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Political Movies Aim to Influence Voters

Two new documentaries, one conservative and the other liberal, are trying to discredit the presidential candidate of the opposite camp More


People take part in the Joburg Pride Parade in Johannesburg, South Africa, October 2, 2010.

S. Africa Gay Rights Parade Sends Serious Message

Parade comes as president of Malawi says her nation’s voters are not 'ready' to overturn anti-gay legislation More

USA Votes 2012

Political Movies Aim to Influence Voters

Two new documentaries, one conservative and the other liberal, are trying to discredit the presidential candidate of the opposite camp More

Young Voters Could Again Play Key Role in US Election

Young Voters Could Again Play Key Role in US Election

Both Obama and Romney campaigns are reaching out to voters between the ages of 18 and 29 More

Republican presidential candidate former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney speaks at a rally in Fishersville, Virginia, October 4, 2012.

Obama, Romney Spar Over Lower Jobless Numbers

Report released Friday says unemployment rate fell to 7.8 percent in September More


What Our Readers Are Saying

Japan Protests South Korean Media Tour to Disputed Isle

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Antisamurai : Japanese, Why don't you go International Court with China, Taiwan and Russia?? More

Turkish-Syrian Border Quiet After Deadly Attack

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Leonard: Shallom everyone. Say no to war More

Abu Hamza Extradition From Britain to Go Ahead

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Dr. Malek Muhammad Towghi: President Obama, Please, Keep them all, Abu Hamza & Co., in Gitmo. By ... More


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Video Residents of War-Battered Aleppo Struggle to Survive

Syria's most populous city has been an epicenter of fighting in 18-month-long conflict