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Home  >  Grants Research DTCP

Grants and Research

HRSA's Division of Transplantation sponsors four grantee programs. While the focus of each program is different, all share the ultimate goal of increasing the number of organs for transplant.

The four programs focus on issues such as: identifying and replicating successful strategies for increasing the number of registered donors; educating the public about living donation and its risks and benefits; and improving clinical methods for taking care of deceased donors while awaiting organ recovery. The fourth program supports a center to provide travel and related expenses for living donors who otherwise could not afford to travel to recipients' transplant programs. Not all programs are offered each year.

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Donation and Transplantation Community of Practice (DTCP)

Between 2003 and 2008, HRSA/DoT conducted a series of Breakthrough Collaboratives promoting rapid increases in the number of organ donors made available for transplantation through a series of frequent and intense sharing and learning experiences to exchange proven best practices. This initiative has evolved to the Donation and Transplantation Community of Practice (DTCP) the goal of which is to systematically sustain and improve upon the Collaborative gains utilizing community-driven task forces, meetings, and webinars for healthcare professionals involved in organ donation transplantation.

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