DLAR 4540.8

AR 55-162


AFR 75-24

MCO 4643.5C



1 January 1979






This revision identifies changes in military organizations, defines special defense utilization of public highways, clarifies signing for convoy movements and removes redundancy between AR 55-152/OPNAVINST 4600.11C/AFR 75-24/MCO 4643.5B/DSAR 4540.8, Permits for Oversize, Overweight, or other Special Military Movements on Public Highways in the United States and AR 55-355/NAVSUPINST 4600.70/AFM 75-2/MCO P4600.14A/DLAR 4500.3, Military Traffic Management Regulation. Supplementation of this regulation is permitted but not required. If supplements are issued, Army staff agencies and major commands will furnish two copies of each to the Commander, Military Traffic Management Command, ATTN: MT-SA, WASH DC 20315. Other services/agencies will furnish one copy of each to the next higher headquarters for forwarding to MTMC through appropriate channels.



1. Purpose and scope. This regulation establishes procedures for evaluating requests and securing permits for the movement of military owned and operated vehicles, for commercial movements of military cargo exceeding legal weight or dimension limitations, and for other special commercial and military movements (including convoys) over public highways in the United States. This regulation applies to all Department of Defense (DOD) elements including the Army National Guard and Army Reserve units.

2. Authority. Authority is established by DOD Directive 5160.60 and AR 55-80/OPNAVINST 11210.1A/AFR 75-88/MCO 11210.2B/DLAR 4500.19, which assigns to the DOD executive agent and a designee the responsibility to ensure effective cooperation between DOD and State highway agencies in matters pertaining to special defense utilization of public highways.

3. Related regulations. a. The following regulations identify specific operational procedures related to the safe and efficient movement of military motor vehicles on public highways:

(1) AR 190-5/OPNAVINST 11200.5B/AFR 125-14/MCO 5110.1B/DLAR 5720.1, Motor Vehicle Traffic Supervision.

(2) AR 55-29, Military Convoy Operations in CONUS (applicable only to Department of the Army).

(3) AR 385-55, Prevention of Motor Vehicle Accidents (applicable only to Department of the Army).

b. The following regulations identify some general procedures for assuring that defense items are designed, engineered, and constructed so required quantities can be efficiently moved over available or planned transportation facilities; and for assuring that the safety and general well-being of the public are primary considerations in the research, development, and procurement of materiel, including oversize, overweight, or other special military items:

(1) AR 70-44/OPNAVINST 4600.22A/AFR 80-18/MCO 4610.14B/DLAR 4500.25, DOD Engineering for Transportability.

(2) AR 70-47, Engineering for Transportability (applicable only to Department of the Army.)

c. AR 55-355/NAVSUPINST 4600.70/AFM 75-2/MCO P4600.14A/DLAR 4500.3, Military Traffic Management Regulation, promulgates policy and procedures applicable to the performance of traffic management functions by the Military Services and other DOD components within the continental United States (CONUS), on shipments moving under GBL's and bills of lading convertible to GBL's.

4. Explanation of terms. For the purpose of this regulation, the following explanations apply:

a. "Vehicular movement" applies to the operation of motor vehicles, military or commercial, with or without load, engaged in the movement of military cargo or other cargo in military vehicles on roads, bridges, or other public highway facilities.

b. "Weight limitation" applies to axle loads and spacing, and to the gross load of a vehicle, or combination thereof.

c. "Dimension limitation" applies to the overall width, length, or height of a vehicle or combination of vehicles, or combination of vehicle and lading.

d. "Legal limitation" applies to statutory, administrative, or other regulations governing permissible length, width, height, loads, tire pressure, performance limits or other characteristics, for vehicles serving in regular operation. Regular operation does not include the operation of vehicles or combinations of vehicles in excess of legal limitations, which must be authorized by special permit issued by an appropriate civil authority.

e. "Permit" or "special permit" is a written authorization to move or operate on a highway a vehicle or vehicles with load of size, weight or other characteristics (such as hazardous materials shipments) exceeding the legal limitations prescribed for vehicles in regular operation and/or during restricted hours or on Saturdays, Sundays, or holidays.

f. "Cargo" applies to the item(s) or freight to be moved, including items on or in a vehicle, towed by a vehicle or a vehicle itself.

g. "Commercial carrier" includes common, contract, for-hire, and private carriers.

h. "Convoy" applies to the movement of any group of 6 or more vehicles temporarily organized to operate as a column, with or without escort, proceeding together under a single commander; or to the dispatching of 10 or more vehicles per hour to the same destination over the same route.

i. "Commercial shipment not on Government bill of lading (GBL) (SF 1103)" applies to a shipment such as "free on board" (f.o.b.) destination shipment, or a shipment between plants of contractors engaged in manufacturing for national defense.

j. "Highway movement essential to national defense" applies to essential cargo which cannot be reduced in size or weight, or moved by another mode of transportation, and which has been determined eligible for certification for highway movement in accordance with the provisions of this regulation.

k. "Essential cargo" is cargo essential for accomplishment of a military mission in accordance with the definition of mission--Essential Materiel specified in the Uniform Materiel Movement and Issue Priority System (UMMIPS), DOD Directive 4410.6, or cargo which is essential for prosecution of a war or for national survival in the survival period.

l. "Major Army Command" is a specifically designated Army field command directly subordinate to and established by the authority of Headquarters, Department of the Army. The term "major Army command" is used in preference to "major Army field command" (AR 310-25).

m. Special Defense utilization of public highways. Any Defense-related use of public highways bridges, and tunnels (including toll facilities) which exceeds any legal limitations, functional traffic capacity, or other design limitation; or which presents unusual hazards to other users thereof; or which requires unusual routing or priority of military vehicles or cargo.

5. Limitations. a. Limitations on the dimensions, weight, and/or other characteristics of vehicular movements over roads and bridges are necessary to assure safe passage, and prevent damage to highway facilities.

b. State laws provide that vehicles which exceed any legal limitations may not use public highways unless prior permission is granted by the state or states concerned.

c. Limitations on the dimensions and weight of vehicles using public highways are determined by each state and vary considerably for interstate movements (see directory listed in para 7a(2)).

d. Other limitations, including hours of movement per oversize/overweight or other shipments, which may subject highway users to unusual hazards, are also determined by each state and vary considerably among states and local jurisdictions. Such limitations are predicated on traffic congestion periods and hazardous operating conditions.

6. Policies. a. No vehicular movement that exceeds legal limitations or regulations, or that subjects highway users to unusual hazard, including movement of explosives or other dangerous cargo, will be made over public highways, bridges, and tunnels (including toll facilities) without prior permission from the state, local and/or toll authorities who directly control operation of such facilities, except under those circumstances cited in b. below.

b. Only under the following conditions may an emergency movement be made prior to receipt of permission, if the time required to obtain such permission would delay the accomplishment of a critical mission:

(1) When a theater of operations is established within CONUS;

(2) In the conduct of warfare prior to the establishment of a theater of operations;

(3) In response to significant hazards from accidents resulting from the movement of dangerous materiel; and

(4) In the conduct of emergency operations necessitated by civil disturbances or natural disasters. (In any of the critical conditions above, a commercial carrier may be reluctant to effect a movement which exceeds legal limitations without prior permission from civil authorities. In such instances every effort should be made to effect the movement with Government-owned, Government-operated and/or Government-leased equipment.)

c. Chapter 4.00, entitled "National Defense", of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials' Recommended Policy on Maximum Dimensions and Weights of Motor Vehicles to be Operated Over the Highways of the United States, indicates that for movements essential to national defense the DOD will be the sole certifying agency during peacetime for all movements by any national agency declared essential to the national defense. During a national emergency, movements essential to national defense would be far greater in scope, and those not under direct control of one of the military departments or DOD agencies would be certified by the appropriate emergency transportation authority.

7. Responsibilities. In addition to the general responsibilities which follow, some specific responsibilities are included in the codified procedures for each type of movement (para. 8, 9, and 10).

a. The Commander, Military Traffic Management Command (MTMC), is the designated DOD executive agent in public highway matters and will--

(1) Coordinate all highway policy and related matters, including special defense utilization of highway systems, and maintain liaison, including direct communication, with representatives of the Military Services, other DOD components, and appropriate civil authorities.

(2) Maintain a directory entitled "Directory of Department of Defense and State Officials Authorized to Request and Issue Permits for Oversize, Overweight or Other Special Military Movements on Public Highways." The directory is composed of the names of individuals in each state who will be contacted for permits, together with a list of officials within DOD who are authorized to request permits. Additionally, the directory contains guidelines on limitation on the dimensions and weights of vehicles using public highways. The Commander MTMC will furnish current copies of the directory to all officials listed.

(3) Take necessary action to resolve denial of permits including, when appropriate, coordination with the Director of Transportation and Warehousing Policy, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Manpower, Reserve Affairs & Logistics).

(4) Act as the sole DOD certifying and evaluating agent in arranging for permits for vehicular commercial movements of other national agencies, when requested to do so by those agencies (para 6c).

b. The MTMC area commanders will--

(1) Determine the military essentiality of a highway movement by commercial carrier based on appropriate declaration received from the cognizant shipper service and evaluate the capability of transportation modes, other than highway, to meet military requirements.

(2) Conduct primary liaison for these GBL movements with appropriate civil authorities and request necessary permits from state and/or other highway regulatory authorities when it has been determined that movement by highway is essential.

c. The Director of Army Transportation, Energy & Troop Support, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, as staff transportation officer for Headquarters, Department of the Army, will--

(1) Coordinate with the Commander, MTMC, the Army position concerning permit procedures and other highway utilization matters related to oversize, overweight, or other special Army movements on public highways in the United States.

(2) Exercise general staff supervision and perform such duties as may be required to ensure safe and efficient operation of Army vehicle movements.

d. The Commanding Generals, US Army Forces Command and US Army Training and Doctrine Command, will--

(1) When requested by installations within their respective cognizance, determine whether noncommercial movement by highway is essential to national defense and, if appropriate, furnish certification of essentiality to the requesting installation commander.

(2) Upon request of authorized MTMC representatives, assist in matters pertaining to commercial highway movements and all other matters pertaining to special defense utilization of public highways.

e. The Senior Army Commanders, Alaska and Hawaii; and the US Army Military District of Washington (MDW) will assist, upon request, authorized representatives of the respective military Services, MTMC, or other DOD components, Reserve units, and the National Guard of the several states and the District of Columbia in matters pertaining to special defense utilization of public highways.

f. The Senior Army Commanders, Alaska and Hawaii will also act as authorized representatives in securing permits from state and local authorities for all commercial movements not included in the provision of Military Traffic Management Regulation.

g. The Commander, US Army Materiel Development and Readiness Command, other major Army commanders, or, if appropriate, major Army subcommanders, will--

(1) When requested, within the areas of cognizance, determine whether noncommercial movement by highway is essential to national defense and, if appropriate, furnish certification of essentiality to the requesting installation commander.

(2) Upon request of authorized MTMC representatives, assist in matters pertaining to commercial highway movements and all other matters pertaining to special defense utilization of public highways.

h. The commanders of Army CONUS installations (except MDW) will--

(1) Conduct primary liaison with appropriate civil authorities to obtain permits required for noncommercial military movements originating within the logistical area of responsibility.

(2) When required, request certification of essentiality to national defense from the major Army commander or subcommander of the shipping activity; and, when received, present copies of such certification to state highway authorities.

i. The Military Services and other DOD components will--

(1) Coordinate with the Commander, MTMC, their respective positions concerning permit procedures and other highway special defense utilization matters.

(2) Keep the Commander, MTMC, advised of the officially designated representatives authorized to request permits and to certify military necessity of vehicular movements.

(3) Provide necessary justification and cargo essentiality data to appropriate MTMC area representatives when highway movements are to be made by commercial carrier.

8. Movements involving commercial carriers.

a. Procedures for movements on GBL and bills of lading convertible to GBL. See Military Traffic Management Regulation, AR 55-355/NAVSUPINST 4600.70/AFM 75-2/MCO P4600.14A/DLAR 4500.3.

b. Procedures for movements on f.o.b. destination and other non-GBL.

(1) When f.o.b. destination contractor movements or other non-GBL contractor movements are required, contractors and subcontractors have the responsibility to secure all necessary state and local clearances for transportation movements. Only in very unusual instances will such movements be referred to the Commander, MTMC, for assistance.

(2) Instances of unusual circumstances will be referred to MTMC by procurement or supply representatives responsible for oversize, overweight, or other unusual cargo, in accordance with paragraph 9 at least 5 to 8 days prior to shipment date. Such shipments will not be certified as essential until MTMC coordination has been accomplished in writing with the appropriate headquarters Military Service.

(3) Headquarters elements of the Military Service designated for coordination of non-GBL movements are identified in paragraph 10a. For Navy (excluding the Marine Corps) movements involving common or contract, e.g., for-hire carriers, the Field Operations Division (SUP 051), Naval Supply Systems Command, WASH DC 20376, is designated to act for Department of the Navy (less Marine Corps). Emergency situations requiring submission of information by telephone, as specified in paragraph 9, will be confirmed in writing as soon as possible. Noncompliance with this written confirmation clause will be resolved by the headquarters Military Service divisions or directorates named.

(4) F.O.B. destination and other non-GBL movements will be evaluated and certified by the MTMC area commanders. During the Headquarters Military Service coordination, the MTMC area representatives may screen the request and conduct necessary traffic management analyses of proposed shipment.

9. Information to be furnished with request for MTMC assistance for certification of essentiality of highway movements. a. General.

(1) Reasons why defense requirements cannot be met by use of any other mode of transportation.

(2) Shipping characteristics and additional cost if size and/or weight of the vehicles and/or load can be reduced. Enough cost data will be presented so that MTMC can conduct an economic analysis, if necessary, to use in supporting the national defense requirement.

(3) Reasons why the size and/or overweight, of the vehicle and/or load cannot be reduced.

(4) Impact if requested due-date at destination is not met.

(5) Comments of designated Military Service transportability agents, if appropriate.

(6) Any general information considered helpful for MTMC support of the movement.

b. Supporting data. Type of equipment or cargo (within security limitations) with name and overall weight and dimensions of commodity, manufacturer's name, and pertinent accessories; gross weight, axleloads and spacing; and height, width, and length of loaded and unloaded vehicles. (See Section IV of Chapter 203 of the Military Traffic Management Regulation).

c. Origin, destination, and proposed date and time of movement.

10. Movements involving other than commercial carriers. a. The following DOD elements are authorized to act as representatives of their respective services in securing permits for vehicular movements involving other than commercial carriers. These authorized military representatives will determine whether or not highway movement is essential to national defense and will, when appropriate, make all necessary requests and certifications to the state authorities involved.

(1) Army.

(a) The Senior Army Commanders, Alaska and Hawaii, and MDW. For movements in the States of Alaska and Hawaii, the Senior Army Commanders, Alaska and Hawaii respectively, will act as authorized representatives in securing permits from state and local civil authorities, for both military vehicle movements and those commercial carrier movements not included in the provisions of Military Traffic Management Regulation.

(b) Commanders of Army CONUS installations. Certifications of essentiality to national defense require approval of the major Army commander or subordinate in accordance with paragraphs 7d(1), 7g(1), and 7h(2).

(c) State Adjutants General for National Guard units.

(2) Navy. For movements involving private carriers (including government owned or leased vehicles) or convoys: Naval Training Branch, Southern Division, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Naval Air Station, Pensacola, FL 32508; and each Director, Transportation Division, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, located at: Atlanta Division, Norfolk, VA 23511; Pacific Division, FPO San Francisco, CA 96610; Chesapeake Division, WASH DC 20390; and Western Division, San Bruno, CA 94066.

(3) Air Force. Director of Transportation, Headquarters, Department of the Air Force, WASH DC 20330; Director of Transportation, Headquarters, Air Force Systems Command, Andrews Air Force Base, WASH DC 20331; Aeronautical Systems Division, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH 45433; Electronics Systems Division, L. G. Hanscom Field, MA 01730; Space and Missile Systems Organization (SAMSO), Air Force Unit Post Office, Los Angeles, CA 90045; and each Directorate of Distribution, Air Force Logistics Command, located at: Warner-Robins Air Logistics Center, Robins Air Force Base, GA 31093; Sacramento Air Logistics Center, McClellan Air Force Base, CA 95652; San Antonio Air Logistics Center, Kelly Air Force Base, TX 78241; Oklahoma City Air Logistics Center, Tinker Air Force Base, OK 73145; Ogden Air Logistics Center, Hill Air Force Base, UT 84401. (For states served by these Air Logistics Centers see para 38-3, AFM 75-1.)

(4) Marine Corps. Commandant, US Marine Corps (LFT) WASH DC 20380; and each Traffic Management Officer located at: Marine Corps Development and Education Command, Quantico, VA 22134; Marine Corps Base, Camp Lejeune, NC 28542; Marine Corps Logistics Support Base, Atlantic, Albany, GA 31704; Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton, CA 92055; and Marine Corps Logistics Support Base, Pacific, Barstow, CA 92311; and for the Marine Corps Reserve, Traffic Management Officer, 4th Marine Division, FMF USMCR 4400 Dauphine Street, New Orleans, LA 70146.

(5) Defense Logistics Agency. Director, Logistics Agency, Cameron Station, Alexandria, VA 22314.

b. The above designated representatives will coordinate and arrange for formal agreements, including certifications with state and local civil authorities, for recurring oversize, overweight, or other special movements of military owned and operated vehicles within a limited area. Upon completion of agreements, the local military representatives will notify the civil authorities when an authorized movement is to be made and obtain the necessary permits. A copy of the agreements will be furnished to the local military and state officials and to the Commander, MTMC, ATTN: MT-SA, WASH DC 20315; to Headquarters, Naval Facilities Engineer Maintenance Management Division, (Code 064) Alexandria, VA 22332, for Navy agreements; to the Commandant, US Marine Corps, ATTN: LFT, WASH, DC 20380, for Marine Corps agreements; to the Director of Transportation, ATTN: LGTN, Headquarters, US Air Force, WASH DC 20330, for Air Force agreements; and to the Director, Defense Logistics Agency, Cameron Station, Alexandria, VA 22314, for DLA agreements.

c. When a permit is required for a DOD movement by noncommercial carrier, the shipping activity will furnish to the appropriate authorized military representative (a above) a completed DD Form 1265 (Request for Convoy Clearance) and/or DD Form 1266 (Request for Special Hauling Permit) on the desired vehicular movement. Completed DD Forms 1265 and 1266 will furnish all information normally required for the appropriate authorized military representative to negotiate with the designated state representative for a permit. In addition, reasons will be given as to why any oversize or overweight vehicle and/or load cannot be reduced, and why another mode of transportation is not feasible. Required data will be furnished direct to the appropriate military representative. Urgent requests by electrical means of communication other than message will be confirmed in writing. Requests by electrical means will submit information in the numerical order shown on DD Forms 1265 and 1266.

d. Authorized military representatives will, when contacting the state representatives in reference to an oversize, overweight, or other special vehicular movement, furnish information necessary to make a reasonable evaluation of the effects of the movement on the highway facilities involved. The information will be forwarded to the appropriate state representative at least 5 to 8 working days before the anticipated movement date, so as to provide adequate time for the state to make a thorough evaluation of routes and/or structures being traversed. The information furnished will include, but not be limited to the following:

(1) Type of equipment, with the manufacturer's name if available, and pertinent accessories; gross weight; axle or track loads and spacing; and height, width, and length of loaded and unloaded vehicle.

(2) Origin and destination of movement.

(3) Proposed date and time of movement.

(4) Nature of cargo (within security limitations).

e. If state authorities require that a defense highway movement by noncommercial carrier be certified as essential to national defense, the appropriate military representative (a above) will make such determination based on information supplied by the shipping activity. Normally, the information required in paragraph 9 for a commercial movement is sufficient for such a determination on a noncommercial movement. In general, defense highway movements will not be determined essential solely as a matter of convenience. These movements will be determined essential only after a clear detrimental effect on an essential defense activity has been established if movement by highway is not accomplished.

f. If movement of oversize or overweight military owned and operated vehicles by highway is in the interest of national defense, but cannot necessarily be certified as being essential to national defense, the designated military representatives may discuss the matter with designated state representatives concerned. If a permit is approved by the state issuing authority without regard to military essentiality of the movement, it will be accepted by the military representatives as evidence that such movement in the state of issue is within the provisions of the laws of such state governing civilian cargo movements.

11. Convoys. Unless prohibited by state or local law, the following procedures will be implemented by all DOD components, (Department of the Army will act in accordance with AR 55-29) to facilitate convoy permit approval by state representatives.

a. To ensure maximum visibility convoy vehicles will use the headlights while moving on highways or halted on the shoulders. In addition, other precautionary measures that may be required by state or local authorities will be complied with.

b. While moving at night or during periods of reduced visibility, lead and rear convoy vehicles, and those oversize and overweight vehicles separated from the main body and moving by infiltration, will operate 4-way flashers.

c. While operating at night or during reduced periods of visibility, convoy vehicles will display an "L" shaped symbol composed of a vertical strip, 12 inches long and 2 inches wide, and a horizontal strip, 12 inches long and 2 inches wide, of red retroreflective paint, tape, or other reflective material placed at the lower corners of the vehicles (fig. 1).

d. Lead and rear convoy vehicles will display warning signs reading "CONVOY FOLLOWS" and "CONVOY AHEAD" (fig. 2). Signs prepared in this manner will provide a high visual signal to approaching vehicle operators, both day and night. Convoy signs may be applied to unpainted aluminum exterior grade plywood, or galvanized steel, and will be designed and prepared in accordance with the following:

(1) Legend of "CONVOY FOLLOWS" will be 8 inches by 50 inches with a 3/8-inch-wide border inserted 3/8 inch from the sign's edge. The legend will be 4 inches high, on one line.

(2) Legend with "CONVOY AHEAD" will be 16 inches by 50 inches with a 3/8-inch-wide border inserted 3/8 inch from the sign's edge. Legend will be 5 inches high, on two lines.

(3) Reflective paint used will meet General Services Administration specifications.

(4) Both sizes of signs will have the same color combination. Background for signs will be yellow reflex-reflective paint or sheeting. Legend and sign border will be black nonreflective material with opaque inks compatible with base material.

e. If the convoy commander's vehicle is other than the lead or rear vehicle, it should display signs front and back reading "CONVOY COMMANDER" in accordance with provisions similar to paragraphs d(1) and d(2) above (see fig. 3). The signs will be prepared in accordance with paragraphs d(3) and d(4) above.

f. Convoy vehicles will operate so that interference with normal flow of traffic is minimized. When possible, convoys and oversize/overweight vehicles will avoid metropolitan areas during morning and evening peak traffic periods, or during other traffic periods specified by highway authorities. Use of available belt routes is encouraged.

g. Military vehicles moving on controlled access highways will maintain (be capable of maintaining) the posted minimum speed, or 40 m.p.h. if not posted. Vehicles which cannot maintain the posted minimum speed will be routed over an alternate noncontrolled access road.

12. Records. Records of all negotiations with state representatives in connection with permits will be maintained by each authorized representative of the respective services and by MTMC.

The office of primary interest in this joint publication is the Military Traffic Management Command. Users are invited to send comments and suggested improvements to Commander, Military Traffic Management Command, ATTN: MTMC-SA, WASH DC 20315. Army users will use DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms).

By Order of the Secretaries of the Army, the Navy, and the Air Force, and the Director, Defense Logistics Agency:


General, United States Army


Chief of Staff

J.C. PENNINGTON Brigadier General, United States Army The Adjutant General


Rear Admiral, United States Navy

Assistant Vice Chief of Naval Operations/

Director of Naval Administration



Chief of Staff

VAN L. CRAWFORD, JR., Colonel, USAF Director of Administration

H. A. HATCH Major General, U.S. Marine Corps Deputy Chief of Staff for Installations and Logistics


Colonel, USA

Staff Director, Administration, DLA

DISTRIBUTION: Army: Active Army, ARNG, USAR: To be distributed in accordance with DA Form 12-9A requirements for AR, Transportation and Travel--C. Navy: Copy to: (copies as indicated) SNDL A1 (ASN) (MRA&L only) (2) A2A (Comptroller of the Navy, only) (3) A5 (Bureaus) (2) B5 (Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard, only) (2) 21A (Fleet Commanders in Chief) (2) 22 (Fleet Commanders) (2) 23 (Force Commanders) (1) 24 (Type Commanders) (1) 26 (Special Commands, Groups, Units) 26C, 26F, 26L, 26V, 26W, 26GG, 26WW only, (1) 41A (Commander, MSC) (2) FD1 (OCEANAV) (2) FD2 (Commander, Naval Oceanographic Office) (2) FE1 (Commander, Naval Security Group) (2) FG1 (Telecommunications Command) (2) FR1 (Chief of Naval Reserve) (4) FS1 (Naval Intelligence Command) (2) FT1 (Chief of Naval Education and Training) (2) FT2 (Chief of Naval Air Training) (2) OP's 09B, 09B1, 09B2, 090, 92, 04, 40, 41, 43, 44, 50, 51, 06, 60, 61, 63, 094 (only) (1) Stocked: CO, NAVPUBFORMCEN 5801 Tabor Ave Phila., PA 19120 (1000 copies) Air Force: F Marine Corps: MARCORPS CODE: HW3 Copy to: 8145001 Defense Logistics Agency: 2

         Purpose and scope___________________________      1 
         Authority___________________________________      2 
         Related regulations_________________________      3 
         Explanation of terms________________________      4 
         Limitations_________________________________      5 
         Policies____________________________________      6 
         Responsibilities____________________________      7 
         Movements involving commercial carriers_____      8 
         Information to be furnished with request for MTMC 
           assistance for certification of 
           essentiality of highway movements_________      9 
         Movements involving other than commercial 
           carriers__________________________________     10 
         Convoys_____________________________________     11 
         Records_____________________________________     12