by the Headquarters of the Army (Main Series), 1828-1903. [D000793 1971]

This collection reproduces 26 bound volumes of letters and telegrams sent by the Headquarters of the Army (the Commanding General and his Staff). The main series is concerned with Army policy, operations, and administration, instructions for campaigns, wartime strategy, and the disposition of men and materials. Indian affairs, The Texas-Mexican conflict, the Mexican War, and military operations against the Confederacy are among the topics discussed. Arrangement is roughly chronological, although there are gaps. Each volume has some type of index, either name or subject. The descriptive pamphlet provides more information on the arrangement and indexing. [15 reels]  

Letters Sent by the Office of the Adjutant General: Main Series, 1800-1890.[D000782 1965]

Reproduces 92 bound volumes of record copies of letters and telegrams sent by the AGO, which was the department of records, orders, and correspondence of the Army and militia. Also included in this series are letters and telegrams sent by Commanding General of the Army William T. Sherman in 1869-72, 1876-80 and 1881-83. Beginning in 1825 letters relating to various organizations and the letters to the Secretary of War were moved to separate series. Arrangement of letters is roughly chronological with each volume representing a calendar year, but, letters can overlap into preceding and following volumes. Most volumes have an index to names; later indexes include some subjects. For more information see the Descriptive Pamphlet.[63 reels]

Letters Sent by the Secretary of War to the President and Executive Departments, 1863 – 1870. RG 107, M421 [D001076 1962]

Reproduction of letters that were copied into volumes labeled "Military Books, Executive". Most letters were entered chronologically. See the Descriptive Pamphlet in reference for additional information. [5 reels]  

Letters Sent by the Secretary of War, Relating to Military Affairs, 1800-1889. RG 107 M6 [D000778 1968]

Copies of letters sent by the Secretary of War to the President, members of Congress, executive department officials, army officers, governors of states and territories, businesses, and private persons. They deal with Indian affairs, fortifications, military reservations and construction, military personnel, settlement of claims, and funding. Index (at front of each reel) to persons, titles, offices, and subjects is alphabetical by at least the first letter and sometimes as far as the first 3 letters. Read the Introduction for a description of the indexing and pagination. [110 reels]  

Letters Sent to the President by the Secretary of War, 1846-1870. RG 107 M127 [D00000781 1971]

Reproduces seven volumes of letters sent by the Secretary of War to the President of the United States during the period November 13, 1800 - September 4, 1863. The letters in these volumes contain information relating to the detailed operations of the Army in addition to matters of general policy. Detailed operations include recommendations for appointments and promotions within the Army, the appointment of militia officers and Indian agents, claims for pay made by individual officers, and reports on unhealthy conditions at certain military posts. Letters concerned with broader policy matters include those relating to the delimitation of a permanent boundary between the United States and British North America, the capability of the Spanish to attack the United States, War Department appropriations, the need for the establishment of government fortifications in certain strategic areas, and other matters of nation and international importance. Letters are arranged chronologically. [6 reels]  

List of Photographs and Photographic Negatives Relating to the War for the Union. RG 165 T251 [D000906]

Finding list of photographs and negatives transferred to the War Department Library relating to the Civil War and the Reconstruction period. Part II lists photos from the Brady collection, located in CARL at D000892. List is arranged first by source then by a combination of location and topic. [1 reel]  

London Times Intelligence files: (filmed books of clippings from the Times of London) Arabia, Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria [D000966 1975]

Reel 1 covers August 12, 1920- Mar. 3 1934. (5 reels) Siam, Malaya, Indo-China [D000973 1975] The 1st series begins with volume 2 dated May 21, 1906- January 20, 1923 and runs through volume 12 dated September 10, 1964- March 2, 1967. (Volume could not be located for filming.) Volume 2 is devoted to Siam; volumes 3 & 4 add Indochina, volume 5 adds Ceylon. Volumes 6-10 are titled Malaya & Siam, volumes 11 & 12 cover Malaya, Singapore, N. Borneo, Sarawak and Brunei. The 2nd series begins with volume 1 dated 2 June 1962-November 27, 1964 and runs through volume 9 dated May 9, 1969- December 30, 1969. Volumes 1-5 deal with Siam, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. Siam stands alone in volumes 6-9.  

Magic Documents. [D000536 1980]

Includes summaries and transcripts of the top-secret diplomatic communications of Japan 1938-1945 arranged chronologically with subject and name index. [14 reels]  

Major Studies and Issue Briefs of the Congressional Research Service: 1916-1989 Cumulative Index. [@REF 015.73.M234]

Printed index includes: bibliography and supplementary indices in volume I and index of subjects and names in volume II.  

Major Studies of the Legislative Reference Service/ Congressional Research Service (1916-1974). [D000961 1964]

A separate subject index is part 2 of the printed guide. [57 reels]  

Major Studies of the Congressional Research Service 1975-1976 Supplement. [D000961 1964]

Continues "Major Studies of the Legislative Reference Service/ Congressional Reference Service". Subject index. [6 reels]  

Major Studies and Issue Briefs of the Congressional Research Service Continues Major Studies of the Congressional Research Service.

1976-78 Supplement 13 reels D000961 1964
1978-79 Supplement 11 reels D000961 1964
1979-80 Supplement 10 reels D000961 1964
1980-81 Supplement 11 reels D000551 1981
1981-82 Supplement 11 reels D000566 1982
1982-83 Supplement 12 reels D000570 1983
1983-84 Supplement 13 reels D000611 1984
1984-85 Supplement 13 reels D000771 1985
1985-86 Supplement 13 reels D000772 1986
1986-87 Supplement 13 reels D000773 1987
1987-88 Supplement 14 reels D000774 1988

Supplements 1976 - 1988 contain reports divided by general headings (eg., Legal and Constitutional issues, Congressional and Executive issues). A brief description follows some titles along with the author. A subject index is also included.

Bibliography & Indexes to the 1988/89 Supplement 14 reels D000784 1989
Bibliography & indexes to the 1989/90 Supplement 13 reels D000803 1990
Bibliography & indexes to the 1990 Supplement 13 reels D000810 1991

The 1988-1990 reports are filed by report number and indexed by: Subject, name, title, and report number.

1991 Supplement 14 reels D000939 1991
1992 Supplement 15 reels D000931 1992
1993 Supplement 14 reels D000948 1994
1994 Supplement [E002795 1994]

From 1994 on supplements are in fiche form.

Manhattan Project: Official History and Documents. [D000828 1977] 

Includes information on operation, organization, mission and special projects to include Gaseous Diffusion, the P-9 Project, Pile Project, Electromagnetic Project, Liquid Thermal Diffusion, and the Los Alamos Project. The diary of Col. Matthias is also a part of his collection. [14 reels]  

Map Room Files of President Roosevelt, 1939-1945: Maproom Military Subject Files 1941-1945. [D000816 1991] 

Includes correspondence with allied world leaders, Winston Churchill, Josef Stalin, and Chaing Kai-shek, messages of the immediate family and of Harry Hopkins. The map room also served as the contact point for the president when he was at wartime conferences. The special subject files include military and diplomatic information, reports, maps and official publications. [27 reels]  

Map Room Messages of President Roosevelt (1939-1945). [D000521 1981 and D00973 1991] 

Material is arranged by date and correspondent and is accessible by date and subject. Reel 1--Communications between President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston S. Churchill (September 11, 1939-April 11, 1945) and Map Room Papers (September 11, 1939-July 31, 1942); Reel 2--Map Room Papers (August 1, 1942-July 31, 1943; Reel 3--Map Room Papers (August 1, 1943-February 29, 1944); Reel 4--Map Room Papers (March 2, 1944-August 31, 1944); Reel 5--Map Room Papers (September 1, 1944- April 11, 1945); Reel 6--President's Secretary's file (August 19, 1940- March 6, 1945), President's Personal file (September 1, 1941-July 6, 1944), Messages from other files and collections (October 5, 1939-February 13, 1945); Reel 7-- Communications between President Roosevelt and Premier Joseph V. Stalin (July 31, 1941-April 11, 1945), Map Room Papers (May 4, 1942-April 11, 1945), President's Secretary's file (July 31, 1941-February 28, 1945), President's Official File (October 8, 1941-June 27, 1944), President's Personal File (December 3, 1943-March 24, 1945), Messages from other files (December 14, 1941-February 6, 1945); Reel 8--Communications between President Roosevelt and Generalissimo Chaing Kai-shek (December 29, 1941-January 26, 1945), Communications between President Roosevelt and W. Averell Harriman, U.S. Ambassador to Moscow (January 4, 1943- April 12, 1945); Reel 9--Communications between President Roosevelt and General Patrick J. Hurley, U.S. Ambassador to China (September 7, 1944-May 21, 1945), communications between President Roosevelt and John G. Winant, U.S. Ambassador to Great Britain (April 11, 1943-April 6, 1945), Miscellaneous Presidential Messages (January 3, 1942- April 6, 1945)  

Map Room Messages of President Truman (1945-1946) [D000064 1980] 

Reel 1- Communications between Truman and Atlee, Chaing Kai-shek, Churchill, and Harriman; Reel 2- Communications between Truman and Marshall, Hurley and Stalin, Communications re: Stalin-Hopkins conference, Miscellaneous communications to and from Truman, Minutes of Crimean Conference (Feb 5-9, 1945); Reel 3- Communications between Truman and Stalin, Messages re: the surrender, treaty and armistice in Germany, and zones of occupation in Germany and Austria; Reel 4- Conversations between Stalin and Hopkins, Intelligence message re: ULTRA for continued secrecy in peacetime and surrender of Japan; Reel 5- Messages re: the Surrender of Japan and Soviet-Chinese Relations; talks between Stalin and Soong; Communications re: presidential trips. [5 reels]

Marshall/Lovett Memorandums to President Truman, 1947-1948. RG 59, M1135 [D00891 1980] 

Carbon copied memorandums sent to President Truman by Secretary of State George C. Marshall and Under Secretary Robert A. Lovett. The file was maintained by the Executive Secretariat of the Department of State and covers a variety of activities which involved the Department. The file is arranged chronologically. See the Descriptive Pamphlet at Ref. for additional information. [3 reels]  

The Mathew B. Brady Collection of Civil War Photographs. RG 111, T252 [D000892 1958] 

Photographs of Civil War scenes and people purchased from Brady. Pictures are captioned but are arranged only in order of numbers assigned by the War Department. Index is on microfilm D000906. [4 reels]  

Military Intelligence Division Regional File Relating to China, 1922-1944. RG 165, M1513 [D001066 1990]

Regional file of documents containing military, naval, political, economic, and social information on foreign countries. See the Descriptive Pamphlet in Ref. for additional information.  

Military Intelligence in the Pacific, 1942-1946: Bulletins of the Intelligence Center, Pacific Ocean Area, and the Commander-in-Chief, Pacific and Pacific Ocean Area [D000645 1984] 

Reports on captured Japanese documents, interrogations of prisoners of war and analysis of captured equipment. The 466 bulletins are arranged chronologically with subjects listed along side. [41 reels]  

The Military Situation in the Far East & the Relief of General MacArthur [D000076 1977] 

Testimony of witnesses before the Senate Joint Committee on Armed Services and Foreign Relations, 30 April 1951 to 17 August 1951. Reel 8 has a detailed name/subject index. [8 reels]  

Minutes and Documents of the Cabinet Meetings of President Eisenhower (1953-1961). [D000835 1980] 

Reel 1 includes preliminary meetings as well as regular meetings. [10 reels]  

Minutes and Documents of the Cabinet Meetings of President Johnson. [D000580 1982] 

Cabinet meetings, 1963-1969 (reels 1-5); Cabinet and agency reviews (reel 5); Departmental weekly reports (reels 6-17) [17 reels]  

Minutes and Meetings of the National Security Council, with Special Advisory Reports. [D000839 1982] 

Covers the period 1947- 1960 and includes a subject index. [3 reels]  

Minutes of Meetings of the National Security. Council [D000840 1988] 

First Supplement Covers 1947-1956 (The Truman and Eisenhower administrations). Documents and summaries of discussions are included along with the minutes. The guide offers reel and subject indices. [5 reels]
Second Supplement [D000841 1989] Covers 1948-1969 including special meetings 1956-1960. The guide provides both reel and subject indices. [3 reels]  

Minutes of Telephone Conversations of John Foster Dulles and of Christian Herter 1953-1961). [D000835 1980] 

Filmed in reverse chronological order by file number. Includes a key to initials and a name index. [21 reels]  

Minutes of the Division Staff Meetings of the U.S. Group Council for Germany and the Office of Military Government for Germany (U.S.) (OMGUS), Nov 1944-Aug 1949. RG 260, M1075 [D0001022 1944-1949] 

Records provide insight into the postwar occupation of Germany. The minutes include discussions among the OMGUS staff concerning the planning for and the administration of policy for occupied Germany. Topics included troop demobilization and personnel redeployment, the establishment of a German Civilian government, repatriation of refugees, displaced persons, prisoners of war, economic and monetary policies, etc. The minutes of the meetings, with accompanying documents, are arranged chronologically by date of meeting. See Descriptive Pamphlet at Ref. for additional information. [4 reels]  

Minutes of the Meetings of the Committee on Women’s Defense Work, May 1917-Feb.12 1919, and Weekly and Monthly Reports of the Committee on Women’s Defense Work, May 12, 1917 – Oct. 15, 1918. RG 61, M1074 [D001074 1978]

The committee on Women’s Defense Work, commonly known as the Woman’s Committee, was an advisory board established by the Council of National Defense in the beginning of the United States’ entry into World War I. The purpose of this committee was to consider plans and projects that would integrate women’s activities with the needs of the federal government. The committee acted as an avenue between the various federal agencies and American women. These records include the minutes of the meetings and the weekly and monthly reports. [1 reel]  

Minutes of the Meetings of the Council of National Defense, 1916-1921; the Advisory Commission of the Council of National Defense, 1916-1918; The Interdepartmental Advisory Committee, 1917. RG 61, M1069 [D001071 1979]

The Council of National Defense, established by the Army Appropriation Act of 1916, coordinated industries and resources for national security. The council was the first emergency agency established at the beginning of World War I and they became the parent organization of most of the other special war agencies. [1 reel]  

Miscellaneous Documents Relating to the Atomic Bombing of Japan, Allied and Japanese Military Operations in the Pacific, and Japanese Reports of the Chinese Communist Party. RG 243, M1738 [D001077 1991]  

Miscellaneous German Records Collection (NARS). [D000756 1960]  CARL has reels 185-186,248  

Miscellaneous Numbered Records (The Manuscript file) in the War Department Collection of Revolutionary War Records 1775-1790's. [D000876] 

A collection of about 35,500 "miscellaneous" numbered records, originals and copies, pertaining to Revolutionary War service of individuals, their pay and settlement of accounts, and the operations of several large staff departments of the Continental Army responsible for supplying and paying troops and military operations. The records are arranged by State, by Continental Army staff departments, and other major organizations, and numbered consecutively; unnumbered items are listed at the end. See the descriptive pamphlet for more information.  

Miscellaneous SS Records: die Einwandererzentralstelle, Waffen-SS, und SS-Oberabachnitte (NARS). [D000769 1967]   

Mission and Combat Reports of the Fifth Fighter Command, 1942-1945. RG 18, M1065 [D001019 1942-1945] Records include mission reports, unit narrative combat reports, and individual combat reports of the pilots and fighter squadron officers of the 5th Fighter Command, part of the 5th Air Force stationed in the Southwest Pacific Area during WW II. See Descriptive Pamphlet at Ref. for additional information. [9 reels]  

Negro in the Military Service of the United States, 1639-1886 [D000792 1973] 

Compilation of official records, States papers and historical abstracts relating to the military status and service of Afro-Americans from Colonial times through the Indian Wars. [5 reels]  

Nuclear Weapons, Arms Control, and the Threat of Thermonuclear War: Special Studies: 1969-1981. [D000749 1982] 

Reports are filed chronologically. Each entry includes either brief contents notes or a brief abstract. A subject index is also included. [17 reels]

Supplement, 1981-1982 9 reels D000750 1983
Second supplement, 1983-1984 12 reels D000751 1985
Third supplement, 1985-1986 7 reels D000837 1987
Fourth supplement, 1987-1988 10 reels D000838 1989

Official Battle Lists of the Civil War, 1861-1865. RG 94, M823 [D001025 1976] 

The battle lists indicate which Union troops were engaged in particular Civil War Operations and often included additional data, such as casualties. Due to the inaccuracies found in the original and secondary sources, this microfilm publication is not a complete compilation of the battle lists. See the Descriptive Pamphlet at Ref. for additional information. [2 reels]  

Official Conversations and Meetings of Dean Acheson (1949-1953). [D000063 1980] 

Arranged chronologically with names and brief subject descriptors [5 reels]  

Operation Market Garden [D001085]

These records, part of the CARL Historical Documents Collection, were reproduced on 35mm film by the National Archives and Records Administration, Central Plans Region in 1999. There are 30 documents in this series consisting of U.S. Army correspondence, memorandums, reports, plans, etc., pertaining to the WWII operation conducted in 1944 by the Allied called Operation Market Garden. These documents were filmed in ascending numeric order according to their document number. The source print documents are in the custody of CARL. [3 reels]  

Orders and Circulars Issued by the Army of the Potomac and the Army and Department of Northern Virginia, C.S.A. RG 109, M921 [D001064 1973]

Ten volumes of orders and circulars issued by the Army of the Potomac and the Army and Department of Northern Virginia, C.S.A. The records are part of the War Department Collection of Confederate Records. Most of the records consist of copies of orders and circulars forwarded by the Army and Department of Northern Virginia to the Adjutant and Inspector General’s office in Richmond. See the Descriptive Pamphlet in Reference for more information. [4 reels]  

Orders and Endorsements sent by the Secretary of War, 1846-1870. [D000783 1963]  [13 reels]  

Orders and Special Orders by Major General William O. Butler and Major General W.J. Worth, to the Army in Mexico, 1848. [D000831 1969] 

Contains special and general orders issued in 1848 by Major General William Butler and Major General W. J. Worth to the Army in Mexico. The orders issued within the year were assigned consecutive numbers, and appear here in that sequence. An alphabetical listing by subject is at the beginning of the reel.[1 reel]  

Orders Issued by Brig. General Stephen W. Kearney and Brig. General Sterling Price to the Army of the West, 1846-1848. [D000832 1969] 

Contains special and general orders issued between 1846 - 1848. Orders issued by Brig. General Kearney and Price pertain to the Army of the West from Fort Leavenworth to various camps along the Santa Fe Trail and the 9th Military Department movement into Southern California. The orders issued within each year were assigned consecutive numbers, and appear here in that sequence. An alphabetical listing by subject is at the beginning of the reel.[1 reel]  

Orders of General Zachary Taylor to the Army of Occupation in Mexico. [D000829 1942]  Contains General Zachary Taylor’s special orders issued between August 7, 1845, and December 31, 1846. The orders issued within each year were assigned consecutive numbers, and appear here in that sequence. A few unnumbered orders will be found in their proper chronological position.[3 reels]  

O.S.S./London: Special Operations Branch and Secret Intelligence Branch War Diaries. [D000747 1985]  Divided by branch and region. A subject index is included. [8 reels]  

O.S.S./State Department Intelligence and Research Reports Africa: 1941-1961. [D000543 1980] 

Arranged by regions then by country. All country reports are chronological. A subject index listing with reel and frame numbers is included. [11 reels]
China and India. [D000547 1977]
Covers 1941-1949. Reels 1-4 cover China; Reels 5-6 cover India.
Arrangement is chronological with a subject index. [6 reels]
China and India 1950- 1961 supplement. [D000545 1979]
Chronological within each region. Subject index. [5 reels] Reels 1-3 China (PRC), China (Taiwan), Mongolia and Ceylon; Reels 4-5 India. Europe 1950-1961 Supplement. [D000540 1979]
Divided into general reports on Eastern and Western Europe, with specific reports on each country including the Vatican. The subject index has reel and frame numbers. [11 reels]
Germany and its occupied territories during World War II. [D000553 1977] Covers 1941-1945. Arranged by country and region in alphabetical order. A subject index is included. [22 reels]
Japan and its occupied territories during World War II. [D000548 1977] Divided by region. Reels 1-7, Japan and Formosa; Reels 8-9, General Far East, Southeast Asia, Malaya, Singapore, and Hong Kong; Reels 10-11, Philippines, Netherlands East Indies, Borneo, Java, New Guinea, and Sumatra; Reels 12-14, Indochina, Thailand, and Burma; Reels 15-16, China and Korea. [16 reels]
Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia, and the Far East generally: 1950-1961 supplement [D000541 1979] Reel 1: Far East, Burma, Cambodia, and Indochina. Reel 2: Indonesia and Japan. Reels 3-4: Japan. Reel 5: North and South Korea. Reel 6: Laos, Malaya, and the Philippines. Reel 7: Singapore, Southeast Asia, Thailand, North and South Vietnam. All documents are arranged by region in chronological order. Subject index. [ 7 reels] Latin America 1941-1961 [D000129] Divided geographically, then by date. Subject index. [10 reels] Middle East [D000552 1977] Covers the period 1941-1949. Reel 1: Middle East, Afghanistan, Egypt and Iran. Reel 2: Iran, Kuwait, Levant States, Libya and Palestine. Reel 3: Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Transjordan, and Turkey. Subject index. [3 reels] Middle East 1950-1961 Supplement [D000544 1979] Arranged by region, then alphabetically by country. Country reports are arranged chronologically. Subject index. [3 reels] Postwar Europe [D000100 1977] Covers 1945-1949 arranged by country, then by date with a subject index. [10 reels] Postwar Japan, Korea and Southeast Asia [D000101 1977] Arranged by region and date with a subject index. Reel 1: Far East, Burma, Hong Kong, Indochina, and Indonesia. Reels 2-5: Japan. Reel 6: Korea, Southeast Asia, and Thailand. [6 reels] Soviet Union [D000075 1977] Covers 1941-1949; arranged chronologically with a subject index. [8 reels] Soviet Union: 1950-1951 Supplement [D000541 1979] Chronological arrangement with a subject index. [6 reels]  

Pamphlets in American History.  The Guides to this collection, cataloged at REF 016.97307 P186 are divided into four groups by period and broad subject. Each guide includes an author, title and subject index. [microfiche]

Biographies of the Revolutionary War E002712 1990
Civil War E002716 1990
European War E222714 1990
Mexican War E002720 1990
Revolutionary War E002713 1990
Spanish American War E002715 1990
War of 1812 E002711 1990

Papers of Aaron Burr. [D000845 1993]

Series I correspondence and public papers 11 reels
Series II Orderly books and European journal 1 reel
Series III Court cases 15 reels

Papers of George B. McClellan (1826-1885). [D000967 1977]

Personal papers of General George B. McClellan filmed from the collection housed in the Library of Congress. [82 reels]  

Papers of George C. Marshall: Selected WW II Correspondence. [D000850 1992] 

This selected correspondence series is part of a subgroup to the Pentagon Office, 1938-1951 grouping. It consists primarily of George Marshall's personal papers while chief of staff of the Army. This series consists of correspondence selected from all incoming mail and all of the outgoing carbon copies. Correspondence is arranged alphabetically. See the Guide to the Microfilm Edition in Ref. [40 reels]  

Papers of General Hans von Seeckt. [D000766 1949] 

Collection includes correspondence, reports, diaries, manuscripts, newspaper clippings, maps and genealogical material. [28 reels]  

Papers of General Wilhelm Groener. [D000765 1948] 

Collection includes official and personal papers, correspondence, reports, notebooks, manuscript and typescript drafts of autobiography and other writings, maps, press clippings. [27 reels]  

The Philippines: U.S. Policy During the Marcos Years, 1965-1986. [E002793 1990] 

This collection of over 3,500 documents provides a record of U.S. policy toward the Philippines during the 20-year rule of Ferdinand Marcos. Most documents are State Department cables, airgrams, internal memos, briefing papers, intelligence reports and correspondence. They provide valuable primary source material on: the imposition and lifting of martial law in 1972 and 1981; presidential, legislative and local elections; the detention, release, exile and murder of Benigno Aquino, and the rise and fall of Marcos. The detailed two volume guide and index includes subject and name indices, a frame by frame catalog, a chronology, a bibliography and glossaries of names, military terms, and organizations [microfiche]  

Potsdam Conference Documents 1945. [D000065 1980] 

Reel 1
vol. 1 Agenda and documents
vol. 2 Background information (Europe, economic, Near East, Far East)
vol. 3 Territorial studies (Italian frontiers and colonies, German frontiers, Balkan frontiers, East European frontiers, Far East)
vol. 4 U.S. bilateral discussions with the Russians and the British
vol. 5 Recommendations from JCS and memoranda from President's records on subjects to be discussed at Berlin
vol. 6 Papers and minutes of Combined Chiefs of Staff
vol. 7 Minutes of meetings of heads of government, (Truman, Churchill and Stalin
Reel 2
vol. 7 Minutes of meetings of heads of government, (Truman, Churchill and Stalin, cont.
vol. 8 Minutes of meetings of foreign ministers
vol. 9 Correspondence of President Truman with heads of government
vol. 10 Miscellaneous documents
vol. 11 Report on tripartite conference of Berlin

President Kennedy and the Press (1961-1963). [D000554 1981] 

Press conferences with Press Secretary Pierre Salinger and assistants (reels 1-7); Messages and press releases from the White House (reels 7-18); Transcripts of press conferences (reels 19-20). All documents are arranged chronologically. There is no subject index in hard copy. [20 reels]

Presidential Diaries of Henry Morgenthau, Jr. (1938-1945). [D000516 1981]

Arranged chronologically with brief descriptors in each entry. [2 reels]

Presidential Papers (as housed in the Library of Congress).

Chester A. Arthur D000867 1960
Grover Cleveland D000868 1965
Calvin Coolidge D000874 1965
James A. Garfield D000866 1973
Ulysses S. Grant D000865 1965
Benjamin Harrison D000869 1964
William H. Harrison D000858 1960
Andrew Jackson D000856 1967
Thomas Jefferson D000853 1976
Andrew Johnson D000864 1963
Abraham Lincoln D000863 1960
James Madison D000854 1965
William McKinley D000870 1963
James Monroe D000855 1963
Franklin Pierce D000862 1962
James K. Polk D000860 1969
Theodore Roosevelt (3 volume index) D000871 1969
William Howard Taft (6 volume index) D000872 1972
Zachary Taylor D000861 1960
John Tyler D000859 1961
George Washington D000852 1964
Woodrow Wilson (3 volume index) D000873 1973

Proceedings of the General Board of the United States Navy, 1900- 1950. RG 80, M1493 [D001018 1900-1950] 

The board was an advisory body to the Secretary of the Navy and dealt with issues from uniforms to war plans. A major portion of their work was making recommendations to the Navy's building program. The records are arranged chronologically except for three volumes of hearings which include: Personnel of the Civil Engineer Corps, Construction Corps, and Supply Corps; Promotion of officers by selection boards; and steam pressures and steam temperatures for new combat ships. See the Descriptive Pamphlet in Ref. for additional information. [28 reels]  

Proceedings of the United States Army Courts Martial and Military Commissions of Union Soldiers Executed by US Military Authorities, 1861-1866. RG 94, M1523 [D001020 1861-1866] 

The proceedings are arranged alphabetically by the name of the defendant. Records include a copy of the order establishing the court or commission, the names of the officers chosen to serve on the court and its judge advocate, the defendant's name and unit, and the place and date of the court-martial. See the Descriptive Pamphlet at Ref. for additional information. [8 reels]  

Public Statements by the Secretary of Defense, 1947-1981. [D000811 1983] 

Collections are arranged chronologically with brief descriptions following each entry. [75 reels]

Part 1 The Truman administration. (1947-1953) 6 reels
Part 2 The Eisenhower administration (1953-1961). 9 reels
Part 3 The Kennedy and Johnson administrations (1961-1969). Tables of contents included on individual reels. 19 reels
Part 4 The Nixon and Ford Administrations (1969-1977). Chronological by year but divided by broad category (e.g. Public statements, Official and personal messages, Appointments, assignments and awards). 25 reels
Part 5 The Carter administration (1977-1981). Chronological by year but divided by broad category. 12 reels

Purport Lists for the Department of State Decimal File, 1910-1944 [D000713 1944] 

Records and correspondence of the State Department divided by the following general classifications: 0- General Miscellaneous; 1- Administration U.S. Government; 2- Extradition; 3- Protection of interests; 4- Claims; 5- International Congresses, Treaties, Disarmament, League of Nations, Interparliamentary Union; 6- Commerce, Customs Admin, Trade Agreements; 7- Political relations of states; 8- Internal affairs of states. Country headings are also included. [6 reels]  

Records of German Army Areas (Wehrkreise). (NARS) [D000197 1956] 

See REF 016.943086 G946, Guide to German Records Microfilmed at Alexandria, VA.[18 reels]  

Records of German Field Commands. (NARS) [D000714 1969] 

See REF 016.943086 G946, Guide to German Records Microfilmed at Alexandria, VA.[75 reels]  

Records of Headquarters, German Armed Forces High Command. (NARS) [D000754 1956] 

See REF 016.943086 G946, Guide to German Records Microfilmed at Alexandria, VA.[28 reels]  

Records of German Field Commands: Armies. (NARS) [D000731 1959] 

See REF 016.943086 G946, Guide to German Records Microfilmed at Alexandria, VA.[281 reels]

Records of German Field Commands: Corps. (NARS) [D000733 1962] 

See REF 016.943086 G946, Guide to German Records Microfilmed at Alexandria, VA. [219 reels]  

Records of German Field Commands: Divisions. (NARS) [D000741 1961] 

See REF 016.943086 G946, Guide to German Records Microfilmed at Alexandria, VA.[181 reels]  

Records of German Field Commands: Panzer Armies. (NARS) [D000730 1960] 

See REF 016.943086 G946, Guide to German Records Microfilmed at Alexandria, VA.[72 reels]  

Records of German Field Commands: Rear Areas, Occupied Territories, and Other Areas. (NARS) [D000735 1961] 

See REF 016.943086 G946, Guide to German Records Microfilmed at Alexandria, VA.[8 reels]  

Records of the American Delegation, US-USSR Joint Commission on Korea, and Records Relating to the United Nations Temporary Commission on Korea (UNTOK), 1945-1948. RG 43, M1243 [D001031 1945-1948] 

Records consist of minutes of meetings, press releases, joint communiqués, correspondence, memorandums, airgrams, telegrams, reports, studies, agendas, the text of speeches, and background materials. The first part, rolls 1-16, includes the records of the American Delegation and the U.S-U.S.S.R joint commission. The second part, rolls 17-23, consist of records relating to UNTCOK. See the Descriptive Pamphlet at Ref. for more information. [23 reels]  

Records of the Department of State Relating to Political Relations Between Cuba and other States, 1910-1929.RG 59, M510 [D001046 1963] 

Records consist of bound volumes and unbound documents that are mostly instructions to and dispatches from diplomatic and consular officials. The dispatches are often accompanied by enclosures. Also included in these records are notes between the Department of State and foreign diplomatic representatives in the United States, memorandums prepared by officials of the Department, correspondence with officials of other Government departments, and with private firms and persons. The lists of documents with brief abstracts can be found on roll #1. See Descriptive Pamphlet in REF. for additional information.[1 reel]  

Records of the Department of State Relating to Political Relations Between Haiti and other States, 1910-1929. Decimal File.RG 59, M612[D001048 1965] 

See the description under Records of the Department of State Relating to Political Relations Between Cuba and other States... . Also see Descriptive Pamphlet in REF. for additional information.[1 reel]  

Records of the Department of State Relating to Political Relations Between the United States and Cuba, 1910-1929. Decimal File. RG 59, M509[D001045 1963] 

See the description under Records of the Department of State Relating to Political Relations Between Cuba and other States... . Also see Descriptive Pamphlet in REF. for additional information. [2 reels]  

Records of the Department of State Relating to Political Relations Between the United States and Haiti, 1910-1929. Decimal File. RG 59, M611[D001047 1965] 

See the description under Records of the Department of State Relating to Political Relations Between Cuba and other States... . Also see Descriptive Pamphlet in REF. for additional information. [4 reels]  

Records of the Department of State Relating to Political Relations Between the United States and Yugoslavia, 1910-1929. Decimal File. RG 59, M362 [D001013 1910-1929] 

See the description under Records of the Department of State Relating to Political Relations Between Cuba and other States... . Also see Descriptive Pamphlet in REF. for additional information. [1 reel]  

Records of the Department of State Relating to Political Relations Between Yugoslavia and Other States, 1910-1929. Decimal File. RG 59, M361[D001011 1910-1929] 

See the description under Records of the Department of State Relating to Political Relations Between Cuba and other States... . Also see Descriptive Pamphlet in REF. for additional information. [9 reels]  

Records of the Department of State Relating to the Internal Affairs of Yugoslavia. Decimal File.RG 59  See the description under Records of the Department of State Relating to Political Relations Between Cuba and other States... . Also see Descriptive Pamphlet in REF. for additional information.

1910-1929, [27 reels] [D001012 1910- 1929]
1930-1944, [28 reels] [D001014 1930-1944]

Records of the Department of State Relating to the Problems of Relief and Refugees in Europe Arising from World War II and its Aftermath, 1938-1949. RG 59, M1284 [D001037 1938-1949] 

The State Department documented the general problems and relief activities for refugees in Europe as a result of World War II. Rolls 1-18 include the State department's assistance to the American Red Cross in shipping drugs, medical supplies, and other relief supplies to Europe. Rolls 19-70 cover the problem of political and Jewish refugees in Germany and Austria before WWII. Documents relating to the Intergovernmental Meeting on Political Refugees, July 6-15 1938, re included. See the Descriptive Pamphlet at Ref. for additional information.[70 reels]

Records of the Department of State Special Interrogation Mission to Germany, 1945-1946. RG 59, M679 [D001015 1945-1946] 

Reports of the interrogation of German officials regarding German foreign relations, propaganda, the Nazi Party, and other topics covering the period 1939-45. Reports are arranged alphabetically by the name of the person interrogated. Reel 1 has a list of records.[3 reels]

Records of the Fifty-Fourth Massachusetts Infantry Regiment (Colored), 1863-1865. RG 94, M1659 [D001072 1992]

Records are divided into two major subgroups. The first contains record books consisting of letters and endorsements sent, and a register of letters received, casualty reports, regimental and company descriptive books, and morning reports. The second group contained regimental papers including telegrams received, orders issued and received, quarterly and monthly returns, courts-martial proceedings and sentences, recommendations for appointments, and etc. See the Descriptive Pamphlet in Reference for additional information. [7 reels]

Records of the German Army High Command (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht OKH). (NARS) [D000754 1965]  [28 reels]  

Records of the Joint Chiefs of Staff 1942-1953. All indexes include both reel and subject index. 

Part 1 1942-1945; The European Theater 14 reels D000592 1982
Part 1 1942-1945; The Pacific Theater 14 reels D000834 1981
Part 1 1942-1945; Meetings 7 reels D000609 1980
Part 1 1942-1945; The Soviet Union 2 reels D000623 1981
Part 1 1942-1945; Strategic Issues: Production and assignment of war materials, shipping, aircraft, petroleum, propaganda and unconventional warfare, war crimes and prisoners of war, Summit conferences. 13 reels D000569 1982
Part 2 1946-1953; Strategic issues section 1: Atomic, biological and chemical warfare, Berlin Airlift and defense, Reorganization of national defense, U.S. military assistance. 6 reels D000569 1982
Part 2 1946-1953; the Far East 14 reels D000126 1979
Part 2 1946-1953; Strategic issues section 2: Psychological and unconventional warfare, Industrial mobilization planning, Global demarcation into areas of strategic control, Postwar military requirements 5 reels D000625 1981
Part 2 1946-1953; Meetings of the JCS 8 reels D000525 1980
Part 2 1946-1953; The Middle East 2 reels D000128 1979
Part 2 1946-1953; Europe and Nato 9 reels D000523 1980
Part 2 1946-1953; The United States 4 reels D000127 1980
Part 2 1946-1953; The Soviet Union 7 reels D000524 1979

Records of the Military Assistance Command Vietnam. [D000819 1988] 

  • Part 1. The War in Vietnam, 1954-1973 MACV Historical Office Documentary Collection. The guide includes, MACV organizational charts, acronyms and initialisms list, a map of South Vietnam's administrative divisions, a reel index, a correspondent index and a subject index. [48 reels]
  • Part 2. Classified studies from the Combined Intelligence Center, Vietnam, 1965-1973. Reels 1-18, monthly order of battle summaries; reels 18-19, area analysis; reel 19, briefing material sops, gazetteer; reel 20, gazetteer; reel 21, misc., handbooks, index etc.; reels 22-28, research reel 29,analysis studies; special studies, target studies, technical intelligence studies (TIS); reel 30, TIS cont., VC political infrastructure and terminology. The guide includes a subject index. [30 reels]
  • Part 3. Progress reports on pacification in South Vietnam, 1965-1973. Reel 1, monthly reports on rural reconstruction progress, population and area control, 1965-66, reports of revolutionary development progress, population and area controls 1966-1967 and pacification status reports 1967- 1968. Reels 2-12, monthly pacification status reports 1968- 1973. Wire diagrams are included in the index. [12 reels]

Records of the Office of the Secretary of War : Letters Sent : Indian Affairs. [D00998 1942] 

Primary source material dealing with Indian Affairs (6 reels)  

Records of the Reich Leader of the SS and the Chief of the German Police (Reichsfuhrer SS und Chef der Deutschen Polizei). (NARS) [D000764 1958]  [10 reels]  

Records of the U.S. Marine Corps in Vietnam [D000847 1990]

Part 1. Fleet Marine Force, Pacific Command Histories, 1964-1973 [8 reels]
Part 2. Marine Amphibious Force Command Histories, 1964-1971 [30 reels]
Part 3. Divisional Command Histories, 1965-1971 [40 reels]
Each part includes a table of contents, reel index and subject index.  

Records of the United States Strategic Bombing Survey  Final Reports of the U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey, 1945-1947. RG 243, M1013 [D001034 1945-1947] 

Includes 325 final reports and appendixes of the U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey that studied the impact of strategic bombing on Germany and Japan and the effect of the atom bomb, naval bombardment, and use of allied photographic intelligence in the Pacific Theater. See Descriptive Pamphlet at Ref. for additional information.[25 reels] Tactical mission reports of the 20th and 21st Bomber Commands, 1945 RG 243, M1159 [D000969 1980]  Reports of these two commands include information on the strategic bombing executed during their tours in the second World War. [6 reels]  

Records of the War Department's Operations Division 1942-1945. [D000820 1991] 

Part 1 - WWII Operations
Series A - European and Mediterranean Theaters [16 reels]
Series B - Pacific Theater [24 reels]
Includes both reel and subject indexes.

Records Relating to the Army Career of Henry Ossian Flipper, 1873-1882 RG 153, T1027 [D001021 1873-1882] 

Contains records relating to the Army career of Henry Osian Flipper, the first black graduate of the U.S. Military Academy. After graduation he served with the 10th Cavalry, Department of Texas. Most records relate to his court- martial for embezzlement of public funds and his petition to Congress to reinstate him in the service. Other records include his appointment papers to the Academy. [1 reel]

Records Relating to the Investigation of the Fort Philip Kearney (or Fetterman) Massacre, 1866-1867 RG 75, M740 [D000993 1968] 

Letters, reports, orders, and testimony from members of a presidential commission appointed to meet with Indians in the Fort Kearney area and from army officers, Indian leaders, and others regarding the Massacre and the situation leading up to it. Material is arranged chronologically.

Records Relating to the U.S. Military Academy, 1812 – 1867. RG 94, M91 [D001080 1992]

Collection consists of three series of records that include letters ("Military Academy Letters") sent by the Engineer Department relating to the Academy; Engineer Department Military Academy orders; and communications from the Engineer Department to the Secretary of War and to Congress relating to the Academy. Rolls 1-25 contain the "Military Academy Records" and are arranged chronologically. Roll 26 contains "Military Academy Orders" and rolls 27 to 29 contain "Communications to the Secretary of War…". See the Descriptive Pamphlet at Ref. for additional information. [29 reels]  

Register of the Confederate Soldiers, Sailors and Citizens who Died in the Federal Prisons and Military Hospitals in the North, 1861 -1865. RG 92, M918 [D001029 1861-1865] 

This microfilm publication reproduces a 665-page register of Confederate soldiers, sailors, and citizens who died in Federal Prisons and military hospitals in the North, 1861-65. The register was compiled in 1912 in the Office of the Commissioner for Marking the Graves of Conferderate Dead. The burial lists are generally arranged alphabetically by name of prison camp or other location where the deaths occurred. See the Descriptive Pamphlet at Ref. for additional information.[1 reel]  

Register of the Enlistments in the United States Army, 1798-1914. [D000809 1956] 

Miscellaneous registers 1832-1914 reel 69
Indian Scouts 1866-1877 reel 70
Indian Scouts 1878-1914 reel 71
84 reels


Register of the Records of the Proceedings of the U.S. Army General Courts-Martial, 1809-1890. RG 153, M1105. [D001073 1980]

The Judge Advocate of the Army was authorized by Congress to oversee the prosecutions of soldiers who violated the Articles of War. Between 1809 and 1828 the proceedings were not registered. Starting in 1829 the earlier records were divided into 25 groups and arranged alphabetically. Each group had between 15 and 150 cases and were labeled alpha-numerically, the letter identified the group and the number identified the particular case within the group. The records from 1829 to 1890 were registered as they were received and the files were labeled with double letters. See the Descriptive Pamphlet at Ref. for additional information. [8 reels]  

Registers of Communications Received from Military Attaches and other Intelligence Officers ("Dispatch Lists"), 1889-1941. [D000798 1983]

Alaska Defense Command-Finland reel 1
France-Germany reel 2
Great Britain-Ireland reel 3
Italy-Nicaragua reel 4
Norway-Yugoslavia reel 5 ff
5 reels

Reparation Papers of the Allied Powers Reparation Commission. [D000587 1975]

Covers 1922-1930. [6 reels]

Reports of the General Board U.S. Forces European Theater, An Analysis of U.S. Military Activities in Europe, 1944-1945. [D000719 1945] 

Convened under General Dwight D. Eisenhower, the board analyzed the strategy, tactics and administration of the U.S Armed Forces in the European Theater and made recommendations regarding, doctrine, organization and equipment. The 131 studies are organized by a numeric system and have a subject index. [7 reels]  

Reports of the U.S. Naval Technical Mission to Japan, 1945-1946. [D000718 1946] 

The mission studied Japanese scientific and technical developments of interest to the U.S. Navy or Marine Corps. 185 reports cover Japanese naval equipment and other technical developments. [13 reels]  

Reports to Congress from the Secretary of War, 1803-1870. [D000780 1961] 

This collection reproduces 11 bound volumes of reports and letters to Members of Congress in response to congressional resolutions and inquiries. Subjects covered include the strength and organization of the Army and militia, Indian affairs, pension, pay and employment, appropriations, and construction of roads, canals, railways and fortifications for the defense of the coasts and frontiers. Document are generally in chronological order.[5 reels]  

Returns from Regular Army Artillery Regiments June 1821-January 1901. [D001002 1968] 

The purpose of the return was to report the strength of each regiment in total number present, absent, sick or on extra or daily duty and to give a specific accounting of officers and enlisted men by name. Eventually the returns also included an accounting of horses and equipment and other information of interest to the War Department. (38 microfilm reels)  

Returns from Regular Army Cavalry Regiments, 1833-1916 (Selected units). [D000806 1970] 

The purpose of the return was to report the strength of each regiment, post, department, corps, division brigade , or detached command in total number present, absent, sick or on extra or daily duty, and to give a specific accounting of officers and enlisted men by name. Eventually accounting of strength in horses, equipment, etc. was added. Some returns included additional information on activities of the unit including troop movements, engagements, etc.. Returns were filled out monthly and sent to the Adjutant General. Returns are arranged by Regiment then by date.

1st Cavalry, 1st Dragoons reels 1-4
1st Cavalry reels 6-13
2nd Cavalry, 2nd Dragoons reels 14-16
3d Dragoons reel 26
4th Cavalry reels 47-48
7th Cavalry reels 71-78
9th Cavalry reels 87-91
10th Cavalry reels 95-102

Returns from Regular Army Engineer Battalions, September 1846-June 1916. [D000999 1967] 

Included with the monthly returns of the engineer battalions are related forms of the Adjutant General's office that were filed with the aforementioned returns. The purpose of the forms was to report the strength of each regiment, both in total number of men present, sick, absent, or on extra or daily duty and to give an accounting of Officers and men by name. Eventually the returns were also required to account for number of horses and artillery and any additional information of interest not necessarily connected with unit strength. [10 reels]  

Returns from Regular Army Field Artillery Batteries and Regiments June 1821-January 1901. [D001000 1968] 

See above for descriptive narrative of collection. [14 reels]  

Returns from Regular Army Infantry Regiments, June 1821 - December 1916 (Selected units) .[D000898 1966] 

The purpose of the return was to report the strength of each regiment, post, department, corps, division brigade , or detached command in total number present, absent, sick or on extra or daily duty, and to give a specific accounting of officers and enlisted men by name. Eventually accounting of strength in horses, equipment, etc. was added. Some returns included additional information on activities of the unit including troop movements, engagements, etc.. Returns were filled out monthly and sent to the Adjutant General. Returns are arranged by Regiment then by date.

1st Infantry Jan 1898 - Dec 1901 reel 10-11
5th Infantry Jan 1870 - 1879 reel 58
6th Infantry Jan 1821 - 1897 reel 64-72
24th Infantry Dec 1866 - Dec 1872 reel 245
38th Infantry Feb 1867 - Dec 1869 reel 293
41st Infantry Dec 1866 - Dec 1869 reel 296

Returns from U.S. Military Posts, 1800-1916 (Selected Posts).[D000840 1965] 

Commanding officers of every post were required to submit a personnel report at specified intervals to the Adjutant General's Office. While most of the returns are monthly post returns some are morning reports, field returns, rosters of officers, and related papers which were added by the Adjutant General's Office either as supplemental information or as substitutes for missing reports. The paper guide is in reference @ 355.30973 R437 1965. The collection includes all Kansas post returns and other selected post returns. Fort Aubrey (Kan.)
Fort Harker (Kan.)
Fort Wallace (Kan.)
Fort Leavenworth (Kan.)
Fort Riley (Kan.)
[69 reels]  

Returns of the Corps of Engineers, April 1832-December 1916.[D001001 1971] 

Monthly returns received by the Adjutant General's Offfice from the Corps of Engineers from April 1832 to December 1916. The returns reported the strength of each staff department in total numbers of officers present and absent and gave a specific accounting of officers by name, rank, and assignment.[22 reels]  

Returns of the Corps of Topographical Engineers, Nov.1831 - Feb.1863.RG 94, M852 [D001026 1831-1863] 

Consists of the monthly returns received by the Adjutant General's office. The purpose of the corps returns were to report the strength of each staff department in total numbers of officers present and absent. It gave a specific accounting of officers by name, rank, and assignment. The records were filmed and arranged chronologically. See the Descriptive Pamphlet in Ref. for additional information. [2 reels]  

Revolutionary War Orderly Books at the Massachusetts Historical Society. [D000843 1992] 

The books are arranged by regimental name and number. Each entry includes dates, commander's name and scribe's name (if known) and other descriptive notes. Name and year indices are included. [6 reels]  

Selected Documents on the Life and Campaigns of Field Marshall Erwin Rommel. [D00960] 

Documents, letters, war diaries, newspapers and magazine articles, as well as personal interviews and other source material collected by David Irving. [11 reels]      

Select Reports of the American Commission to Negotiate Peace. [D000576 1975] 

Reports from the Paris Peace Conference of 1919 including information on Germany, Austria, Prussia, Alsace-Lorraine, Albania, Austro-Italian boundary dispute, the Balkans, Japan, India, China, Egypt, Far Eastern policy and others. [8 reels]  

Senate Executive Documents and Reports Covering Documents and Reports Not Printed in the US Serial Set 1817-1969.(CIS)  Two volume index in Reference@ 015. 730532 C579 se Vol I Indexes, Vol II Reference Bibliography.  

The Sol Feinstone Collection of the American Revolution. [D000621 1969] 

Includes over 1,800 manuscripts from the Revolutionary War period arranged in numerical order by document number with brief descriptions. The alphabetic index is divided into two sections: reels 1-3 and supplement ( reels 4-5 ). [5 reels]  

Special Studies Series (UPA). 

China: Special Studies, 1970-1980. Covers China mainland and Taiwan with separate subject indices for each nation. 8 reels D000726 1981
Latin America: Special Studies, 1962-1980 10 reels D000614 1982
Latin America: Special Studies, 1980-1982 3 reels D000615 1983
Subject Guides
Japan, Korea and the Security of Asia: Special Studies 1970-1980 4 reels D000725 1981
Middle East: Special Studies 1970-1980. Covers Middle East (in general), Egypt, Indian Ocean, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Oman, Palestine, Persian Gulf, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey and Yemen 18 reels D00727 1980
Soviet Union: Special Studies 1970-1980. Topics range from foreign policy to air power, to military forces to population trends 9 reels D000724 1981
Terrorism: Special Studies 1975-1985 5 reels D000753 1986
1985-1988, 1st supplement 5 reels
1989-1991, Supplement 3 reels
Arranged chronologically with subject indices td>
Vietnam and Southeast Asia: Special Studies 1960-1980 13 reels D000648 1982
Many items included on this film are available in CARL in hard copy in the document section. Subject index included.

Stars and Stripes: Newspaper of the U.S Armed Forces in Europe, the Mediterranean, and North Africa 1942 - 1964 M1506 RG 287[Microfilmed Newspapers] Reproduced issues of 23 editions published for American troops serving in Europe and North Africa beginning in 1942 with the London edition, and continuing through 1964. The War department published the daily newspaper for the armed services to report on the progress of the war and present news from the home front. See the descriptive pamphlet in reference. [138 reels]  

Stars and Stripes: Newspaper of the U.S Armed Forces in the Pacific 1945-1963 M1625 RG 287 [Microfilmed Newspapers] Reproduced issues of 12 editions published for American troops in the Pacific. See descriptive pamphlet in reference. [166 rolls]  

State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee and State-Army-Navy-Air Force Coordinating Committee Case Files 1944-1949. [D000056 1978] 

Numeric catalog/index with an alphabetical subject index. [32 reels]  

Statistical Masterfile (CIS) 1970- (American Statistics Index, Index of International Statistics, Statistical Reference Index) 1970-   

Stimson Diaries. [D000827 1973] 

The diaries of Harry L Stimson span 1909-1945 including his tenures as Secretary of War under Taft (1911-1913), Colonel of Field Artillery, AEF France (1917-1918), special envoy to Nicaragua (1927), Governor General of the Philippines (1928-1929), Secretary of State (1929-1930) and Secretary of War (1940-1945).  

Strategic Planning in the U.S. Navy: Its Evolution and Execution, 1891-1945. [D000055 1977] 

Reels 1-4, war plans; Reel 5, war plans and staff conversations and discussions; Reel 6, conversations and correspondence; Reel 7, conversation, reports, minutes, "History of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in World War II: Organizational Development"; Reels 8-16, administrative and operational histories. [16 reels]  

Tactical mission reports of the 20th and 21st Bomber Commands, 1945. [D000969 1980] 

Reports of these two commands include information on the strategic bombing executed during their tours in the second World War. [6 reels]  

Terrorism : An International Resource File. [E002523 1980-1985] 

Includes documents from: Governments of the United States, Canada, Israel, Great Britain, France, Greece South Africa, Australia; Intergovernmental agencies including: United Nations, NATO, European Economic Community (EEC), International Civil Aviation Organization, South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation, Interpol, Non-aligned nations; Nongovernmental studies and analysis; Articles from scholarly and professional journals; Press releases; Pamphlets. (Books, newspaper articles and popular magazine articles are not included). Indexed by subject, author, title, geographic region and document type. Annual updates 1986-1990 follow the same format and are cataloged as follows:

[E002523 1986 v1]
[E002523 1986 v2]
[E002523 1987]
[E002523 1988]
[E002523 1989]
missing one

Terrorism: Selected Library in Microfiche. [E002112 1982] 

Produced by the U.S. Department of Justice. Indexed by subject, author and title of report. [232 fiche]  

Top Secret Hearings by the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. [D000710 1981] 

First installment, 1959-1966. Arranged chronologically with abstracts and lists of committee member by congress and session number. [6 reels]  

Transcripts and Files of the Paris Peace Talks on Vietnam 1968-1973. [D000649 1982] 

Arranged by date with a cumulative index of topics raised by the North Vietnamese - National Liberation front side during the Paris conversations and plenary sessions. [12 reels]  

TRANSDEX 1980- [Microfiche cabinets]  Index to translations issued by the United States Joint Research Service (JPRS). The index is divided into four main sections to provide a variety of access points:

Bibliographic Document list by JPRS number
Series 7 ad hoc title Alphabetical title list followed by JPRS numbers, volume number and date
Keyword index Key word out of context (KWOC) index to terms contained in title, table of contents, geographic area classification, keywords, descriptors and identifiers added as enhancements
Personal name Alphabetical list of authors & names of persons mentioned in the documents

Travels in the Confederate States. (UPA) [E002627 1986]  Comprised of the 485 titles of Ellis Merton Coulter's bibliography TRAVELS IN THE CONFEDERATE STATES. [3598 fiche]  This collection of selected titles from E. M. Coulter's Travels in the Confederate States contains a broad spectrum of accounts of the Civil War and post-Civil War period as told by on-the-scene observers--soldiers, journalists, foreigners, visitors and innocent victims of war. Rich in regimental histories and memoirs of military leaders and common soldiers alike.

Ultra Class List DEFE 3. [E002207 1979] 

An inventory in batch-number sequence. Very brief descriptions appear at the beginning of some of the batches. 139 reels of film containing the text of the messages are filed @ D000567 1979.  

U.S. Armed Forces in Vietnam 1954-1975. [D000650 1983] 

Part one: Indochina Studies Cambodian Incursion, Easter offensive, Reflections on the Vietnam War, RVNAF, Leadership and the Final Collapse 5 reels
Part two: Vietnam : Lessons Learned Airmobility, Riverine operations, Medical Support, Special Forces, Command and Control, Logistical Support, Field Artillery, Mounted Combat, Study of Strategic Lessons Learned and other reports 8 reels
Part three: Vietnam reports U.S. Army Operations Chronological order with brief descriptors 5 reels
Part four: Vietnam : U.S. Army Senior Officer Debriefing Reports Chronological order with brief descriptors 4 reels


U.S. Army Generals' Reports of Civil War Service, 1864-1887. [D000723 1887] 

Reports of 317 Union Generals to the Adjutant General's Office regarding their service in the Civil War and (in some cases) the Indian Wars. Length varies, but most include accounts of battles and other engagements. Arranged chronologically by date of receipt.[8 reels]  

U.S. Army Senior Officer Oral Histories (Armed Forces Oral Histories). [E002675 1989] 

Interviews conducted by the Center for Military History covering the entire career of the interviewee with special focus on significant events in which the interviewee took part. Many interviewees had careers which spanned more than one military conflict. The documents are arranged alphabetically by the name of the interviewee. An index by subjects, names and American military units is included.  

U.S. Executive Branch Documents, 1789-1909 Part 2- War Department (CIS) [E2774 1990] 

The two volume index is divided by both name and subject. A single volume supplementary index is appended. [12,803 fiche]  

U.S. Military Intelligence Reports 

Biweekly Intelligence Summaries, 1928-1938. Chronological arrangement with subject index. 6 reels D000759 1985
China, 1911-1941. Chronological arrangement with subject index. 15 reels D000639 1983
Combat Estimates, Europe, 1920-1943. Alphabetical by country and chronological within each country. Brief descriptors are provided but there is no subject index. 4 reels D000746 1985
Combat Estimates, the Western Hemisphere, 1920-1943. Arranged alphabetically by country and divided chronologically within each country. 2 reels D000758 1985
Germany, 1919-1941. Chronological arrangement with subject index. 28 reels D000573 1983
Soviet Union, 1941-1944.

U.S. Navy Action and Operational Reports from World War II, Pacific Theater. [D000846 1990] 

Part 1 CINCPAC: Commander-in-Chief Pacific Area 16 reels
Part 2 Third Fleet and Third Fleet Carrier Task Forces 16 reels
Part 3 Fifth Fleet and Fifth Fleet Carrier Task Forces 12 reels
All three parts have separate subject indices; parts 2 and 3 have author lists.

U.S. Office of Strategic Services Foreign Nationalities Branch Files, 1942-1945. [E0025633 1988] 

The studies focused on first generation immigrants, foreign nationals, refugees and their activities. Unlike other branches of the OSS, the Foreign Nationals Branch operated overtly, collecting information from direct contact and the foreign language press. This collection can be accessed via the bibliography and by the extensive name subject index. [2450 fiche]    

Vietnam National Security Files, November 1963 - June 1965. [D000745 1985] 

Originals at the Johnson Presidential Library are primarily the files of McGeorge Bundy and Walt Rostow, Johnson's national security advisors. Access is by the "bibliography of documents", subjects, names, document numbers and date. [17 reels]  

Vietnam War Research Collections: U.S. Army Activities in South Vietnam, 1965-1972. [D000814 1989] 

Reels 1-16 U.S. Army Build-up progress report 1965-1969
Reels 16-29 U.S. Army activities report: Southeast Asia 1969-1972. Appendix I, Major U.S. Army, Marine Corps, Free World Military Units in South Vietnam Appendix II, U.S. Command Structure.

Walter S. and Esther Dougherty Collection of Military Newspapers. [D000844 1992] 

The hard copy guide has: a reel index, paper name index, unit index, and place name index. The reel index acts as the main entry including the reel number, title of the newspaper, unit by and for whom the paper was produced and any notes associated with a particular entry. The remaining indices refer to the reel index. [58 reels]  

War Department Collection of Post-Revolutionary War Manuscripts. [D000997 1972] 

Manuscripts consist of approximately 500 documents that relate primarily to the pay and supply of State militia organizations mustered into Federal service for the War of 1812. This collection is part of the Records of the Adjutant General's Office 1780's-1917 (record group 94). Access to personal names is available via the "name card index" which has been reproduced on reels 1 and 2. [4 reels]  

War Diary: Operations Division, German Naval Staff, (Kriegstagebuch der seekriegsleitung) 1939-1945. [D000636 1984] 

This translation of captured German naval documents is excellent primary source material for World War II naval history. The collection is divided chronologically; no subject index is extant. [17 reels]  

War in Vietnam: Classified Histories by the National Security Council. [D000539 1981] 

The documents are arranged chronologically and include: Presidential decisions; Gulf of Tonkin attacks of August 1964; Deployment of major U.S. forces to Vietnam July 1965; Honolulu Conference, February 6-8, 1966; Manila Conference and President's Asian Trip, October 17 - November 2, 1966; President Lyndon B. Johnson's speech of March 31, 1968. [8 reels]  

War in Vietnam: Papers of William C. Westmoreland. [D000848 1993] 

Part I: History, Statements, and Clipping Files (from Johnson Library).

Reel 1 Finding aid
Reels 2-5 History Backup Files
Reels 6-17 History Files
Reel 18 Public Statements
Reels 18-24 Clippings
Reels 24-25 Interviews
Reel 25 "Foncons"
A separate subject index is included.

Westmoreland vs CBS [E002521 1985] 

This collection covers the libel trial by Gen. William Westmoreland against CBS and is divided into the following categories: Pleadings, Summary Judgement, Depositions, Affidavits, Joint Exhibits and Trial Transcripts. [1010 fiche]  

Women at Work Collection from the Imperial War Museum, Lambeth, London. [D000789 1984] 

Reels 1-24 The Army, Belgium and Benevolent Organizations
Reels 25-38 The British Red Cross Society, Colonies, Decorations and Honours and Education
Reels 39-56 Employment
Reels 57-71 Food, France, India, Italy, Romania, Switzerland, Land and Local Records
Reels 72-91 Munitions, Prisoners, Relief Funds, Russia, Serbia, Suffrage and Politics, United States, Volunteer Corps, Welfare, WRAF, WRNS and Women's Work Journals

World War I Survey. [D000813 1985] 

This is a compilation of responses from over 5500 veterans to a questionnaire from the U.S. Army Center for Military History.

Reels 1-4 Boot Camp and Camp Life
Reels 4-35 The War in France (broken down by division)
Reels 35-38 Auxiliary Units (Including: Marines, Field Artillery, Medical Corps, Chaplain Corps, American Red Cross, YMCA)
Reel 39 Related Missions: Mexican Border, China Expedition, AEF in North Russia, AEF in Siberia

World War II From the Times (of London) intelligence files 1939-1945.[D000979 1975] 

Reels 1-2 Aerial operations
Reel 3 War leaders
Reels 4-5 War generals
Reel 6 Naval operations
Reel 7 Naval correspondence
Reel 8 Civil defense
Reel 9 Military operations -- Western Front
Reel 10 Military operations -- Eastern Front
Reel 11 Casualties
Reels 12-13 Africa, Mediterranean, Middle East
Reel 14 Munitions & supplies
Reel 15 Balkans operations
Reel 16 Far East
Reel 17 Air Forces, naval & military

World War II Combat Interviews (Armed Forces Oral Histories). [E002676 1989] 

This collection of 375 combat interviews focuses on particular engagements, with supplementary field orders, periodic reports, overlays, maps and statistical data. The interviews were performed as close to the time and place of the action as possible without the benefit of recording equipment and consisted of shorthand or longhand summaries for later transcription. There was little consistency in the questions asked and all of the major participants were not necessarily interviewed. The interviews are arranged by unit and date. An index by name, locale and military operation is also included, along with a chronological list and an index by American Military Unit. [573 fiche]


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