To earn our title is to prove you belong alongside our nation's elite warrior class—but one must first meet
specific eligibility requirements to even begin this journey. Though your recruiter can tell you if you're eligible
to be a Marine, only 12 demanding weeks of Recruit Training can determine if you're capable of becoming one.
Before you set down this path, explore your options, find out what's required and learn how to prepare
for the immense challenges ahead.

Meeting With a Recruiter

If you have questions about becoming a Marine, consult someone who knows what it means to serve as one—the Marine Recruiter. Meeting one of our recruiters gives you direct access to a Marine who has trained beside recruits, served alongside Marines, and knows exactly what is required to become one of the Few.

Explore Meeting With a Recruiter

Service Options

To serve in our Corps is to embrace the responsibility of keeping our nation safe and free. Be it as an Enlisted Marine or Marine Officer, on active duty or in the Marine Corps Reserve, your service option will define how you serve, not who you are. As one of the Few, you will forever be known by the title you earn: United States Marine.

Explore Service Options


By earning our title, you will accomplish one of the most honorable of all endeavors, and will carry a life-long pride that many will notice, but only few attain. Here you'll find the basic physical, academic and citizenship requirements one must meet before setting out on this noble journey.

Explore Requirements

Test Prep

Marines are counted on to make sound decisions quickly, and are constantly placed in situations where their mental skills are put to the test. Because of this, those who seek our title must pass a timed, multi-disciplinary test known as the ASVAB. Find out more about this test and how to ensure you'll be ready for it.

Explore Test Prep

Resource Links

These links are provided to help you further explore the mission of the Marine Corps, the standards every Marine must meet and the sense of pride, purpose and honor reserved only for the Few.

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