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Policy, Management and Budget (PMB) Offices

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Office of Planning and Performance Management

Key Function

  • Provide leadership, guidance, and consulting services for the Department of the Interior on strategic planning, performance management, and organizational process streamlining to improve operational effectiveness and efficiency, better inform future planning and budget formulation, and ensure transparency and accountability.

Strategic Planning

  • Provide leadership, including technical guidance and assistance, to the Office of the Secretary (including the Chief Operating Officer and Performance Improvement Officer) and the bureaus and offices of the Department in developing effective strategic plans and performance analysis to help define future objectives, track progress, and facilitate decision making.
  • In concert with the priorities of the Office of the Secretary, develop and maintain Departmental Priority Goals to highlight and better ensure the achievement of particular accomplishments for forwarding the mission of the Department;  including the conduct of quarterly reviews and conveying information to the public via
  • Ensure the Department’s compliance with, and effective application of, the GPRA Modernization Act of 2010 and corresponding guidance in OMB Circular A-11.

Performance Assessment

  • Assess so as to advise senior leadership on whether goals and plans are suitable for full achievement and that the means for measuring progress toward achieving the goals are effectively utilized.
  • Assess programmatic performance across the organization and advise Departmental and bureau planning on means to improve programmatic performance and cost effectiveness.
  • Office Director performs the role of Deputy Performance Improvement Officer in accordance with the GPRA Modernization Act of 2010, including representing the Department on the Performance Improvement Council.

Program Evaluation

  • Advise senior leadership on methods and topics for independent program evaluation.
  • Provide leadership, guidance, and oversight of independent program evaluations being conducted by the Department.

Meet our Office Director - Dr. Richard Beck