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Warfighter Support 

May/June Pathfinder highlights warfighter support
January 4, 2012

SPRINGFIELD, Va. — The May/June 2012 issue of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency’s Pathfinder magazine, now available online at, highlights NGA’s role as both a Department of Defense combat support and an intelligence community agency providing geospatial intelligence to the military worldwide. Feature articles include:

    • “InnoVision Rallies Mission Partners, Codifies Mobile Application Standards”
    • “NGA’s Enduring Presence in Iraq”
    • “Air Force GEOINT Office Promotes Next Generation Intelligence Collaboration”
    • “Service NGA Support Teams Support the Line”
    • “Cuban Missile Crisis Marked Coming of Age”

NGA publishes the Pathfinder magazine bimonthly to promote public awareness and understanding of the geospatial intelligence discipline. Editors of other publications may reproduce articles from the Pathfinder in whole or in part without permission, unless stated otherwise. Please credit the author and NGA’s Pathfinder magazine.

Journalists interested in interviewing NGA subject matter experts on these and other geospatial intelligence topics should contact NGA public affairs at the above listed email or number.

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