Combat Camera

Combat Camera is a low-density, high-demand force enabler composed of highly trained VI professionals prepared to deploy to the most austere operational environments at a moment's notice. Seasoned in the art of acquiring and using still and motion imagery, COMCAM forces provide the Secretary of Defense, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Combatant Commands, Joint Task Forces and Services a directed imagery capability to support operational planning, public affairs, information warfare, mission assessment, legal and countless other requirements during crises, contingencies and exercises around the globe.

COMCAM forces, in addition to receiving specialized MOS/NEC/AFSC training, also receive combat, weapons, aircraft safety and other special task training to prepare them for deployment and insertion into hostile and remote areas, and are ready to embed and operate with front-line and Special Operations forces.

Tasking Combat Camera

COMCAM forces, until placed under the operational or tactical control of deployed forces, belong to their particular Service. As such, tasking of COMCAM forces is controlled by the Services via the methods described in the links to the right. Prior to sending a tasking message, you should make verbal contact with the unit to discuss the type of support and timeframe support is needed. This should be done as soon as possible as the unit you are requesting assistance from may not be able to meet your needs, but can assist in finding other resources that can support your requirements. Verbal contact should not be considered as a commitment/agreement to provide support.

For additional information, contact the Joint Combat Camera Program Manager at:

Comm. (703) 697-0216, DSN: 227-0216

Defense Media Activity
Comm. (301) 222-6516
Cell: (703) 675-9732

COMCAM Support

Click the links below to learn how to task the individual services.


The worldwide Joint Combat Camera Planning Group is held twice a year, and provides a forum for key COMCAM leaders and force providers from Service components, combatant commands and COMCAM units to discuss, explore, develop, propose, and provide COMCAM and VI recommendations to the DMA and the ASD (PA).

Visit the JCCPG page
