
Beer Industry

Importing Beer

If you plan to import alcohol beverage products such as wine, beer, and liquor into the United States, Federal law requires that you have the proper permit. 

What You Must Do:

  • Complete TTB Form 5100.24, Application for Basic Permit.
  • Submit any other qualifying documents for each location where you plan to conduct business as an importer.
  • If you plan to be a wholesaler as well as an importer of beverage alcohol products, you must apply for both permits by checking the applicable boxes on the form. See instructions for completing TTB Form 5100.24.  A permit as an importer does not automatically allow you to conduct business as a wholesaler.

Our TTB Application Packets include a combination of required forms, and instructions along with tools and resources to aid you in filing a permit application. Please see the online packet for Alcohol Importers.

What TTB Will Do:

  • Review your application to be sure that certain requirements are met.
  • Perform background checks, verify source of funds, and inspect the business premises.
  • Process your application within 90 days.

To Learn More  

For more information regarding importing beer or any other alcohol beverage, please see our International Trade page, or go to:


You should direct any questions regarding the application process to the National Revenue Center (NRC) at 1-877-882-3277, via e-mail ttbimport@ttb.treas.gov, or write to:

National Revenue Center
550 Main Street, Room 8002
Cincinnati, OH 45202