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Life Stories: A Young Woman Gives the Gift of Life

Daisy Lobos Daisy Lobos

Organ Donor: Bowie, MD

From early childhood, Daisy Lobos suffered from aneurysms and a heart malformation. At age 17, her doctors decided she needed open-heart surgery. Although the surgery was a success, an undiscovered brain aneurysm ruptured shortly afterward and Daisy was declared brain dead.

A warm and loving family, Rosa and Francisco Lobos decided to donate Daisy’s organs, a decision that helps them deal with their pain to this day. They know that helping others would have made Daisy happy. Francisco and Rosa are now volunteers for the Washington Regional Transplant Community in the Washington area.

Daisy’s story is courtesy of Washington Regional Transplant Community, Annandale, VA.

Rosa and Francisco Lobos decided to donate Daisy’s organs, a decision that helps them deal with their pain to this day.


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