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Life Stories: The Gift of a Heart Saves a Life, Changes a Family

Jason Zhao image. Jason Zhao image.

Heart Recipient: Vellejo, CA

Jason Zhao became seriously ill from a heart condition around his second birthday. After many hospital visits and sleepless nights, it was clear Jason would need a new heart. He was on the transplant waiting list for 18 months before he finally received his second chance at life at age 5. According to Jason Zhao’s parents, “The new heart not only gave our son a chance to live, it changed our lives forever. We feel so grateful that Jason received this greatest of gifts. We want to express our deepest appreciation to the donor’s parents for making this difficult decision.”

Jason's story is courtesy of OneLegacy, Los Angeles, CA. 

“We are so grateful … we want to express our deepest appreciation to the donor’s parents.”

— Jason’s parents


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