Frequently Asked Questions about DISCO Webinars

What are DISCO webinars?
A series of live web events to address topics related to personnel security clearances for Industry.

Who can attend DISCO webinars?
DISCO webinars are intended for use by security specialists within the National Industrial Security Program.
The AskDISCO webinar is an opportunity for FSOs to get their questions answered. During the course of the webinar, if you have questions pertaining to a specific person which were not addressed through the call center or RRU process you may submit your question to Due to PII concerns, please provide the individual's EDI number and NOT the SSN.

How do I access AskDISCO Webinars?
AskDISCO webinars are hosted on the Defense Connect Online (DCO) and can be accessed from any computer with an Internet connection and Adobe's Flash Player.

AskDISCO website

Do you need a DCO account to access CDSE webinars?
NO. You do not need to register for a DCO account to attend a CDSE webinar. You may login as "Guest". You are encouraged to use a last name and to identify the affiliated organization or company (e.g., Doe – XYX Inc.) so as to facilitate collaboration and feedback during and after the webinar.

In advance of your webinar
Go to to test whether your computer and network connections are properly configured. Connection issues may require referral to your local organization's information technology support.

Please note: The Adobe Connect Add-In in part 4 of the connection test is not required for webinar guests. If all other parts of the Adobe Connect Connection Test are supported you should be able to access the CDSE webinar meetings on DCO. Any unresolved connection issues should be referred to your local information technology support.

Right before joining your webinar meeting
While not always necessary, some tips for maximizing the webinar connection performance include the following:

  • Closing all other open applications
  • Disabling popup blocking
  • Clearing the Internet browser's cache