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Life Stories: Twelve-Year-Old Transplant Recipient Masters the Art of Living

Gabriel Clark Gabriel Clark

Kidney Recipient: Philadelphia, PA

Gabriel Clark received a kidney transplant when he was only two years old. Nine years later, Gabriel continues to thrive thanks to his donor’s generous gift. He is an avid reader and creative artist. Whether drawing comics, folding airplanes, or creating origami, Gabriel has the ability to see beyond a piece of paper. Because of his talent, he was chosen to participate in the children’s summer program at the Samuel S. Fleisher Art Memorial in Philadelphia.

Gabriel also competed in the National Kidney Foundation U.S. Transplant Games at the age of eight, and then again at age ten. And as part of his effort to give back, he also participated in the 2008 Kidney Walk with family, friends, classmates, and teachers—earning his school’s support by making a public presentation and submitting his story to the school’s newsletter.

Gabriel has surmounted many challenges and has to remain medically mature, yet he still manages to enjoy his childhood at every turn. 

Gabriel’s story is courtesy of Gift of Life Donor Program, Philadelphia, PA.

For Gabriel Clark, the gift of life included the gift of a childhood that he enjoys to the fullest on a daily basis.


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