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Wildland Fire Safety
Annual Refresher

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2012 comm-plexity Modules:


Hot Topic WFSTAR The ADD MODULE TO CART is a new feature for 2012. Select and download training modules for a customized program to better align with your target audience. The Module Toolbox provides categories with related topics made up of new and old modules.
Each module download includes a video, Student Workbook and Facilitator Guide.

As you select modules to download, a Download Cart will appear in the bottom right on your browser. The Download Cart allows you to view your training package selection and add or delete modules. Total Download Size and Estimated Download Times are provided as a reference. When you are finished with your training package selection, select the Download button. The Download Cart will view 'Processing' until the download is complete. A File Download box will then appear with a zipped file titled 'nifc_download.zip.' This zipped file contains your module files. Download and save. The Download Cart will then give you the option to empty your cart.
Note: Modules are large in size due to video files and may take time to download, so plan ahead in your refresher preparation.




2011 Season Summary

This module will provide an overview of the 2011 fire season's statistics.

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Module includes video, Student Workbook and Facilitator Guide.




Transfer of Command

You're the ic...brief and document

The goal of this module is to put initial attack firefighters in the position of an IC where they will prepare documentation and the briefing for a transfer of command.

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Module includes video, Student Workbook and Facilitator Guide.




The Mighty Engine

know Your engines!

Identify engine type, style, and capabilities.
Students should be able identify engine types upon arrival and understand how to deploy them effectively or work in conjunction with them effectively.

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Module includes video, Student Workbook and Facilitator Guide.




When Lightning Strikes

the thunder rolls...and the lightning strikes...

Review the anatomy of a lightning strike and the safety precautions if you are caught in a lightning storm.

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Module includes video, Student Workbook and Facilitator Guide.




Firefighting Airspace

what's in the airspace above?

Students should develop a picture of what the airspace above them looks like. This will help them to understand how to contribute to pilot safety and to set for them, the most realistic and effective goals.

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Module includes video, Student Workbook and Facilitator Guide.




Managing the Maze of Communication Systems

can you hear me now?

Students should consider the complexity of communication systems. This would include radio frequencies, repeaters, cell phones, texting, portables, mobiles, and any other technology currently available to firefighters. Students will be able to develop a communications management plan, considering span of control, and using the tools available to them.

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Module includes video, Student Workbook and Facilitator Guide.




Salt Fire Case Study

a burnover timeline

Students will identify and discuss significant events, conditions, and decisions leading up to the Salt Fire burnover.

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Module includes video, Student Workbook and Facilitator Guide.




Preparing for Wildfire Medevac

is this a medical or logistical problem?

Evaluate the patient, medical destination and patient transportation.

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Module includes video, Student Workbook and Facilitator Guide.




Common Errors in Fighting Forest Fires

Historic Film

In the 35 years or more since the Forest Service was established, the art and science of forest fire control has advanced step by step until today such matters as quick detection, precise location, and prompt reporting of fires are matters of routine...

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Module includes video, Student Workbook and Facilitator Guide.