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The U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census release of U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services is scheduled for 8:30 am ET on the following dates:

Released January 13, 2012 (data through November, 2011)
Released February 10, 2012 (data through December, 2011)
Released March 9, 2012 (data through January, 2012)
Released April 12, 2012 (data through February, 2012)
Released May 10, 2012 (data through March, 2012)
Released June 8, 2012 (data through April, 2012 & 2011 Final Report)
Released July 11, 2012 (data through May, 2012)
Released August 9, 2012 (data through June, 2012)
Released September 11, 2012 (data through July, 2012)
Not Released October 11, 2012 (data through August, 2012)
Not Released November 8, 2012 (data through September, 2012)
Not Released December 11, 2012 (data through October, 2012)